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Posts posted by JamAnime

  1. 15 hours ago, DragonsIayer said:

    Personally, I think the game is great, but I have some issues (not bugs or glitches). Some of these could be nitpicks,  but some might be issues that should probably be fixed.

    I am going to give my opinion on these three. Don't take them negatively. 😉

    11 hours ago, Exquisite Phosphorus said:

    1. No new weapons. (Nothing has really changed about the meta for the past several months.)

    Yes, there should be new weapons occasionally, yet over time that sets a wall there.  The wall of old items being out of date, player inventory limit, to another huge change. I'm not getting into details there, but there can be other things that can replace this.

    12 hours ago, Exquisite Phosphorus said:

    2. We aren’t allowed to see drop rates. (This one is mostly a nitpick, but it would be nice)

    I doubt they would do this. I play another game that does not give drop rates. It just lets you know what you can get in a pack.  That is another idea that Alex could add. Epic Weapon pack, leg pack torso pack that cost tokens.

    15 hours ago, DragonsIayer said:

    3. No extraordinary events outside of holidays. (I don’t have anything to say here)

    Yea, that ended in February, I believe.  He could just do an old weapon Hunt portal.  Do it one day weekly.  Like a "NEMO" portal for once a week. If Alex did this, then it benefit in getting rid of silver boxes.

  2. 3 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    Yesterday, i opened 3 silver boxes to get 9 commons.

    After that, i opened 11 normal boxes and got 4 epics in a row. (what are the chances of that actually lmao)

    But it kinda disappoints me that the silver boxes are just normal boxes with a different look. So i made this topic

    Just imagine for a second, what if the silver boxes were replaced with normal boxes? It wouldnt be a big of a difference right? 

    What im trying to say it, silver boxes are THE EXACT SAME of normal boxes. Just the image is cooler. 

    If silver box was actually special by itself and wasnt the same as a normal box, the drops would have been better. It would be different than the normal box.

    This raises the question. What can we do to increase the value of silver boxes?

    Well we can:

    -Make them only drop rare and epic items.

    -Make normal boxes not drop epic (kinda bad option but still makes silver boxel special.)

    -Make silver boxes' epic chance higher.

    -Make silver boxes drop legendaries with a very low chance. (Idk if this is good.)

    Should silver boxes get a buff? Let me know in the replies.

    Important side note: Yes, i know you can buy them from the shop its the only "difference" between it. What im trying to say is, you are basically buying normal boxes without doing campaigns. The drops are the exact same.

    Silver Boxes need to be change, especially for base users. Once you apply base, you don't get them anymore, except when the day arrives to receive them on your day reward.  So, it should only be epic-myth. No point of getting them, when they are trash for base users.

  3. On 9/1/2021 at 4:05 PM, iSwarky said:

    Personally my #1 request would be auto farming on campaign. Most of the community wants this feature simply because its very small and incredibly useful. To be honest, i can see this feature coming in the next updates.

    I agree with that. The game is slower, after it went off line. Farming takes forever.  I might be a little more active if this were to be better.


    15 hours ago, Chicken Dinx said:

    Recycle/Trade System

    • Examples...
      • Recycle/trade a mythic item for 3 transform relics
      • Recycle/trade legendary items for tokens
      • Recycle a divine item to mythic level 50 to regain some or most of the ascension relics that were used to divine it (i.e., in the case of item changes (i.e., monkeys))


    For sure on recycle. I want to get rid of useless junk that I maxed, yet there is no benefit to use them on upgrading other items.


    Another feature should add more benefits to having a prime acct.  It has been the same through out the game. No change in that, unless I missed something.


    Make upgrading easier and faster. It is freakn time consuming in upgrading. That is another reason, many new player try out the game, and don't stay.


    Make opening regular boxes easier.  If you have 100 or more, give the option to open 5 or more. Opening one box at a time is another time consuming.  (For me, when I begin to open about 10, the time slows down. I have to reload the game to do it fast.

  4. 18 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    What the heck, everyone knows who are you around and how powerful are you as player and account wise. Those clan 5 wins and war and titan can add your acc a decent move without pressure. Get in. 

    They know me in my main acct JamAnime, yet most don't recognize my 2nd acct. Some might know it, yet I doubt many remember.

  5. 22 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    try to join back. I will talk to them. Ok to de-rank and no issues on that. We do always that for test and some because 3v3 for them is hard not having full power to have more consistent wins so need to play a hell a lot more to get the wins. 

    If you look carefully, you will see 3 season top players playing at low rank right now and if you see my accounts are in R7-R8 testing parts under development. Now, we rank up to top position fast for war so we move to top 10. 

    If you can provide the basics give me your acc name to avoid issues. 

    No thanks bro. I'm just gonna do the same thing, and not play as I was before. Just play when I'm bored.  I was thinking of just doing 5 a day, yet being kicked maid me realized to not do that.

  6. 4 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

    I was in the clan for only 5 minutes...


    7 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    WTF. When that happen? 5mins. I do not get it. If the clan was transfering  recently the leadership to current leader I know they remove few members for a moment and to get them back. What happen is that the previous leader left the clan not in a proper way to do proper transfer so the clan had to do movements to get the right person. I had no idea what happen on those moments and I had to ask later WTF going on. 

    Right now we have open space and clan is open I think for consistent player. That not mean full rank but consistent. The clan wins base with current leader will be taken in consideration. Titan need to be fought and tickets all depend time zone when can get it. 

    Player of low power for war can't enter to war at this point. 

    Check CANDELA INC thread and check the basics. Rank all depend so if is below R4 but do basics the member should be ok.

    Well, It was this afternoon.  I read in the clan chat that players were de-ranking. That's why the clan was in a bad rank.  Then I saw you in the clan, and was like cool.  After 3 battles, I was kicked.

  7. 49 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    How long ago you were kicked from CANDELA?

    Hmm, I will say if the player it is not that active current new leader old clan member yes will remove players regardless RANK. I have seen before R1 all seasons been remove. Some top players that play every day but low wins due to adapted to top clan for AP and not that high wins sometimes come to the clan to get rewards seating there. The clan does not work in that way. The clan play for wins, titan, tickets and war and AP does not matter except when we goes for war.  

    The clan core members focus on that. 

    I am not saying anything bad about you. I just want to understand what happen and how long ago. 

    In the clan past used to remove more often players not doing basics. Recently we kept some around giving opportunity for progress and provide basics. Some of them were not doing the basic but getting nice rewards when core members where doing the big job which is unfair because the core members help a lot in all aspects plus power.

    Some others were really great and progressed their accounts then left us to higher ground looking for medals and of course there is nothing wrong on that. 

    We have for example a former low ranker R9-R8 but commit to the basics for tickets, titan and win. He does his work always now playing as power can allow even reaching R3 in some seasons.

    The issue sometimes come because some players come and do great one season or 2 then start to slack and have to remind them to do basics. 

    In my side of the equation, I like clan members stability who really want to be long term in the clan  but the clan direction and the clan identity is base on those aspects for rewards. I will like to have others former members back in the clan but sometimes missed some basics and of course core members will get a bit uneasy. 

    I am will say in some ways one of the lower contributor to the clan on wins. I was asked to support clan by original leaders and old members keeping a R4-R3 as base and do the basic with my low wins and I requested clan to accept or not because I do not like to take advantage of others players hard work and prefer to play solo as always been due to in reality I can't compromise to clans except to my ways and what I can offer take it or not. 

    I am a busy man in real life not having in reality time to play this game but I do what I can on my breaks and sometimes waiting for somethings at work. 

    Why I have survive in the clan so far? Wins? No, I survive in the clan because I am consistent getting tickets, doing war getting good numbers there, always fight the titan and do play 5 wins everyday. When I have the right opportunity I do increase wins base and when I can't I communicate all the time. I pay attention to the clan everyday and remind the members when are too behind on basics. I protect members as best I can to keep them but it is on them to decide basics and to properly communicate to the clan to avoid a removal. 

    When clan is been in the trouble moments I stay and added another account and support that account as is a different team member and many time I complete full requirement on both about wins wise or surpass them or go to the bare minimal but the rest is covered without misses.  

    I have never missed a single day of play day since account was opened. 

    I am not a top player but I am focus to develop my accounts as best I can. 

    Can I really be CANDELA member at the clan basic play level? No. It is a clan for high power, high wins of course rank generally speaking. Now, opportunities for lower ranks can be there if the player is consistent on basics. 


    I am more belong to a clan that make 1000 and 2000 wins per season and fully consistent on war, tickets, titan not failing on those basics. I can't provide rank number because I play at all ranks according what I want and can do at the moment due to time limitation. I will never become a top player just average regardless account increasing in power because still base on time I can play and constant interruptions when I play and lack of focus during the fights. 

    If you were removed, that is sad you been a great player. I miss others too. 🥴


    I was in the clan for only 5 minutes... I thought I would start with 5 wins. I was on my 3rd win, when kicked. That gave me the answer to don't even try to fully come back.


  8. I have not been playing much, until recently.  I play a few time a week when I am really bored.  I am not that active, though interesting thing is that my 2nd acct gets kicked out in almost every clan it joined.  It is in high ranks.  The last clan that kicked it out was Candela inc, I believe that is @OKI DOKI clan.  I wonder if I change the acct name, it would stay. lol

  9. I was gonna ignore this post, yet I though why not. Here is my opinion.

    31 minutes ago, Jajcyn420 said:

    Main theme: smcoverfin.mp3

    Don't like this one

    31 minutes ago, Jajcyn420 said:

    Short circuit: shortcircfin.png.mp3

    This one is okay.

    31 minutes ago, Jajcyn420 said:

    Casual battle:uCasBatfin.mp3
    Enthralling Evening: u.enthraleve.mp3

    These two are my favorite.


    Keep the others coming...

  10. 3 hours ago, PeppCake said:

    i mean is this in Super Mech?

    That forum was the original SM forum. It was connected to SM game accts. I'm pretty sure that It is connected to the game, today.  I did that in last October, or towards the end of the year.


    If you want to know if it will work for sure, make another acct, to see if is link to that forum, and try it out.

  11. 2 hours ago, Professional Failure said:

    Back by unpopular demand: me!
    Took a brief detour to finish my dual UPC build, but I finished up Nightmares. Siths are next.

    That is too many of the same torso.  You should have 3 at Max of the same, since there are only 3v3 battles.  Waste of gold, items sacrifices, and other time.  Though, you do what you want.

  12. 57 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

    As a guy who has 3.5 mil coins usually, i dont really need this much gold. I use it for crafting and upgrading but it just piles up.

    So i thought of this idea. I dont really need much gold i care about the experience more. 

    Buying fuel isnt gonna be a cycle btw. For example: (lets say you have a 70 fuel cap)

    Playing 7 matches of OD6 insane gives like 70k coins. So refueling the entire thing would cost more than 70k coins. Think of it as spending coins to get more exp.

    This might not relate to some people but this relates to me.

    Btw this is my first time making a poll so some things might not be correct.

    You shouldn't have to pay for fuel, period.  It was the other way around when I first played SM.  You needed fuel to do the arena, and no fuel in campaign.  I think you got a max of 20 fuel. Then it reloaded 1 after so many minutes.

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