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Posts posted by Typhon4273

  1. 1 hour ago, 3EpalIpologistis1 said:

    no one cares what you ask in life. now stop and get of forums and go play the actual game. Or else just die, get clevername to kill you because I bet you are not even capable of killing yourself

    This is literally a Q and A topic wdym "no one cares what you ask in life" . Now stop and get your toxicity off the forum and play the actual game. 

    Edit: This guy's most likely trolling ignore him lol

  2. 9 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    If the user has some sort of recoiler you re done for. Everytime you try to get close to them they will just use recoiler and savagery. (Personally i still think that the range of corrupt light and malice beam should be same as savagery/hysteria)

    This has probably already been said a million times but upgrade your mods. Do you really think you can survive a maxed legy savagery with just 120 cooling? Gosh

  3. 2 hours ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Well I built my mech when maxed on workshop unlimited and now idk what's the highest rank this build can get, can you answer help me? 


    Some said its decent and op but idk

    A few things:

    - Pretty much any energy mech could wreck you

    - Too much heat cap, anywhere from 400-600 would be enough

    - The lack of a push weapon at range makes you really weak to huggers

    - Void deals little dmg nowadays, so other phys mechs could out damage you 

    Overall: Can't really win against other types except for heat (and even then dmg-oriented builds could pierce through your resistance and beat you) 

  4. 1 minute ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    It is kinda disgusting when you look at it but if i need to defend myself against heat and energy usrrs at the same time this is the ony way i can go

    Honestly it seems to me that aren't you aren't doing much to defend yourself against heat and energy lol. I mean, you have a maxed fractured armor with around 100 base cooling. Yet your total cooling is only 126??

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