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  1. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Shoultz262 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  2. Like
    Atusiff reacted to _RAMpAGE_HITMAN_A47_ in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    5th pack of energy fortress offer

  3. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Senkowo in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    UPC when? 
    That's a nice item for multi mechs raids 😄
  4. Like
    Atusiff reacted to ISayMeow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   

  5. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Alex2040bR in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    Thank you very much mate 😀
    Here the one of today, still in force 😁
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    Atusiff reacted to iDaniRF in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    Thanks for the 7K subs! 🙂
  8. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Rewards For Joining The Forum   
    Before I joined the forum I was not very good. But when I did join I was able to learn a lot about this game and make friends. This may sound cliche but I think the reward I got was being better at the game.
  9. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Username4 in Rewards For Joining The Forum   
    Before I joined the forum I was not very good. But when I did join I was able to learn a lot about this game and make friends. This may sound cliche but I think the reward I got was being better at the game.
  10. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Ban for luck..   
    It's a cheat engine for a lot of games, used to work on SM but Alex patched it.
  11. Like
    Atusiff reacted to TheHalfShadow in I Am New   
    Hello There. My Name Is TheHalfShadow. I Am New To This Forum And I  Played SuperMechs For 4 Years
    Its My Favorite Game.
    YouTube : TheHalfShadow
  12. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Mr Lord in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Eh.. idk

  13. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from rc in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    The only way I've been able to contact him is through his discord server when he's online. And from my experience there is no set time online, as it is sporadic like any other discord user.
  14. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 4:
    Unclaimed boxes: +11 Fortunes, +1 R3 Box (35)
    Got 500 tokens (7.9K). +3.7M gold (18.4M)
    +200 arena coins (7.5K)
    Week 5:
    Unclaimed boxes: +11 Fortunes (309), +1 R3 Box (36), +2 Premium Box (8), +1 A Tier Box (1)
    Got 700 tokens (8.6K), +1.2M gold (19.5M)
    Inv: + 1 maxed item (Hardened Plainum Vest)
    +300 arena coins (7.8K)
    Cleared 7% of 3v3 campaign (73%)
  15. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    It seems this topic is mainly for the benefit of the game. As of now, and a few others might agree with me. I think the real quality of life changes we need are more developers and hardware updates. 
    More devs: I’ve heard rumors that Alex is the only dev working on SM. This is bad and hiring more will increase productivity *a lot*
    Hardware update: I’ve also heard rumors that the SM hardware is extremely outdated, and updating this could increase the the usability of Alex’s anti-cheat, in turn making cheaters go bye-bye.
    One downfall to my ideas that I’ve heard is that accounts would be set back by six months. I know this is a lot of work, and for some will bring you back to square one. But I’m the long run, which Alex is said to plan on, this will rid the game of cheaters for a long while.
  16. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Raul in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    That information did come from the Discord, Alexander was the one who said the hardware is outdated, and well, he's currently the only one doing pretty much everything to SM, calling him a CEO is an understatement.
    Two things are good to note:
    1. The anti-cheat is still under development, those things take time, whenever Alex decides tries to give us an idea of the complexity, the conversation takes hours. The problems he's facing right now aren't even problems that would normally exist in the worst scenarios.
    2. While it does feel unfair to have only him as the current administrator, it doesn't matter as a business, he can just hire more people anyway, the problem is we are on a really brittle base, very hard to work on, especially without impacting stuff that already exists, the reason he didn't hire more developers yet is because himself don't understand how the SM code works yet, the documentation is very poor, so before hiring people he's planning to actually have a product for them to work on, and not hire people to figure out how things work to be able to work on it.
    This is still not all there is to that, but since this isn't on the topic's matter I'll  leave it at that.
  17. Like
    Atusiff reacted to White Star in Today's dose of Bruh Moment   
    Let's take a look...

    Bruh! 🗿
    Opened a premium pack and... Forgot to take the screen shot...
    But i have now a:

    R e d    M u n k e e
    Bruh how i'm gonna even use that... 🗿
  18. Like
    Atusiff reacted to rc in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    I can’t blame you for thinking Alexander is working alone on SM. After all, it’s taking ages for a new item to be released.
    But I’ve to squish that rumor with this quote.
    As you can see from that quote, Alexander mentioned team, suggesting he isn’t working alone on SM.
    I remembered Alexander discussing more about his team on the old forum. But since the old forum is gone now, I can’t access that team info anymore.
    From what I remembered, Alexander mentioned 2 people working on SM and they’re time-sharing the development with Battle Dawn. You’d have to ask Alexander for the facts.
    Don’t quote me on this. My memory is sketchy. However, the part that Alexander has a team is solid info, at least from what I quoted him on.
    For some reason, I find that info questionable. Since I don’t know the facts, I can only question its validity. Alexander would know the details.
    I’m baffled why you need to go on rumors when you can easily ask Alexander for the facts on SM Discord. After all, he’s readily available on there.
  19. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Xynt in Cursed SM Images thread   
    Just 1 hp?
  20. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Bad.Life in Cursed SM Images thread   

  21. Like
    Atusiff reacted to STARWULPH in How to do this and wtf is this for   
    Ascension relics are to transform a level 50 Mythic to Divine.
    The white ones are for ascending ones that start at common, like Iron boots.
    The blue ones are for ascending the ones that start at rare, like Corrupt light.
    The purple ones are for ascending the ones that start at epic, like Hysteria.
    The gold ones are for ascending ones that start at legendary, like Seraphblade.
    (currently there is no way to paint an Item that is ready to be transformed)
  22. Like
    Atusiff reacted to CleverName in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    How does showing replays change boosting? Boosters will still either insta quit or just played intentionally lost matches. Fundamental issue is that arena lacks many players at any given time, which allows boosting to occur.
    Additionally, replays won't help much - then you're going to start accusing insta quitters who have an easy loss of boosting. As the #1 player who gets insta quit against, you'll see how many "boosters" I have for example. To play more devil's advocate, if someone wanted to look "legit" for this - they would just play a counter that loses against the main account, thereby justifying an insta quit. These days most boosters boost a little here and there, so I don't think it'll be as easy to detect as you might think. 
    And to play devil's advocate more - everyone in top ranks knows who manipulates arena hardest and their style of it. This isn't an individual players issue; more of a clan issue imo. You talk of solo medals but completely forget about clan medals - who you can argue get hit more often and consistently by boosted clan results. 
    Thankfully with the most recent ban wave, I think boosting will calm down, but time will tell...And to give some perspective, boosting affects maybe 0.0001% of SM players.
    TLDR: Boosting isn't a big issue. But the fix (if we wanted to pursue) would be to increase # of players in arena, not replays.
  23. Like
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    Atusiff reacted to Dwightx in Supermechs⛅ 100,000 Heat? 🔥 1v1   
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