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I Should've Probably Done This Upon Arriving But Alright


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Who am I?

It's simple. I'm Whiteout.

I was from the old forums and I've been here for a short while now.

You guys already know my story because of how many times I keep talking about it.

Will I ever shut up about said story? Probably not.

Am I good with conversations? More or less.

Am I still here? Yes.

With that out of the way, I am here.


... That's it. Really, that is it. I don't have anything new to add. Were you expecting to see something great or innovative? Well, you placed your expectations a tad bit too high.

Alright, thank you for joining my ted talk... Now begone and do something with the remaining time that you may have before you regret the time you spent on reading this far into the topic.


Seriously, just stop. There's nothing left. Quit reading immediately because the rest of this topic is pointless filler. If you're really gonna keep reading, at least read the first few lines because those lines have more value than whatever lies down here. ... Are you still reading? Why are you still reading this? Do you seriously want me to go further into my background? Why? Considering the amount of old forum users that have moved onto here, you should already know my backstory... So you don't need to read a whole topic just to see something that's been repeated multiple times on the old forums.













... Still not done? Really?













Getting bored?



































































Could you please stop reading? I said the magic word so that means you HAVE to stop reading now.














I'm really being serious, there's nothing left for me to talk about....






















Alright, if you want backstory, I'll give you a backstory.









Once upon a time, there was a dude name Whiteout.











That's it. Now, begone.


If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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2 hours ago, DragonsIayer said:

Fantastic story

Thank you. This is my best Nobel performance since the Chernobyl joke of Old Forums.


2 hours ago, Liam.M.Lucas_2020 said:

Would it count as harrassment if I kept reading?

Depends on how close you're standing to court marshallin' distance.

1 hour ago, Ad1tya said:

You need to be really depressed to type that out

Bored. Depressed. It feels the same, either way.

But let me tell you about how mix boxes are common item portals.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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