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Energy Weapons Proposal Thread


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Well, energy currently sucks, or at least, compared to the other elements, it is too weak. 

After seeing SawzAll's idea, I thought, great, although I found it a great but impossible idea, it was a start. 

Many people have ideas, but few are willing to make threads about them.

So: here's a thread where you can post your ideas:

Just write damage, energy damage, costs, other important things (movement, backfire, etc.) and weight if you want


To start it off:


111-194 dmg

227 eng drain

177 eng cost

0 heat cost

0 backfire

0 movement

infinite uses

infinite range

weight: tbd, I would say around the same as all other drones


So, basically a mini emp on a drone

Now hear me out, it would be very strong against heat and phys, yes, but it would be balanced against energy, and isn't that exactly what we need, a drone that can counter heat or phys, whilst still requiring you to equip appropriate modules, and is balanced vs energy, anyways feel free to comment, I won't make a poll since it's confusing.

Now, a reminder, you are welcome to reply to other's ideas, or to post your own.

Let's hope to get to some decent items to buff eng.

Item Idea 2:

Meant to try and attempt to make energy huggers more viable.

Grim Rain

2 Pull

2 Uses

81 eng cost

30 heat cost

187 eng drain

19 regen drain

top weapon


Meant to combo with either storm weaver, bright roar or upc

Would make upc and stormweaver usable, whilst not being too op

I cna understand if you do not want all items to be created in other elements, but I think, since this is among the most used heat weapons eng might need it too.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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10 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

Well, energy currently sucks, or at least, compared to the other elements, it is too weak. 

After seeing SawzAll's idea, I thought, great, although I found it a great but impossible idea, it was a start. 

Many people have ideas, but few are willing to make threads about them.

So: here's a thread where you can post your ideas:

Just write damage, energy damage, costs, other important things (movement, backfire, etc.) and weight if you want


To start it off:


111-194 dmg

227 eng drain

177 eng cost

0 heat cost

0 backfire

0 movement

infinite uses

infinite range

weight: tbd, I would say around the same as all other drones


So, basically a mini emp on a drone

Now hear me out, it would be very strong against heat and phys, yes, but it would be balanced against energy, and isn't that exactly what we need, a drone that can counter heat or phys, whilst still requiring you to equip appropriate modules, and is balanced vs energy, anyways feel free to comment, I won't make a poll since it's confusing.

Now, a reminder, you are welcome to reply to other's ideas, or to post your own.

Let's hope to get to some decent items to buff eng.

Item Idea 2:

Meant to try and attempt to make energy huggers more viable.

Grim Rain

2 Pull

2 Uses

81 eng cost

30 heat cost

187 eng drain

19 regen drain

top weapon


Meant to combo with either storm weaver, bright roar or upc

Would make upc and stormweaver usable, whilst not being too op

I cna understand if you do not want all items to be created in other elements, but I think, since this is among the most used heat weapons eng might need it too.

I like your idea, but energy drain are to high 227 in infinite rage? You have to be joking are you?

Arena buff apply to it, same as grim rain.


What the point?

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Nice ideas for energy but is it alright if I could suggest an additional weapon idea?

It's essentially a recall to the SuperNova of legacy but with changes to make it more adept to Reloaded times. It also has aspects from Bunker Shell, so in a way, it's technically like a long-range Bunker Shell.


Stellar Decimation

1 knockback

1 use

4-8 range

50 regen damage

50 cap damage

120 energy drain

Top weapon


Note: Damage, Energy Cost/Heat Generation, Resist Break, and my version of the stats are changeable in order to make the more weapon more fair if the current stats are too overpowered. For the sprite, it could potentially be a railgun-esque weapon in design that shoots beams... But also advanced in its design.  




If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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51 minutes ago, Energy Reaper said:

I like your idea, but energy drain are to high 227 in infinite rage? You have to be joking are you?

Arena buff apply to it, same as grim rain.


ms stats r with buff

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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14 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

Well, energy currently sucks, or at least, compared to the other elements, it is too weak. 

After seeing SawzAll's idea, I thought, great, although I found it a great but impossible idea, it was a start. 

Many people have ideas, but few are willing to make threads about them.

So: here's a thread where you can post your ideas:

Just write damage, energy damage, costs, other important things (movement, backfire, etc.) and weight if you want


To start it off:


111-194 dmg

227 eng drain

177 eng cost

0 heat cost

0 backfire

0 movement

infinite uses

infinite range

weight: tbd, I would say around the same as all other drones


So, basically a mini emp on a drone

Now hear me out, it would be very strong against heat and phys, yes, but it would be balanced against energy, and isn't that exactly what we need, a drone that can counter heat or phys, whilst still requiring you to equip appropriate modules, and is balanced vs energy, anyways feel free to comment, I won't make a poll since it's confusing.

Now, a reminder, you are welcome to reply to other's ideas, or to post your own.

Let's hope to get to some decent items to buff eng.

Item Idea 2:

Meant to try and attempt to make energy huggers more viable.

Grim Rain

2 Pull

2 Uses

81 eng cost

30 heat cost

187 eng drain

19 regen drain

top weapon


Meant to combo with either storm weaver, bright roar or upc

Would make upc and stormweaver usable, whilst not being too op

I cna understand if you do not want all items to be created in other elements, but I think, since this is among the most used heat weapons eng might need it too.

How long have you played the game because energy weapons dont suck didnt you forget about emp you stupid it does 300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane what crack do u smoke

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7 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

How long have you played the game because energy weapons dont suck didnt you forget about emp you stupid it does 300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane what crack do u smoke


Might I interest you in some modern times?

It's a joke, don't hate me or the build for it.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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7 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

How long have you played the game because energy weapons dont suck didnt you forget about emp you stupid it does 300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane what crack do u smoke

How long since u played the game and forgot that energy currently sucks as* and needs serious help and emp does 400 dmg and drone would be extremely useful 


I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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7 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane

Oh, and I didn't know that Unreliable Guardian did 256 energy drain instead of 115. Nice to know that it does close to EMP-level of drain.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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21 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Oh, and I didn't know that Unreliable Guardian did 256 energy drain instead of 115. Nice to know that it does close to EMP-level of drain.

he means my drone not that we have one already

Also, new proposition:



Range: 2-4

Everythign else same (arena biffs are already applied)

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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6 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

You call that close r you on crack my guy


It seems that I've managed to fool you with my ways of sarcasm.

















Oh, and energy still needs a slight buff because of dual modules or dual modules need a nerf because of how they almost cancel out heat and energy damage.

Tactisoft did a whoopsie when they released those things, is what I'm trying to say.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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On 3/9/2021 at 6:33 PM, Tirreggregars said:

To start it off:


111-194 dmg

227 eng drain

177 eng cost

0 heat cost

0 backfire

0 movement

infinite uses

infinite range

weight: tbd, I would say around the same as all other drones


So, basically a mini emp on a drone

if its a "mini-EMP" drone shouldnt it have limited uses and a heavy weight?

On 3/9/2021 at 6:33 PM, Tirreggregars said:

Item Idea 2:

Meant to try and attempt to make energy huggers more viable.

Grim Rain

2 Pull

2 Uses

81 eng cost

30 heat cost

187 eng drain

19 regen drain

please no. the shark does not need an indirect buff. if anything, the Energy and Heat Push drones and weapons need reworked and buffed since close range is currently meta for both heat and energy. instead of intensifying this lop-sidedness, I think it would be better than mid-long range Heat and Energy got some new stuff or a buff to their old stuff.


Edited by Fidelio (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

In general, energy is currently far too weak, an emp drone would be useful, and balanced imo, I will make a seperate topic for it.

Your not being specific does it have infinite range and is it 1 time use because its can only be balanced if its 1 time use and 1 range and backfire 125 also does 0 dmg and res drain and after being activated go back after 1 round like faceshock and uses more energy than it drains then i mt will be balanced 🙂

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12 minutes ago, Misty tiger said:


Your not being specific does it have infinite range and is it 1 time use because its can only be balanced if its 1 time use and 1 range and backfire 125 also does 0 dmg and res drain and after being activated go back after 1 round like faceshock and uses more energy than it drains then i mt will be balanced 🙂

This made 0 sense, you are proposing since use, 0 damage, backfire and more eng than it drains. Basically you benefit in no way, since you have to waste an action point every turn, take 125 damage and drain yourself more than the others and deal 0 damage.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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1 hour ago, Tirreggregars said:

This made 0 sense, you are proposing since use, 0 damage, backfire and more eng than it drains. Basically you benefit in no way, since you have to waste an action point every turn, take 125 damage and drain yourself more than the others and deal 0 damage.

Well it still does energy dmg i meant physically 

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