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  1. Like
    Atusiff reacted to iSwarky in Wanna see something cursed but cool?   
    But i gotta admit, it looked cool. Especially the premium pack.
    Btw i use an android device.
  2. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Tri9ton in Wanna see something cursed but cool?   
    Can’t see anything 😞
  3. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Why Is My Three Day Old Comment Merging With My New One?   
    On my archive thread, it merged up to a week old post. Not until 2 weeks did it not merge
  4. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from AftoKrator in Why Is My Three Day Old Comment Merging With My New One?   
    On my archive thread, it merged up to a week old post. Not until 2 weeks did it not merge
  5. Haha
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Come up with the dumbest nickname in the world.   
  6. Like
  7. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Spam in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Now I am the confetti mentor of doom.
  8. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Mr Lord in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Lucky alt
    I don't even have 1 of those on my main

    Also flexing reaching 100 mythicals on my main
    Totally F2P
  9. Like
    Atusiff reacted to GuningSnipping in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  10. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Spam in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    My collection is complete,

  11. Like
    Atusiff reacted to epicspeedster in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    all the legendary drops from the offer

    more flexes

  12. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Liioh in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Back by unpopular demand: me!
    Took a brief detour to finish my dual UPC build, but I finished up Nightmares. Siths are next.

  13. Like
    Atusiff reacted to wolf in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  14. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Liioh in A belated introduction   
    I've just realized I've yet to make one of these, and given current circumstances it seems fitting I should make one now. So without further ado:
    Hello! My name is Leo. I'm the newest member of the moderation team, and honored to be so. I'm known in the community as many things, TheChingChangChungus (or TC3), Lolicon Kouhai (long story), and most commonly "who?".
    Regardless of my identity, I hope I'll be able to help the community in my capacity as junior moderator. If you've got any questions or concerns, feel free to ask them here. I can't promise an immediate response, but I will be checking in every few hours today. Also, if you've got any more private questions (eg. about your account), don't hesitate to ask. I'll try to answer those within a 24-hour stretch, but if more than a week passes after your sending don't hesitate to send a follow-up.
    Good luck, pilots!
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Bob The Penguin in PeppCake Introduction   
    Hello Guys I am New At Game And I Am New At This Forum
    Before I Played The Game
    I Found The Game In Youtube Like
    I Watch Youtube Name Dwightx 
    And I Watch His Video And I Thinking The I Played The Game 
    Soo i Played And I Am a Girl 
    Thx For Reading This ❤️❤️ 
  17. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 11: Unclaimed boxes: 0. I opened all of them
    -2.3K tokens (4.8K), -12.2M gold (7.8M)
    +800 arena coins (11K)
    +5 new myths (Molten Vest, Broken Blizzard Dissolver, Fractured Basalt Dissolver, x2 Damamged Armor Dissolvers)
    +5 new max items (Overload Preventor, x2 Charge Engine, Platinum Grappling Hook, Rock Recoiler)
    +14 new divines (TerrorBlade, x2 Quad Core Booster, x3 Overload Preventor, Defence Matrix, Combined Storage Unit, Massive Lava Feet, GrimReaper, Rock Recoiler, Selfish Protector, x2 Charge Engine)
  18. Haha
    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    I would be at 0 if it weren't for Alex's sales xD
  19. Like
    Atusiff reacted to OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    nice. Divining parts practically took away the gold with 7 premium at 7 millions and 7 epics at 3.5millions with a total of 10.5millions leaving 1.7 millions to make myths of course grinding gave more to make those parts but a lot of gold hard to recover.  Nice job. 👍
  20. Like
    Atusiff reacted to trophy345OBLITERATED in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    ya lucky bugger
    i wish i had some qcb/ovp modules
  21. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 11: Unclaimed boxes: 0. I opened all of them
    -2.3K tokens (4.8K), -12.2M gold (7.8M)
    +800 arena coins (11K)
    +5 new myths (Molten Vest, Broken Blizzard Dissolver, Fractured Basalt Dissolver, x2 Damamged Armor Dissolvers)
    +5 new max items (Overload Preventor, x2 Charge Engine, Platinum Grappling Hook, Rock Recoiler)
    +14 new divines (TerrorBlade, x2 Quad Core Booster, x3 Overload Preventor, Defence Matrix, Combined Storage Unit, Massive Lava Feet, GrimReaper, Rock Recoiler, Selfish Protector, x2 Charge Engine)
  22. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 9:
    Unclaimed boxes: +5 Fortune boxes (296), +1 S tier box (9), +1 R3 box (40), +12 Premium Packs (37)
    -2.6K tokens, -700K gold
    Inv: +1 maxed item (quad core booster)
    +1.4K arena coins (10K)
    Week 10:
    Unclaimed boxes: -13 Fortunes (283), +1 S tier box (10), +1 R3 box (41), +15 Premium packs (52), +1 Premium box (11)
    -1.4K tokens (7.1K), +1.6M gold (20M)
    +200 arena coins (10.2K)
    Cleared 3% of 3v3 campaign (81%)
  23. Like
  24. Like
    Atusiff reacted to SawzAll in I need a cockpit ASAP   
    The deals Alex gives us are nearly always a discounted rate on premium packs ... AND on the other items he usually includes (gold, arena coins, quad cores, etc).  It's up to you if you want to wait for them or not.
  25. Like
    Atusiff reacted to khan in Mathematically correct OFFERS   
    AFTER MANY HOURS OF CALCULATIONS (20 minutes really), I have done some maths and here to present you the most money effective token packages if you were to buy them.
    In game, there is a 10$ offer for 795 Tokens, arguably the best offer. Going off of this offer alone, 1$ = 79.5 Tokens
    I will be comparing every offer to this one above.
    1. 0.99$ for 50 Tokens
    This package is 62.8% money effective
    2. 4.99$ for 250 Tokens
    Usually you'd get 397.5 Tokens for 5$ with the aformentioned 10$ offer.
    This package is 62.89% money effective.
    3. 4.99$ for 750 Tokens
    5$ here would get you 397.5 Tokens, but as you log in daily you get 25 reds each day.
    This is THE MOST money effective package, boasting at a 188.67% money effectiveness.
    4. 9.99$ for 530 Tokens
    10$ = 795 Tokens, need i say more?
    This package is 66.6% money effective.
    5. 19.99$ for 1,100 Tokens
    20$ = 1,590 Tokens if you were to buy the 2 special offers for 10$.
    This package is 69.18% money Effective
    6. 49.99$ for 2,900 Tokens
    50$ = 3975 Tokens if you were to buy 5 of the 10$ offers.
    This package is 72.95% money effective.
    7. 99.99$ for 6,500 Tokens
    Big moner, 100$ = 7950 Tokens if you were to buy 10 of the 10$ offers.
    This package is 81.76% money effecitve.
    NOW FOR TODAYS OFFER, How worth is it?

    Well, it's actually pretty worth it.
    1 Pack costs 335 Tokens, which roughs out to about 4.21$.
    We have 6 packs here (2010 Tokens) , which is worth around 25.26$, we also have 1,200 Tokens which is about 15$ if we count by the 1$/79.5 tokens rule.
    THEREFORE, you're getting 40$+ worth of tokens here, not account for the 300k power kit, transform relic, 50k gold and 300 AC.
    The best token effective offer is the 795 tokens special offer for 10$, the monthly pass, and pretty much every paid offer.
    ima be real with you i only did this cause i was bored and kind of got annoyed that everytime theres an offer somebody goes "HURR DURR IS OFFER WORTH PLS TELL?"
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