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    S_k reacted to Reveag in Supermechs nostalgia| post your sm nostalgia   
    World map as a campaign and mech cockpit as menu 
  2. Like
    S_k reacted to Serpyrior in Supermechs nostalgia| post your sm nostalgia   
    I recently found my old account literally had every legacy item, it was great to see all of those items again and I wish I could use them again.
  3. Like
    S_k reacted to FennekinFyreFour in Supermechs nostalgia| post your sm nostalgia   
  4. Like
    S_k reacted to TREDOG in Supermechs nostalgia| post your sm nostalgia   
    Post your sm nostalgia! Something you miss or enjoyed from either legacy or reloaded!
  5. Like
    S_k reacted to OKI DOKI in Physical Torso Fanart   
    Hi, welcome back pilot. 😎
    cool fanart for phys torso. I only can do stick drawing. 🤣
  6. Like
    S_k reacted to a sweaty tryhard in Physical Torso Fanart   
    Hi, just joined the forum. Used to play the game way back and recently rediscovered it a few weeks ago... I started a new account and kinda suck but why not try my hand at making some fanart? Probably could've made it cleaner looking/more detailed but I just felt like doing a quick drawing. I'll work on more evolutions/types/different items in the future.
  7. Like
    S_k reacted to THUNDER GOD in server problem   
    i can t go to my clan or arena it says connecting to server and my campaign dont work
    plz help is the problem with the game or my pc?
  8. Like
    S_k got a reaction from MasterChief in SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: PREMIUM PACKS (NOT FLEX)   
    damn! , I bought a premium pack before seeing this post and I did not take a picture of it, but if it helps, I only got a Legendary Kraken.
  9. Like
    Some people have expressed interest in knowing what the premium pack legendary rate is.
    So this is a scientific project (or attempt at one).  Post ALL your premium pack openings here.  You cannot exclude any: you must include them all (i.e. someone opens 2 in the day, one is all epic, posting just that one and not the other one, etc.)
    To keep this scientific (i.e. the results are helpful), you must:
    Only post your own premium pack results (nothing from the past, nothing from Google images, etc). Not include premium pack openings from any day where the deal has something to do with an increased drop rate. Not alter any image. Must be on or after 3/24/2021 (i.e. today and the future, not the past). If we can do this, and be very strictly scientific about it, we can probably come up with some useful data on the drop rates.
    So please only reply with a screenshot of the results of a premium pack open, and only after today (3/24/2021).
    I'll start us off.

  10. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Rocket Launcher R-M sprites.
  11. Thanks
    S_k got a reaction from rc in Mech híbrido   
    é melhor que o mech seja de apenas um tipo ((I think))
  12. Like
    S_k reacted to Shared-NW in Again about Raid   
    really, @Alexander can you look at this?

  13. Haha
  14. Like
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in Spartan Carnage vs Frantic Brute, Scientific: 40 tests in WU   
    I would like to start off by thanks Vassago from the discord.  He ran 40 tests on a dual frantic brute versus a dual spartan carnage mech and came up with the results.
    SHORT STORY: Dual Spartan Carnage wins 29 out of 40 matches in WU (72% roughly) against Dual Frantic Brute.
    LONG STORY: In WU, two identical mechs were created, each with either dual Frantic or dual Spartan.  In these 40 matches, Vassago made sure they both started out with two shots by moving the mechs around and/or shutting down.  Below are the configurations he used. 

         First, this probably means that my constant complaint about Frantic Brute not being weaker than Spartan Carnage may be wrong.  Maybe Spartan Carnage is actually premium.  However,
         Second, this means it may be the effects of RNG + additional shots.  Frantic Brute's average damage is 360 versus Spartan Carnage's 323 (without arena buffs).  But it also may reflect the fact that the amount of variance in Frantic (310 range of damage at divine) is inferior to Spartan Carnage's 170 damage range.  Meaning RNG has less of a powerful effect on Spartan Carnage's damage output, but a much stronger effect on Frantic Brute's damage output.
         Third, however, if I might theorize, if people are hacking SM using tools intended to increase the damage output by injecting higher random numbers into the game artificially, that Frantic Brute is the preferred weapon of the hacker, as you stand to gain more by injecting random number hacks with Frantic.  I'm not suggesting that people hack, or saying that this is possible, just that my unscientific opinion is that your hackers are more likely to be wielding dual frantics, if they're performing RNG hacks.
         Finally, because this is a test in WU, i.e. an artificial sandbox, it's not possible to assume fights like this would go the same way in SuperMechs.  But it's about as close as we're going to get without literally building two identical divine mechs in SM and then fighting them with two accounts.  (But if you're interested in doing that, please contact me.)
         I'd like to thank Vassago for the raw output of his tests.  I've been really busy with school, and he helped me quite a bit.
         If you'd like to help me test various things in WU, contact me please.
  15. Haha
    S_k reacted to CDR_Xavier in Cursed SM Images thread   
    Sometimes, we are equal.
    So equal that the game ...

    will create some inequality.
    What the heck is position 0, anyway?
    And, I assume position 4M is unsigned integer overflow. Prove me wrong.
    See you tomorrow at rank ...

    Hey look! It is unsigned integer overflow. I'm so smart
    The "programming" calculator refuse to do unsigned integer. idk why
    Ok. See you at rank 0. Or rank 1. or rank -2,147M. or rank 4B.
    (Don't be rank 4B lol i am not that useless)
  16. Thanks
    S_k got a reaction from Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I said spam, NOT Spam, but nice joke
  17. Like
    S_k got a reaction from rc in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    @MasterChief I did not do anything wrong. 
  18. Like
    S_k got a reaction from rc in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Sure, whatever you say, but that previous message you sent me saying I'm toxic and I don't know anything, you didn't send it to everyone who said SM is dying
    You asked the question, if you don't want to look for the answer, it's not my problem.
    We all know that you are angry and that you love SM, why don't you calm down and stop wasting your time? because this conversation is not going to get anywhere.
  19. Like
    S_k reacted to Shared-NW in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    even if they are suspicious, that's not a good reason to post them on flex thread.
    please use "Report a Cheater" on a "Bugs & Issues" section.

    now i need a Valiant Sniper Offer.
  20. Like
    S_k reacted to Sparks in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   

  21. Haha
    S_k got a reaction from Dark conon mech in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Sure, take a look at my profile picture. :))
  22. Like
    S_k reacted to DecepT.com in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Ok , no problem, I just wanted those blue Devouring paws, cool legs 👍
  23. Haha
    S_k got a reaction from DecepT.com in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    ¯\_( ͡─ _> ͡─)_/¯ Ok but stop answer , lets not make spam here.
  24. Like
    S_k got a reaction from Hotz in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    To begin with, why don't you complain to the creator of the post who said ´´Guys, Super Mechs is dying´´ and I also think the same as him but they are only our opinions
    I already did, I suppose you read it, but I will repeat it again: improve the pvp system so that 2v2 and 3v3 fights are not mandatory (it is better that they are optional so that the player has more freedom to choose their gameplay), and that the campaign mechs should be random builds,it is more entertaining and realistic than an insane mech with 300 dmg using epic weapons.
    Then increase the drop rate of the legendary items because honestly it is annoying to spend 75 tokens for ´´premium´´ boxes that drop epic items more frequently than the legendary ones./ or at least add a small chance of getting a mythical item from the premium boxes
    and finally add more items to the game because, as I said, the amount of items in this version compared to the old version is very scarce. The developers were doing well at the beginning with the releases of the new items: Battery Armor, Unrepaired Laser Cannon, Rock Polisher, etc. until the last legs came out Masive stone feet and its variants which are too OP due to the fact that most of the players only use that, that's why I think they have to counteract a problem like that by adding new items (that are balanced) so that there is more diversity of items.
  25. Like
    S_k got a reaction from Sparks in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I'm not a toxic person, you are the only one that my comment affected, no one else complained because in this post we only comment and opinions are respected.
    I'm from the beta version in the game, I was rank 1 in Legacy version and also in the current version (position 90 in the world ranking) (rank 1 using legacy legs that I still have from the old supermechs (I can send you a picture to prove it if you want)) So sir, don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about if I was and I'm still in supermechs from the beginning when the game was new for everyone.
    You are wrong, that is not my goal, it is what you assume, I only made a constructive criticism in a post on the subject. And if I criticize the game it is because I really care, if I did not care then, we would not be arguing. Besides, I already proved what I was talking about. 
    Yes, I am of legal age.
    You are a very sensitive person, I never wanted to offend you and I am sorry that you assume that my comment is toxic and that the game does not matter to me.
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