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O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little


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On 2/14/2023 at 10:38 AM, Zylok said:

Great to see you after a while again OKI! Best of luck with your life and what the future will bring!


I have retired for now. I am not abandoning the game but due to work things right now, I can't play as I used to play even partially like the past year just few wins around mostly days off but trying to get at least 35 and some R3. I will come back at some point to play partially but I do not know when I will be able to do it. I will keep reading time to time the forum comments and give some likes. Sadly, I can't drain them giving them away every day as I used to. 

I asked the kids to join but they have their own accounts and do not want to invest more time playing my accounts having other games they like to play. They are actually R1 when they like. They are by mood players and play low or high. 😔 I hope at least they can add some farming even do not play wins to keep a little of progress. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Pilots- 

How are you? 

I am kind of ok better than last week dealing with my parent's health. It is hard to deal with because they live in the other side of the country thousands of miles away. Anyway, they are a little bit better. 

About the game....

As many know already, I have been retired since the end of last November. Sad moments but work pays my bills specially of my wife because my wife own my paycheck. 😭I work and she spend. Great combo MECH. 🤣

Last time I updated, my kids started to play a bit the accounts OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM even the accounts were idle for months. The progress has been very slow since then, but I am happy that my kids started to farm the accounts. Sadly, they do not want to join clans for now. Looks like they no want clan drama of be compromise on anything not even to help me. You know that rebellious age that comes close to teenage age. They have their own stuff to do and the days to be daddy SUPER HERO 350229214dd2c468da9dfaadf3142bdf.gif&ehk

now they starting to ignore me a bit and I starting to feel like tumblr_nxir587H221qlr8pbo1_500.gifv&ehk=

and when I talk to them is like 8=

Anyway, I am happy that they are farming now and if very helpful for the account. No TITAN for now because too many tickets to collect and waiting to the titan assignment drop more. Previous were 7 stars now to 3 starts but still over 700 tickets. Ridiculous....

They play RAID but they miss some on and off weeks. At least they collect something.  

They were asking to open boxes and because I never let them do it, this time I let them open some but to not let drop from 500 in OKI or O.D. FARM but they did it on O.D. FARM forgetting about it. I was not that happy but ok to let it go for their own fun. 

Sadly, they created a mess in both accounts with parts and I had to clean up the mess to get back a bit in order. They had really bad luck on O.D.FARM and some few parts ok in OKI. Just few the rest just meat. 

I will update the accounts in both sides with same comments but different pictures of the inventory. I am tired to make different comments right now. 

OK, Let see what we have here...... 

Gold is currently increasing and my goal it is, if possible, is to get into the 300 million and 300 parts in both accounts by the end of the year. I am not sure if O.D. will be able to get there but OKI is very close to achieving that. 


Nothing is going on in the BASE


I decided to create OKI and O.D.FARM their own independent clans like used to be. Back to solo original flags and clan names. I just added the version 5.0. I did it in case they decide to play TITAN.  




It is sad to see clan coins in the same state since my last time I played TITAN. 


I still have some boxes around to later on open. Maybe I will let the kids to open them.


I wish I can use those coins in new items or to enhance current ones. 


Ok, let see the inventory. 









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Every child has to grow up but don't stop loving them, because they will know who to turn to when they need you most.

On 4/26/2023 at 1:07 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots- 

How are you? 

I am kind of ok better than last week dealing with my parent's health. It is hard to deal with because they live in the other side of the country thousands of miles away. Anyway, they are a little bit better. 

About the game....

As many know already, I have been retired since the end of last November. Sad moments but work pays my bills specially of my wife because my wife own my paycheck. 😭I work and she spend. Great combo MECH. 🤣

Last time I updated, my kids started to play a bit the accounts OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM even the accounts were idle for months. The progress has been very slow since then, but I am happy that my kids started to farm the accounts. Sadly, they do not want to join clans for now. Looks like they no want clan drama of be compromise on anything not even to help me. You know that rebellious age that comes close to teenage age. They have their own stuff to do and the days to be daddy SUPER HERO 350229214dd2c468da9dfaadf3142bdf.gif&ehk

now they starting to ignore me a bit and I starting to feel like tumblr_nxir587H221qlr8pbo1_500.gifv&ehk=

and when I talk to them is like 8=

Anyway, I am happy that they are farming now and if very helpful for the account. No TITAN for now because too many tickets to collect and waiting to the titan assignment drop more. Previous were 7 stars now to 3 starts but still over 700 tickets. Ridiculous....

They play RAID but they miss some on and off weeks. At least they collect something.  

They were asking to open boxes and because I never let them do it, this time I let them open some but to not let drop from 500 in OKI or O.D. FARM but they did it on O.D. FARM forgetting about it. I was not that happy but ok to let it go for their own fun. 

Sadly, they created a mess in both accounts with parts and I had to clean up the mess to get back a bit in order. They had really bad luck on O.D.FARM and some few parts ok in OKI. Just few the rest just meat. 

I will update the accounts in both sides with same comments but different pictures of the inventory. I am tired to make different comments right now. 

OK, Let see what we have here...... 

Gold is currently increasing and my goal it is, if possible, is to get into the 300 million and 300 parts in both accounts by the end of the year. I am not sure if O.D. will be able to get there but OKI is very close to achieving that. 


Nothing is going on in the BASE


I decided to create OKI and O.D.FARM their own independent clans like used to be. Back to solo original flags and clan names. I just added the version 5.0. I did it in case they decide to play TITAN.  




It is sad to see clan coins in the same state since my last time I played TITAN. 


I still have some boxes around to later on open. Maybe I will let the kids to open them.


I wish I can use those coins in new items or to enhance current ones. 


Ok, let see the inventory. 










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your missing:

side weapons:


sorrow, overcooking oven, misguided rocket battery

physical: ejection blast

energy: NONE!



1 rusty energy armor

all cyber stuff but they eh

3 sabertooth

none premium:

1 windigo

3 of the common to mythic heads for phyz elec and heat

1 of each battery armor


2 recoil stompers

2 dynamite boots

1 energy c - m

2 heat c - m

1 phys c - m

top weapons:

ONLY valiant snipers!!!(out of all the top weapons this one is actually pretty important lol)


torment, hurlbat, clash, snack, void

for 3 of each kind:

1 backstaber, 1 greedy, 1 dustmaker, 2 nemo, 1 heatpoint, 1 flamewave, 2 swoop, 1 unreliable guardian


3 shocking grap, 1 plat grap, 2 superb charge

modules(what you have):

15 plat plate, 6 heat storage, 6 energy storage, 11 op, 2 inv of qcb!!!, 9 combined engine unit, all the possible shieldsx3 except of 1 missing mighty protector.


i dont know why i did this but uhhhh yeah....

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23 hours ago, Yakir said:

your missing:

side weapons:


sorrow, overcooking oven, misguided rocket battery

physical: ejection blast

energy: NONE!



1 rusty energy armor

all cyber stuff but they eh

3 sabertooth

none premium:

1 windigo

3 of the common to mythic heads for phyz elec and heat

1 of each battery armor


2 recoil stompers

2 dynamite boots

1 energy c - m

2 heat c - m

1 phys c - m

top weapons:

ONLY valiant snipers!!!(out of all the top weapons this one is actually pretty important lol)


torment, hurlbat, clash, snack, void

for 3 of each kind:

1 backstaber, 1 greedy, 1 dustmaker, 2 nemo, 1 heatpoint, 1 flamewave, 2 swoop, 1 unreliable guardian


3 shocking grap, 1 plat grap, 2 superb charge

modules(what you have):

15 plat plate, 6 heat storage, 6 energy storage, 11 op, 2 inv of qcb!!!, 9 combined engine unit, all the possible shieldsx3 except of 1 missing mighty protector.


i dont know why i did this but uhhhh yeah....


Sorrow--Sadly none so far in both accounts. 

Overcooking- Not in my best interest but missing.

Missguided- Enough with 2. No need more since it is a part that require good strategy to use. 

Rusty- Eat them many times. Not in need for now. I haven't been making torsos for long. IT WILL COME AROUND.

Valiant-- Sadly it has been a bad luck on this one. Sure 5 of the phys version🥴

Drones- I can make them but not in need. Will be good to have another SNOOP.

Stompers- Well, never like them. I like more Dinamite.  I do not make legs or torsos. Will take time to make another.

Mighty protector- I more recently got them in this account. It took more than 2 years or maybe 3 to get both.

Shocking grab it is good with 2 for now. 

Superbcharge-- maybe .

SABRET-Were released when I started then one more time I think. No needed but they look cool. They are just equal to               Zarkares. 

Windigo- I eat them all the time. Some day will make one and few others. 

Battery armor- I have one in OKI. Was my second mech torso. Used when were released and I had no other torso. I was new in the game and no a lot of direction of what I wanted and I still the same. I have no clue of what I want. I just like to max parts farming. 😁

Eject- I miss this one. I will like to have one.

Bunker- Will like to have another. 

I will end up making many parts. Sadly, it does take a lot of time to make them. It is a slow process. 

There are many parts to use as meat. I have too many legends for meat. Sure, some epic.


i dont know why i did this but uhhhh yeah....--- It is just for fun. We are here for distraction. 


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  • 2 months later...

Hi cool Pilots!

How are you?

I am fine. Thank you. 🤡 

My kids are having some fun around been out of school with their friends and family. This a summertime to stay local having my wife sister children here at home for their entire summer. Oh Lord, have image.png.15b9acfe6d508c6498bfa5374517b741.pngon me. 🤡

Summer is getting already crazy with the noise at home at any hour and it is hard to sleep. All it is just for my kids spending time with their cousins. They are spending time playing different video games, outside activities to take them out with my kids friends all together making messy days but the kids are kids and teenage are teenage. 

Anyway, my kids are showing their cousins how to play a bit SM because they never played before and are using my accounts for it. They do not play all days the accounts having other things to do and to have fun with but now they are the players not my kids. 😁 I hope they do not screw up my accounts. I gave to all of them a nice warning. 🤐 


It has been a few months around without updating O.D FARM ACC. 

My kids are the pvp players when they want during the week just for fun for test data. Sometimes are passing the days without touching pvp. They try to do the Raid and pvp plus farm a bit. In my case I have been focusing on grinding the recent month and making parts. I play time to time the Titan and raid when they do not cover but not all the raids are completed. 

They still not joining clans and prefer to play solo. My daughter is playing OKI as the owner and my son O.D. FARM as owner but sometimes they exchange and play the other account or one take cover for the other. I am not sure who play when, but I just check if they played or not to balance gold usage. 

Let see....

My account focus is to increase the gold reserve not into increase for gold record or else. I am increasing farming in order I can divine a bunch of items and that it is costly. For now, I am leveling parts with daily's and controlling the mix parts for it keeping a positive gain on gold accumulation per day. 

Sure, I am doing the same for my OKI DOKI account like always because I like to do the same on both simultaneously and reduce confusion.

Last time I had a goal set and was to increase gold to 300million and I was able to achieve that and keep making parts. My current goal is to be able to make 300 Myth parts in O.D FARM a younger account than OKI DOKI account. I will be able to transform 300 MYTH this year but as things are going, I won't be able to max all of them. Maybe yes or no. I am not sure. Also, another achievement was to get more than 100,000 clan coins equivalent to 50 premium packs to claim. 🤡

I left the kids to open premium boxes again because they wanted to have fun with their cousin and sadly, they got just some meat and nothing else with the exception on creating another mess in the account that now I am trying to fix. 

Because I have been trying to increase gold to divine parts I haven't touch the BASE to make power kits avoiding the expenses and slowing down making parts. Sure, I will transform the remaining parts to reach 300 MYTHS with no powerful parts just collection parts because I ran out of good parts, and I have too many Legendary parts to eat. 

This is the account now; I am not including the parts maxed out as individual items but are included in the pictures. 

The gold increased from 274 million now at 324 million. It is not that bad missing days without grinding or else like pvp. 


BASE is empty and no changes.


Mix boxes still controlled maxing parts.


Premium Packs kids used to make another mess.


Still solo clan. It will stay like that as far I know. All depends on if they want to join any clan. I can't force them. 🥴



Now the account does have a total space 610 all maxed with parts. I have to remove epics on daily basis to have space to use mix boxes for daily level up. 



EPIC= 100

Divined=67 Not many divined parts not using gold for it and not playing clan for very long just a year in a clan and the rest has been a solo account not having enough gold relic to upgrade premium parts just epic parts and no focused on that either except now to make some at some point reason I am currently increasing gold. 










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25 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi cool Pilots!

How are you?

I am fine. Thank you. 🤡 

My kids are having some fun around been out of school with their friends and family. This a summertime to stay local having my wife sister children here at home for their entire summer. Oh Lord, have image.png.15b9acfe6d508c6498bfa5374517b741.pngon me. 🤡

Summer is getting already crazy with the noise at home at any hour and it is hard to sleep. All it is just for my kids spending time with their cousins. They are spending time playing different video games, outside activities to take them out with my kids friends all together making messy days but the kids are kids and teenage are teenage. 

Anyway, my kids are showing their cousins how to play a bit SM because they never played before and are using my accounts for it. They do not play all days the accounts having other things to do and to have fun with but now they are the players not my kids. 😁 I hope they do not screw up my accounts. I gave to all of them a nice warning. 🤐 


It has been a few months around without updating O.D FARM ACC. 

My kids are the pvp players when they want during the week just for fun for test data. Sometimes are passing the days without touching pvp. They try to do the Raid and pvp plus farm a bit. In my case I have been focusing on grinding the recent month and making parts. I play time to time the Titan and raid when they do not cover but not all the raids are completed. 

They still not joining clans and prefer to play solo. My daughter is playing OKI as the owner and my son O.D. FARM as owner but sometimes they exchange and play the other account or one take cover for the other. I am not sure who play when, but I just check if they played or not to balance gold usage. 

Let see....

My account focus is to increase the gold reserve not into increase for gold record or else. I am increasing farming in order I can divine a bunch of items and that it is costly. For now, I am leveling parts with daily's and controlling the mix parts for it keeping a positive gain on gold accumulation per day. 

Sure, I am doing the same for my OKI DOKI account like always because I like to do the same on both simultaneously and reduce confusion.

Last time I had a goal set and was to increase gold to 300million and I was able to achieve that and keep making parts. My current goal is to be able to make 300 Myth parts in O.D FARM a younger account than OKI DOKI account. I will be able to transform 300 MYTH this year but as things are going, I won't be able to max all of them. Maybe yes or no. I am not sure. Also, another achievement was to get more than 100,000 clan coins equivalent to 50 premium packs to claim. 🤡

I left the kids to open premium boxes again because they wanted to have fun with their cousin and sadly, they got just some meat and nothing else with the exception on creating another mess in the account that now I am trying to fix. 

Because I have been trying to increase gold to divine parts I haven't touch the BASE to make power kits avoiding the expenses and slowing down making parts. Sure, I will transform the remaining parts to reach 300 MYTHS with no powerful parts just collection parts because I ran out of good parts, and I have too many Legendary parts to eat. 

This is the account now; I am not including the parts maxed out as individual items but are included in the pictures. 

The gold increased from 274 million now at 324 million. It is not that bad missing days without grinding or else like pvp. 


BASE is empty and no changes.


Mix boxes still controlled maxing parts.


Premium Packs kids used to make another mess.


Still solo clan. It will stay like that as far I know. All depends on if they want to join any clan. I can't force them. 🥴



Now the account does have a total space 610 all maxed with parts. I have to remove epics on daily basis to have space to use mix boxes for daily level up. 



EPIC= 100

Divined=67 Not many divined parts not using gold for it and not playing clan for very long just a year in a clan and the rest has been a solo account not having enough gold relic to upgrade premium parts just epic parts and no focused on that either except now to make some at some point reason I am currently increasing gold. 










Holy cow, thats a ton of items. Could you spare a red rain or a spartan carnage, maybe even a platinum plating

Goals are useless if you are not striving to achieve them.

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5 minutes ago, RaymondL1747 said:

Holy cow, thats a ton of items. Could you spare a red rain or a spartan carnage, maybe even a platinum plating

Actually, OKI is better. 😁

If I was able to spare, sure, I have Red rain to meat, spartan will have to say no because still limited on that, plating yes because I have at least 5 or more to eat in every account. 🤔

Also, ton of modules to eat will be nice to give them away. I eat premium modules often. 🥺

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Super Duper SM Players

How are you carnales? 

I am fine just tired having a rough week but trying to relax and to finish few things around before getting ready for more work. 

My wife nieces left to their home today. My kids are feeling a bit sad losing their cousins going back to the other side of the country but at least they reconnected their bonding having few months staying here. 

For me, just a bit of peace to sleep a bit better in my time off but I will miss the girls and their time with my kids.  Their parents had some time to relax in need having a tuff life to deal with and feeling a bit better after a short break alone for themself as couple. 

Now we are going to start the preparation for the new school year. In two weeks, the school will start again. I can see my kids been so happy about it. 🤐

It will be another year dealing with school things so the drama will start tomorrow. Thanks God my wife will deal with that stuff. 😁 Then later she will blame me for the misses like every year she does. 🥴

Anyway, a bunch of yeas ahead to finish that drama then begging the University time and looking for money to pay the bill. I will ask all of you in the future for money to help pay the bill. 😂

About O.D. FARM....

I was able to get 300 Myth parts transformed and able to get 300 million in 3 years as part of my goals stablished long ago. I was lucky to be able to do it. 

I rushed to transform the parts but now the difficult task to max them to L50 will be a challenge that will take the rest of the year in particular because I am trying now to reach 400 million on reserve before end of year. Sure to max those parts will take till December. 

I won't be making new parts until get those parts maxed then I will save to divine parts. So, I am guessing that I will begging to make parts starting next year January or so. 

I am happy having both accounts achieve my goals set long ago. Now it is about relax maxing parts slowly without any rush. 

My kids barely played the account this summer and I hope they play a bit, but they are too busy with other games and their own accounts and school time to study so I guess they won't play much. They lose the steam for the game getting older new games around playing with their friends at school or neighbors same age and they do not have SM friends and normally they avoid talking to people due to many unpolite people around. Sad but it is true. ☹️

I am retired but I keep farming to keep the account alive. I do not do PVP but rarely I do few making changes on mechs for some test after having the data I want from the test. The account is barely played now maybe 1 day a week or few or maybe none. 

Let see the account... 

I was able to increase gold reserve from 324 to 365 million, but I was making many parts taking a chunk of gold away. There is no need to make new parts till the beginning of the new year and finish to max all the Myth new parts. 


The BASE still idle for a year saving gold and holding back Myth transformation. 


My kids opened boxes with bad results. They got mad with their cousins. 🚽


I play the TITAN time to time. This season I wanted but I was tired to start the ticket collection and hold back on it. Clan coins still moving just a little but still moving up. Sometimes I do not play the TITAN because too many tickets requirement as solo player. Ridiculous... 55 premiums on reserve. Juicy. 




MYTH=302 Including divined


EPICS=50 wow 50. Totally surprised making room for legends. 
























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  • 1 month later...

Hi Awesome Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but busy at work even today I left few minutes early. Normally I am at work at this our 8:00pm local time.  My kids are back to school and getting their first set of school exams. 🤣 I remember those days and I hate them for sure and I was thinking I will get away from them and suddenly ended up facing life reality and I have to keep taken them at work. 🤮 

I remember when I was a little kid and older people where like they knew everything and were responsible in life. As age passed from respect to them when I was 0-5 om age, then I started to question my own parents. 🤣 Later I realized that adults are just as kids with just old skin. 🤡 I have to deal with the same thing as an adult at work or around as I was dealing with the same aptitudes from my own kid time friends at school or elsewhere. 

At least I had my parents providing me food and roof. 🤣

Anyway, is like the SM daily DRAMA. 😀

I hope all of you are doing well. 

Back to the game....

I was able to increase the account to 400 million in gold reserve. Sadly, I have to work and max out many parts currently at MYTH L1 and will take the rest of the year to complete them or even maybe till January next year looking at the speed I have been working farming. 

Right now, I am focused into increase a bit more gold in reserve in order I can use the BASE and start to craft some power kids to level up parts a bit faster. In mean time I use daily only to level up parts. 

Right now, I have 

MYTH/DIVINE= 302 No change since last post.

Legendary= 240


Gold is moving up. 😚


The BASE still idle for very long but in a few weeks will be in use for Power Kits. 


Mix Boxes still somewhat ok controlling the amount availability to not go below 500. 


Clan coins still growing very slow not been part of a clan.


Let see the parts.
















Well, a lot of meat for parts but.....🥴



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I hope Santa brought to you that special gift. I got mine. 🥰

Taking the day off and spending some time with family. 

When I was young, I used to be the one decorating the pine tree. I remember going with my dad and buy the trees or even cut the tree. Many thigs have change. I like natural trees and the smell. 🎅

It is funny that I was not into gifts but just to have the day off away from school and play around. 😂


This will be the last update of the year. 

My O.D. FARM progress still slow with lack of farming in the account but still progressing. I have been focusing on the gold reserve accumulation to reach 500 million and still maxing Myth L1 parts at disposal. It will take me few more months to finish to level up them to L50. 🥴

After I get into 500 million, I will keep saving a bit more to Divine some epic parts and keep the same rate of maxing parts very slow for some time till get those epic divined. 


Let see the acc


I was able to increase to 453 million toward the new goal of 500. Will take months ahead to reach 500 but I am not in a rush for it.  


The BASE still idle. Wow, 1.5 years not in use to make power kits. 👍 


Mix boxes still under control. Right now, trying to increase then to 800 plus. 


Coins not in use. Sad...


Future Premium boxes🤡 


I play the TITAN few times a month. 


Parts 🤗























Have fun 




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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am doing ok. 

I am at work break so I am taking this opportunity to update O.D.FARM progress because at home, I will have some work to do. 

I just finished a cup of coffee. It is not normal for me to drink coffee in the afternoon. Just one time in the morning driving to work. ☕ I was tired to drive far to work and now I am closer but not that close but proper distance. 

Yesterday was my day off and I was called many times to help fix some issues, so I was actually working like it or not. 😭

This week will be another week of pain but that is life until one of you can give me some million and I can retire. 🤡

Anyway, let's talk about the game stuff. 

I have been just farming O.D.FARM but also a lot of misses. I have been attending OKI as primary and when I am tired, O.D. it is not touched unless my kids do something. No farming when I am tired but still going moving forward. 

I was able to reach 500 million and now is seating at 508 million from 453. Less than OKI for sure but regardless still in a steady progress. Happy to see that gold. I was not sure if I will reach that in this short time and was not my original goal.


The BASE has not been touched to make parts as my OKI DOKI acc since 2022 trying to increase gold and max parts already at Myth L1.


I still controlling mix boxes from grinding and are the exclusive parts to level up parts. When I reach 800+, then I drain making parts to until reach 500. I just recently was leveling up a part. I still have enough premium packs on reserves but an awesome bad luck to get parts. Very terrible to be honest. I am focused to make collection parts. I do not have good weapons that I need so I make slowly not in need parts but adding for lower rank and collection itself. I can't open premium because lack of space plus making general parts around having many legend parts to eat. 




I still play Titan when tickets allow not been that high. Just 300 tickets or bellow than that. image.thumb.png.199f93713f6e08878321ade34e1714a1.png

Numbers still growing image.png.fbbb03710c312e129521f394bee0b653.pngNice, close to 60 packs. 

Please add something to use them image.png.792715278499d933029a8273bba6ff56.png


Ok, let's see the parts!

No changes on Myth part 308. I haven't made one just focus into finish those myth at L1. It will take few more months to get them. 🥴




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Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pilots

It is me again whishing the best for you in life. 

Hope all is going well for you all.

I am trying to recover myself today at home. 

I am taking the opportunity to add a bit of the current progress in O.D.FARM. 

The account has been played less getting focused in my OKI DOKI account and if I can work in this one then I add some progress to it. 

I will not add full account just the basics of this past month

Let see.....

The main goal of the account is to increase gold reserves and to finish leveling up parts around because I had too many in L1 myth taking months just in the level up to clean up house. Still few more months to get it done. Sadly, I had to myth few more parts because too many legends and getting some legends parts this month with eggs and few from fortune boxes and premium box free ones. 

In mean time, my second goal will be to increase premium packs to 500 a lot less than used to be before my kids messed up my accounts with their cousins during last summer which I am currently fixing this mess. 

Because the bad luck with boxes, it might be my last increase and opening in the account. Sad for O.D.FARM. 

Sure, the account will be in constant progress and when I open those boxes will be enough time under development just for collection if no luck with few parts in need. 

I have purchase 1 offer of 4k according to my records. 

I have decided out of my goal to add 40 Eggs. I opened 10 of them and the free one. 

The gold reserve increased last month from 508 million to image.png.cbf5752ea8f82f7333ed4979cb622f88.png not that bad. I was expecting to have a lot less. 

The BASE has been idle since 2022 not in use for now. 

I have 441 premium packs on reserve going up to 500. I just need few 4k offers and a regular one around. I will not increase more instead to eat them. 


I am keeping for now 30 eggs on reserve 


I still managing properly the mix boxes leveling up parts slowly


I still have a good reserve with clan coins image.png.5abfecd25030fcd17608a483d8bc390a.png

The total of current boxes possibilities is 532 premiums pack around. Not that bad for maybe last opening. 

Sad egg opening 😭




I maxed few parts around for collection because no weapons for combat available for R1 in need. Oh well, just doing collections. I added few modules for extravaganza ridiculous mechs for fun. Some of them were waiting for years to be maxed. 



 Bad luck as always with relics. 









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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am here at work with few things delayed by my boss holding back all what I need to do then they want things done in time and without issues. Sure....

Anyways, I hope all is going fine with all of you. 

About the game...

O.D.FARM just this week I was able to take control of my last summer kids mess did opening boxes and have not been fun trying to clear that for close to a year. Now, I started to make a collection part and reduce the excess of legend meat parts around eating too much storage space. Little by little I will be able to reduce the inventory, but it is a slow process. 

The account has been played less than OKI DOKI but still under a decent gold collection as possible can be. According to record back in March, I had 508 million and I was able to increase to 573 million. Not that bad been played less. 


The factory it is idle but early this month or last month I used the factory for some power kits first time since 2022. 



Farming is less than OKI but a decent steady progress and able to collect good enough mix parts to work with level ups. 


As previously mentioned, I was setting up the account to accumulate 500 premium packs. I was able to increase from 420 packs to 540 a bit more than planned and opened some eggs and decided to save 30 for future openings.



I will update later today or tomorrow about coins available. 


Let's see parts around....

Because not getting parts in need, I have been making collection parts for now. 

DINE/MYTH= 318 Have 315 full L50 and 3 in process to level up.

Legends= 197 I do not remember how many had last time. Too lazy to count now by pictures. 🤣

EPICS= 43 





See related image detail. thanos is not a very forgiving lender, but the repayment schedule is now doubled - Imgflip

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am ok but I had some fire at home at the kitchen cooking and burn a bit my arm. Now I have to work on the house to fix things but all it is ok. 

Summertime got hot for sure. 🧑‍🚒

Anyway, let's talk about the game progress.

As previously mentioned, there are no good parts to max in the account and I am currently making just collection parts for tests and making few in the side for future mechs if get some grants making EPIC essentials for combat but more just collection test. 

Apart of keep making parts slowly, I still increasing the gold reserves. It has been harder this time farming less the account but still moving up. I was able to increase gold reserves from 573 million to 622 million showed in my previous post back in May27. 


Also, the account now is part of the clan THUNDERDONE. 

My first WAR grant 🫠 with Thunder


The BASE not in use except to collect gold. 



The game it is under a particular work collecting premium packs for 600 opening. I got few offers to get the number. I was aiming just 500 but few mistakes thinking in OKI I did it on O.D. FARM so now it is a bit more related to my plan. As always, I like to keep some mix boxes around. Are low right now because recently making parts.  It will take some time to get it done and be ready for the opening. Months of work ahead before the opening. 


Clan coins still moving up slowly with TITAN fights but added few related to offers I got, and some coins were included.


Silver coins still growing with daily, and few offers that included them. 



The progress making parts it has been slower but ok related on average free to play making. Let's see the increase and reductions.

MYTH/DIVINE= Increased from 318 to 322 Myth Parts. Not much improvement but focused into make MYTH parts at L1 reducing the excess of legendary parts for meat. I still working on that and will take few more. After I am able to consume them, I will make more L40 to have them ready for transformation as future collection and having them in that state, will serve as buffer for the 600 premium open I will have in some months and be able to control the legendary meat parts that will show up in the opening and the current making MYTH L1 if to control EPIC grants and eat them at the moment. Will be fun,

Legendary= 118 dropping from 193 in the previous post as planned. I need to reduce some more not in need. 

EPIC= 49 from 43 but controlled and will be reduce at some point. 

Let see the parts around


The account space was incremented to 625 but was a mistake click. 😒 Anyway, I need space. 




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13 minutes ago, noㅤ said:

Seeing the progress you've made is both inspiring and making me want to quit hahah. Nah, this game is the journey. Best wishes for your arm!

Ha ha.

Hmm, it is entertainment on my own way. As you play for rank, you do not need as many parts. Sure, the basic new modules for 3 mechs and 3 decent mechs. A storage of 300-400will be in line. You can be R1 all seasons as I know you can. 

My aim here has been just for relaxing time farming and making parts not a pro. To be a pro like you does not require that many. Few sets of different mechs should do. My old mechs still make it as they are as R1. 

You are a smart player so no issues there. 👍

About my arm, yes, I burn enough but will recover. My left arm it is more affected. I hold back a bit in my regular work due to the nature of my work I need my arms in good conditions and in mean time I do few other things until recover in basic as leader. 

Thx for the wishes. I appreciate. ❤️


NOTE: Farming like I do it is a bit crazy. I do recommend for progress, but I do not recommend being me because it is no sense to do. 🤣 Why to spend money and not even play for top and to get solo medals? 🤭

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  • 1 month later...

Hi pilots

Not much to say. 

Focus just on farming if I can. Lots of missing days and little farm. Gold increased very slow. 🥴 Busy at work.

Currently just making L40 parts to consume meat legends when open the boxes and some reserves on Myth L1 to use epics grants 



L40s and Myth L1 making collections. A waste but ok to have fun in the forum help having them around







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