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Posts posted by JamAnime

  1. The maker of this thread should be responsible for this, that being @Shared-NW.  I was the original TS maker of the Special Limited Offer one, that is what I did.  Then others helped. Now, not many respond about deals. I don't think many want to put the wrong thing.


    4 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    The forum still forgetting to add offers here.  I do not see the previous offer. Adding this one


    Here is my opinion about this one, even though I am not active.  Frkn awesome deal.  Really is. Something I've never seen, that Alex would put. If you can aford it, get it. Save tokens...

  2. 36 minutes ago, Zylok said:

    So because of homework you forget to play raid, but you don't forget to play SM. WeirdChamp

    They got to blame it on something else. I was gonna reply something like that, yet I kept quiet.

    I was also gonna put down something that came to mind about this. It's a Judge Judy Episode where dad blames the school for sons failing grades, and gave his son a pellet gun for Christmas. If you want to watch it, Season 18 Episode 5.

  3. 13 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I  know there is few of them but those work when you are at low level account and leveling up but when get pass certain level the drop stop and I know this because happens to me in all my accounts. I just can't recall the spots. Then need to go to 1V1 OVERLORD INSANE or 2V2 OVERLORD HARD. Now, when I try 2V2 OD6 hard it does grant me FB's but I have bad luck not granting weapons just rare or common parts and also the rate of granting mix boxes it is lower so for me farming 2V2 OD hard is too costly in grants and takes too long so I just go to 1V1 OD6 for fast grinding due to lack of time to play the game. 

    Actually I am at work looking to the side to add the comment. No training today by surprise but test.

    If you are referring to the lvl they drop like crazy, then it was in lvl 70 for me. Any mission I did, I would get FBs. Once out of 70, they stopped.

  4. 5 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    yes, there are fortune boxes farming but at a higher level in 2v2 and last stage of 1V1 boss but if not wrong there are few positions in the normal 1V1 that granted fortune boxes. I know I did many times and got nice weapons on those days but I forgot. I know I added the information in the old forum comments. Maybe some players can remember at 1v1 normal or hard but I think was normal and if not wrong there are 2 spots for it. 

    I remember last boss in insane 1v1, the drop of Fortune Box is good.

  5. What happen was that you were asked do you want to activate the base or not. You didn't what was going on and activated it. That ended up taking away the silver boxes.  Yes you can request it here in the forum. takes a while.

  6. So, I just ask doki a simple question, when was his account or accounts made?  And most were made in 2019 and beginning 2020.  Opening one today is more time consuming. First you have base. That slows you down.  Second no item portals. Meaning the rate of getting an epic is very slim Now.  When a new item portal came, you also would get a lot of epic items. For noobs, it is more time consuming, though do able. So, making a new account, you have to keep the base to craft those epic items.  Depending on how old your acct is, it depends

  7. I read previous post about portals, and some were really just talking about bringing back portals with new Items. If I miss something, than sorry on the old ones.


    Since Alex is not really bringing new items, atm. Then he should add an item portal. Items that already exist.  To be specific, a certain item.  For instance, maybe a Nemo portal, or Annihilation portal, or some item that already exist in the game.  I'm referring to items that go all the way to mythical. Maybe once in a while a Legendary one.  Maybe have a Flaming Hammer portal.  Now the bad thing that should be replace is getting crappy stuff with that item.  Make it a portal with chance of that specific item and  Chance of a Gold Chest of maybe 10k - 30k gold, And some Upgrade Kits Common-Epic. 

    So Example: a portal for a Desolation.

    So say the chances of getting the Deso:

    - Deso is 20%

    - 30k Gold Chest 5%

    - 20k Gold Chest 10%

    - 10k GC is 15%

    - Epic Up Kit is 5%

    - Rare Kit 15%

    - Common Kit 30%


    This is what the reward the portal will provide.


    Also, regarding tokens for this portal, make it 5 on each Normal, hard, and insane. If it was added every week or two weeks then No Tokens Needed.  It really does not need to have 3 lvls. Maybe make it one portal lvl that is Hard. That Simple...

  8. 6 minutes ago, Chaos III said:

    What are the chances of someone getting good (rank 5 +) without being a p2w player?

    Chances are the same as a p2w, yet more dedication for a f2p.  Like @Zylok mention that it can take a year, or faster depending how dedicated you are.  I have two accounts also. One a p2w and the other a f2p.  The f2p is a rank 5-3. If I had stop playing, it be a rank 1 by now.  Like many know that I stop playing full. I only do certain things when bored. I do play in 1v1 week. Still, not fully active like I was before.

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