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I've been wondering why there isn't any night eagle heat version so I think it should be in the game and these would be its stats

Heat Night eagle(Deathly Rage)


Heat Damage:89

Cooling Damage:15


Uses is 3, 47 heat cost and 16 energy cost, 3-6 range, one pull, Epic to Mythical Item

Message here if you think there should be any changes 🙂

Edited by Energy Boi (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Energy Boi said:

I've been wondering why there isn't any night eagle heat version so I think it should be in the game and these would be its stats

Heat Night eagle(Deathly Rage)


Heat Damage:89

Cooling Damage:15


Uses is 3, 47 heat cost and 16 energy cost, 3-6 range, one pull, Epic to Mythical Item

Message here if you think there should be any changes 🙂

I think regular Heat Night Eagle is Supreme Cannon, the first range 3-6 pushing top weapon but with cracking protection and without cooling damage(Without legacy) (Night Eagle & Grim Cobra are first range 3-6 pulling weapons without legacy). Abomination are similar to Terror Cry, Last Words too.

6 hours ago, Energy Boi said:

Edit: (Without Arena Buffs)


I've been wondering why there isn't any night eagle heat version so I think it should be in the game and these would be its stats

Heat Night eagle(Deathly Rage)


Heat Damage:73

Cooling Damage:13


Uses is 3 (2 in Epic), 47 heat cost and 16 energy cost, 3-6 range, one pull, Epic to Divine Item

Message here if you think there should be any changes 🙂

Edited by kill with boss (see edit history)

🔥Heat mechs are cool.

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Adding weapons just because other types have a similar version seems pointless, but this is an exception, as heat doesn't have any e-m pull weapons. Something like this would open up more variety for non-premium heat builds, so I can appreciate it. 

Edited by PlainBadLuck (see edit history)
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they have a lot of weight and also red rain has 2-4 range and also the main point for a heat night eagle is just for starting people because who would use it when red rain and burning shower exists there already great pretty much just a starter weapon or easier weapon to get that pulls people

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