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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. 13 minutes ago, DArkVold said:

    But my main question is should I take off one plate and add a energy engine?

    I recommend do it, you need energy for supply the swoop and abomination of energy .

    But for the moment the mech look not bad here what is look if you have some double modules and other premium item :


  2. 12 hours ago, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:

    I have no idea who did it, but I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Dual frantics everywhere. It doesn't matter how much res you have, they somehow always do 400 or 500 damage, and the dual ones doing 1k damage in 1 turn

    Every hit is a high roller. Every single one. 

    Imagine a frantic but for resist drain or a backfire frantic which the user receive different damage,

    the game would break i think ...

  3. 4 hours ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

    All I’m gonna say, is idk why meta need to be posted.  For example, when I was a new player I loved watching all the vets replays to see what kind of builds they ran…. And kinda determined which ones were the best in my opinion and which ones I wanted

    part of the game should be the lower level players research into better builds, not just us giving them to them and saying “here you go, good luck getting the items. This is what works “

    That not for disrecpect you but take this topic as an options, in games there is not only the strategic side but also the "fun" side if you play the items that you like to play them .

    I understand your feeling but is a topic, it allows you informed if you want .

  4. 30 minutes ago, adc said:

    and what about claw?

    personally i prefer don't use this in electric mech as you quote the energy mech was overweighted,equiped a legs with 150 weight with teleporter modules charge and grappling hook will only make the problem worse ( generally not all time )

  5. 4 hours ago, adc said:

    and use defense matrix instead of fortresses

    I do not really recommend using this of you have the forteress, as you have seen the energy mech that exceed 2700/2650 hp without claw are rare so making them even less resistant doesn't seem like a good idea .

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