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Help on my energy free physical build?


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Sacrifice Cannon costs energy, I think it would be better to replace it with another Armour Annihilator (if you have one atleast).
If you don't have one you could replace the resistance mods with Fortresses (if you have those spare that is).

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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1 hour ago, Turtle said:

I assume you just don't have massive stone feet yet? 

I do, I have every leg except another claw.


11 minutes ago, Zylok said:

Sacrifice Cannon costs energy, I think it would be better to replace it with another Armour Annihilator (if you have one atleast).
If you don't have one you could replace the resistance mods with Fortresses (if you have those spare that is).

I don't have those.

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It can be used on energy free builds, as long as it doesn't encounter energy

3 minutes ago, Shoultz262 said:

I don't have another plat or the phys res module. Also, cockpit is kind of useless on a energy free physical build.

also sorry, I thought I saw a phys module

Clan: Goodbye To A World

epicspeedster, SpeedMachine

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6 minutes ago, epicspeedster said:

It can be used on energy free builds, as long as it doesn't encounter energy

also sorry, I thought I saw a phys module

Yes, but it's useless in most cases. And I want a build that's good against energy mechs as well, or I might as well play a counter.

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I didn’t quite read thru this entire thing but one anni is enough for this build. They’re heavy enough already. Then put on a second armour breaker and phys legs. Also heat res is super important since that mech is naturally geared towards fighting heat so I’d put on a heat res mod. (The current best version of this meta also only uses 2 cooling mass boosters)

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8 minutes ago, BossParody said:

I didn’t quite read thru this entire thing but one anni is enough for this build. They’re heavy enough already. Then put on a second armour breaker and phys legs. Also heat res is super important since that mech is naturally geared towards fighting heat so I’d put on a heat res mod. (The current best version of this meta also only uses 2 cooling mass boosters)

Would this be better? I don't have another armor breaker.


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Yeah much better bro but I’d switch the heat engine for a physical res mod. That will give it 272 cool when divine which is enough to effectively fight all mechs except cooling damage mechs. Also if you have plat plates use them. Without plates a phys mech still may shred thru it but honestly it’s looking good! Remember if ur fighting energy to use your sac cannons ASAP if possible

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9 minutes ago, BossParody said:

Yeah much better bro but I’d switch the heat engine for a physical res mod. That will give it 272 cool when divine which is enough to effectively fight all mechs except cooling damage mechs. Also if you have plat plates use them. Without plates a phys mech still may shred thru it but honestly it’s looking good! Remember if ur fighting energy to use your sac cannons ASAP if possible

Yeah, thanks. I don't have phys res or other plat plates, so this is the best I can do.

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2 minutes ago, Shoultz262 said:

Yeah, thanks. I don't have phys res or other plat plates, so this is the best I can do.

If you’d like to test it against phys right now I have time. I’ll use a rounder

2 minutes ago, Shoultz262 said:

Yeah, thanks. I don't have phys res or other plat plates, so this is the best I can do.


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