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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. l9v5.png

    Oh wait again a legendary again ?! 

    I didn't especting at all especially on the same day now i regret to posting this :

    2 hours ago, Electro said:

    Oh it's shyned yellow is here in fortune box



    well it will serve as myth food ...

    I have the impression to make me pass a unlucky but what is not the case 😅 .


    Edit : i just noticed but the fortune i quoted contain 2 torsos ; 1 rare and a legendary ,

    and now 2 top weapons ; 1 rare and a legendary maybe.. it was a sequel to the box, no ?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mr.BigBangYT said:

    No I mean damage items because PSY DMG

    psy damage ? uh the backfire would you said ?

    10 minutes ago, Mr.BigBangYT said:

    ¿Habrá módulos especializados de este tipo?I do not understand the question

    this question is especially your suggestion as a weapon with a new type of what i had understood before, as it is the energy physical or heat there are modules of resist of each element .

  3. I have a list of some questions .

    Psy is a new type ?

    What particularity the Psy does it have ?

    The stats you propund are with arena buff or without ?

    Will there be any specialized modules of this type ?

    Otherwise if you want i could help for the sprite .

  4. 23 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    It can make a huge difference, especially against other energy. Definitely much bigger than having extra 14 heat resist.

    It's depend, at hight level with the much highter explosive mech use rate makes the thermal version probably better of that energitic mechs are quite rare in arena .

    Of course it's possible that energitic resist is more useful than explosif resist but if electric mech are not really "meta" i don't think is worth adding defense on it .


  5. I will put a note of the scale 1 out of 10 to this mechs :


    1st : 7/10  not really fault in the first sight except replace the cooling module by a energy regeneration module .( have you energitic forteress ? )


    2nd 3/10 that my opinion but claws on energy mechs is a bad idea for some reasons :

    - the energy mech was overweighted .

    - the energy mech previleged the resist and not hp ( generally energy mech have 2400 hp ) .

    - the energy mech use generally party crasher with evac spark but it's impossible to use them with claw .


    3rd 6/10 quite similar to the first but replace a overload emp is a normal emp, personnaly i prefer using the overload version with better drain for a lighted weight .

  6. I hadn't put the stats yet so here they are ( i had put the stats in the topic with 3 fanart including the sword but i hide this topic ) :

    Stats at divin ( without arena buff )

    Weight : 41

    Physical damage 201 - 246

    2 Push 

    Range : 1 - 3

    Energy cost : 35


    With buff :

    Weight : 41

    Physical damage : 242 - 295 ( average )

    2 Push 

    Range : 1 - 3

    Energy cost : 35

  7. 5 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    it's all translated by sound. in japanese, you pronounce the "R" like "L". it's not real japanese. its basically like asking a japanese person to speak english with a japanese accent. 

    Oh i see thanks for this precision .

    5 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    you french?

    Possibly 🤔 ... No in real life but i live in this country .

  8. t54g.png

    you traducted by " legacy Sword " but i said before " legacy blade "

    otherwise i removed the accents so that the names inconsistencies of supermechs ( never items in supermechs have accents in name ) , but i never thinked that it would be have been translated by another word ...

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