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    VB reacted to Mr Lord in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2 legy is possible 

    Not main acc, it's some alt's insane😒
  2. Like
    VB reacted to Ruben in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    gold portal reward (insane)

  3. Like
    VB got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Always wanted a pizza cutter but I don’t do any energy builds 😞
  4. Like
    VB got a reaction from Atusiff in Well hey, Ad1tya this side (:   
    Some of us return from time to time 😉
  5. Like
    VB got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Always wanted a pizza cutter but I don’t do any energy builds 😞
  6. Like
    VB got a reaction from Kendall Passionate Polaris in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Always wanted a pizza cutter but I don’t do any energy builds 😞
  7. Like
    VB got a reaction from Monke King in Well hey, Ad1tya this side (:   
    Some of us return from time to time 😉
  8. Like
    VB reacted to SolarisHK-CZ805 in PORTAL   
    Lucky you, but I got a burning shower and 3 legendary ascensions lol
  9. Like
    VB reacted to Atusiff in Well hey, Ad1tya this side (:   
    Reviving these topics, I'm seeing all the oldies that left the game 😢
  10. Like
    VB reacted to Aionion in Dead Community   
    Spam a few more "DEAD GAEM PLZ GIB FREE TOKENS ALEX'S ANIME PAEDOPHILE FOR NO UPDAT GAME XDXDXDXDXD" threads and maybe the community and even the game may un-dead itself.
  11. Like
    VB reacted to Aionion in Bug and Issues   
    stop spamming and necroposting useless topics
  12. Like
    VB got a reaction from AudiGodzilla111 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  13. Like
    VB got a reaction from Monke King in Why hello there my good Side.   
    Hey Isenfire!
    I've never seen a 12k page book before, have you actually read books that long? 😮 If yes, could you name a few?
  14. Like
    VB got a reaction from Monke King in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I bought it in the end, first premium res on the account (and arena shop is not even closed to max). Good value.
  15. Like
    VB got a reaction from Monke King in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  16. Like
    VB reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in The old forum has fallen :c   
    So the old forums are actually gone, huh... I thought that it was a joke when I first heard of it on Discord but now that I see that it's real... I might as well say that I'm really gonna miss the old days I had on those forums, sentimental value and what not. So, here I go...
    The old forums was where I managed to connect to a side of SuperMechs that I wouldn't have seen without it. I managed to find a place where I could chat, voice my opinions/ideas, help others, and find ways to keep on improving myself. Yes, the new forums is capable of serving those exact same purposes... But it doesn't feel the same. Sentimental value, I suppose.
    Back when I first started using the forums, I was a rank 15 that was struggling to lift my feet to carry myself beyond my old limits of rank 12... But with the help and friends that I've gotten from the forums, I finally gained a foothold and some traction over which direction I was heading. I surpassed rank 11... Then 10... Then 9... And now here I am, a rank 8 who made it to rank 7 with a heat + physical lineup.
    I honestly never thought that I would make it this far because of how I had no one to guide me but now I can look back at the past and see how far I've managed to get because of everyone in the forums and everyone in Immortal Blades, giving me new ideas and useful tips that have gotten me to this point and will likely push me to rank 5 down the line. For now, though, I'll settle with rank 7 as it's the furthest milestone that I can achieve as of right now.
    But... Back to the point... I'll miss the old forums and the times that I had with it. It basically made me into the pilot that I am today...
    And to Tactisoft, even though this game has been a bumpy hellhole of a ride... It's been pretty fun as well. So... Instead of the usual finger that I stick up whenever fortune boxes drop rares or when RnG gets the best of me and gives me a loss, I'ma say thanks because even when newly baked Tactisoft-grade premiums end up causing hell for me in arena, you have also built me up from something simple and into something great... Besides, the game has usually been like this, so another round isn't all that new.
    With that out of the way... I'ma end this post here with a final note... Though, to make it easier on everyone reading this, I'll place the note in a topic of its own.
    For now, I wish all pilots a good day and good luck with their season rewards...
    From the "Discount Ultra Gladiator Rank 12" to the "Hollow Spectral Heater Rank 7" pilot,
    A.T.O.M/Avenger/Shadeski/Whiteout/Leberecht Maass/{{W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T}}
  17. Like
    VB reacted to SawzAll in The old forum has fallen :c   
    I will be brave and say that the toxicity won't be missed from the old forum.
    However, there was a lot of good information on the old forum that we need to make sure we provide on the new forum.
    So I hope people start writing threads about random things.
  18. Like
    VB got a reaction from Phobos in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  19. Like
    VB reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    It is not the best but good enough for sure to help you move up. I do not regret to get the item. Sur, I got the others and switched for other types of mech, but I still use them in regular sets. I got R1 with them every week when I played serious for some months. 
  20. Like
    VB got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I bought it in the end, first premium res on the account (and arena shop is not even closed to max). Good value.
  21. Like
    VB got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  22. Like
    VB got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  23. Like
    VB got a reaction from SolarisHK-CZ805 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divined torso, 1st murmur.
  24. Like
    VB got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I bought it in the end, first premium res on the account (and arena shop is not even closed to max). Good value.
  25. Like
    VB reacted to Benja07 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Hello again, forum
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