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Possible QOL Changes / General Ideas


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 We all know that the game can get a bit boring at times, so here are some of my suggestions that could maybe make the game a bit more enjoyable.

   1. Better daily rewards

 We've had our same 5 daily missions for the longest of time, why not improve the rewards and or add more missions that are randomized each day? This way it feels like something new everytime, you may not know what you're in, since you always expect the same things each time. Or we could integrate the special quests to be more common for dailies, minus the token reward but for a noticable increase in gold, or items. 

Possible new daily missions:

- Clear out x amount of structures

- Defeat x mission on y difficulty z times

- Upgrade x item y amount of times

- Deal x amount of damage to a boss

- Complete 3 missions in danger zone with more than 90% hp

- Win x arena battles

As such, we could also increase the Champion mission that gives 10 tokens everyday, to maybe 20-25 tokens daily.

   2. Better Autopilot

 We all want faster farming, i mean, who doesn't? So why not add unlockable Autopilot speeds? Could vary from our basic 1x/2x upwards to 5x or 10x speed, more efficiency all around! 

 We could also, give the Autopilot AI options, some examples

- Not/Use power kit unless you're under 35% hp

- Not/Destroy structures

- Target Boss/Minion/Tank/Buggy/Building/Power Kit first

   3. Campaign Challenges

As many of you may or may not know, in legacy, we had 3 different challenges: God mode, Invisible Mech and DPS Mech. But they have been removed with the introduction of reloaded, why not bring them back? 

The dps mech of today's era is technically titan but that's beside the point.

 They could hand out different rewards, based on time taken to destroy, damage taken. The rewards being: Tokens, Coins, Arena coins, Clan coins and Fuel.

   4. Offers for coins

No, i do not mean offers that give coins, we already have those, i'm saying offers that cost coins. We could get offers for packs, maybe items, for coins, but for a reasonable price, in the millions.

  5. Scavanging

I've always liked the way that when mechs explode/die, they drop their weapons. In my opinion, it would be amazing if you at the end of a mission, you could scavange mech parts to add to your inventory.

To make this more fair, we could add "Item Parts", so as to not instantly get the item.

  It could work like this :

If the item is epic, you need 5 item parts of it and 50k to craft the item.

If the item is legendary, you need 10 item parts of it and 250k to craft the item.

  6. Level prestige & Improved level up rewards

Currently, the max level is 250, with a whopping 300million~ xp needed to reach it. 

 I suggest a couple of things:
 - We increase the token rewards per level from 2 tokens to 10/20/30/40/50 for levels 1-50 /51-100 /101-150 /151-200 / 201-250.
 - Increase ammount of fuel restocked from a refill to 1x / 1.5x / 2.x / 2.5x / 3x fuel refills for levels  1-50 /51-100 /101-150 /151-200 / 201-250.
 - Increase gold recieved per level up by about 50%

Now the fun part!

Level Prestiges

  Upon reaching level 250, you have the option to spend 25million coins to reset to level 1, this would also reset all campaigns you have done before.

  When Prestiging, you could get cool perks and rewards. Some rewards could include: 

 - A fancy medal under your xp bar to show the ammount of times you've prestiged
 - Premium Packs
 - Fortune Boxes
 - Tokens
 - Special paint

Now, when you prestige, you're going to need 20% more xp to level up each time, so for example if you're at XP Prestige 5, you would need 600million~ XP to reach level 250.

These are just some of my ideas / QOL changes for the game. Any feedback welcome!

Edited by Asther
Added 5th and 6th idea. (see edit history)

silly goober

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19 minutes ago, Asther said:

 We all know that the game can get a bit boring at times, so here are some of my suggestions that could maybe make the game a bit more enjoyable.

   1. Better daily rewards

 We've had our same 5 daily missions for the longest of time, why not improve the rewards and or add more missions that are randomized each day? This way it feels like something new everytime, you may not know what you're in, since you always expect the same things each time. Or we could integrate the special quests to be more common for dailies, minus the token reward but for a noticable increase in gold, or items. 

Possible new daily missions:

- Clear out x amount of structures

- Defeat x mission on y difficulty z times

- Upgrade x item y amount of times

- Deal x amount of damage to a boss

- Complete 3 missions in danger zone with more than 90% hp

- Win x arena battles

As such, we could also increase the Champion mission that gives 10 tokens everyday, to maybe 20-25 tokens daily.

   2. Better Autopilot

 We all want faster farming, i mean, who doesn't? So why not add unlockable Autopilot speeds? Could vary from our basic 1x/2x upwards to 5x or 10x speed, more efficiency all around! 

 We could also, give the Autopilot AI options, some examples

- Not/Use power kit unless you're under 35% hp

- Not/Destroy structures

- Target Boss/Minion/Tank/Buggy/Building/Power Kit first

   3. Campaign Challenges

As many of you may or may not know, in legacy, we had 3 different challenges: God mode, Invisible Mech and DPS Mech. But they have been removed with the introduction of reloaded, why not bring them back? 

The dps mech of today's era is technically titan but that's beside the point.

 They could hand out different rewards, based on time taken to destroy, damage taken. The rewards being: Tokens, Coins, Arena coins, Clan coins and Fuel.

   4. Offers for coins

No, i do not mean offers that give coins, we already have those, i'm saying offers that cost coins. We could get offers for packs, maybe items, for coins, but for a reasonable price, in the millions.


These are just some of my suggestions! Please feel free to leave out your opinions and or changes. Any feedback welcome.

All are good, except 5x and 10x speed, the game is too slow to handle that, the glitches and biugs would be unreal

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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5 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

All are good, except 5x and 10x speed, the game is too slow to handle that, the glitches and biugs would be unreal

As long you have good ram capacity it will run smooth.


If you still running on windows xp, don't even try 1x speed, it will shut down.


What the point?

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19 minutes ago, Energy Reaper said:

As long you have good ram capacity it will run smooth.

  Hide contents

If you still running on windows xp, don't even try 1x speed, it will shut down.


its got nothing to do with ram capacity, its the game that bugs, and im on a macbook pro not windows bruh

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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  • khan changed the title to Possible QOL Changes / General Ideas
On 3/29/2021 at 3:33 PM, Asther said:

 We all know that the game can get a bit boring at times, so here are some of my suggestions that could maybe make the game a bit more enjoyable.

   1. Better daily rewards

 We've had our same 5 daily missions for the longest of time, why not improve the rewards and or add more missions that are randomized each day? This way it feels like something new everytime, you may not know what you're in, since you always expect the same things each time. Or we could integrate the special quests to be more common for dailies, minus the token reward but for a noticable increase in gold, or items. 

Possible new daily missions:

- Clear out x amount of structures

- Defeat x mission on y difficulty z times

- Upgrade x item y amount of times

- Deal x amount of damage to a boss

- Complete 3 missions in danger zone with more than 90% hp

- Win x arena battles

As such, we could also increase the Champion mission that gives 10 tokens everyday, to maybe 20-25 tokens daily.

   2. Better Autopilot

 We all want faster farming, i mean, who doesn't? So why not add unlockable Autopilot speeds? Could vary from our basic 1x/2x upwards to 5x or 10x speed, more efficiency all around! 

 We could also, give the Autopilot AI options, some examples

- Not/Use power kit unless you're under 35% hp

- Not/Destroy structures

- Target Boss/Minion/Tank/Buggy/Building/Power Kit first

   3. Campaign Challenges

As many of you may or may not know, in legacy, we had 3 different challenges: God mode, Invisible Mech and DPS Mech. But they have been removed with the introduction of reloaded, why not bring them back? 

The dps mech of today's era is technically titan but that's beside the point.

 They could hand out different rewards, based on time taken to destroy, damage taken. The rewards being: Tokens, Coins, Arena coins, Clan coins and Fuel.

   4. Offers for coins

No, i do not mean offers that give coins, we already have those, i'm saying offers that cost coins. We could get offers for packs, maybe items, for coins, but for a reasonable price, in the millions.

  5. Scavanging

I've always liked the way that when mechs explode/die, they drop their weapons. In my opinion, it would be amazing if you at the end of a mission, you could scavange mech parts to add to your inventory.

To make this more fair, we could add "Item Parts", so as to not instantly get the item.

  It could work like this :

If the item is epic, you need 5 item parts of it and 50k to craft the item.

If the item is legendary, you need 10 item parts of it and 250k to craft the item.

  6. Level prestige & Improved level up rewards

Currently, the max level is 250, with a whopping 300million~ xp needed to reach it. 

 I suggest a couple of things:
 - We increase the token rewards per level from 2 tokens to 10/20/30/40/50 for levels 1-50 /51-100 /101-150 /151-200 / 201-250.
 - Increase ammount of fuel restocked from a refill to 1x / 1.5x / 2.x / 2.5x / 3x fuel refills for levels  1-50 /51-100 /101-150 /151-200 / 201-250.
 - Increase gold recieved per level up by about 50%

Now the fun part!

Level Prestiges

  Upon reaching level 250, you have the option to spend 25million coins to reset to level 1, this would also reset all campaigns you have done before.

  When Prestiging, you could get cool perks and rewards. Some rewards could include: 

 - A fancy medal under your xp bar to show the ammount of times you've prestiged
 - Premium Packs
 - Fortune Boxes
 - Tokens
 - Special paint

Now, when you prestige, you're going to need 20% more xp to level up each time, so for example if you're at XP Prestige 5, you would need 600million~ XP to reach level 250.

These are just some of my ideas / QOL changes for the game. Any feedback welcome!

Hm, I don't agree with all ideas, but prestige sounds great, id suggest you make a separate topic for it.


I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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