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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. 1 hour ago, DArkVold said:

    I would use EMP

    I just want to know how strong the emp is, there are some who recommend it but when i look the stats it's feels like it's just a waste, with arena buff it remove pratically the same amount of energy to the opponent as you for a weight of 70 and only 1 use .


  2. 22 minutes ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

    Fr idk how to do that, sooooπŸ˜…

    1 - creat a new topic .


    2 - click on "poll" .


    3 - choose a title for the poll,the question and for the prepositions and you can add thΓ© number of answers


    You can also choose to apply in multiple answer but here left it a only 1 answer .

    Β 4 - clicked on "content" to add text .


  3. 16 minutes ago, White Star said:

    this weapon remind me or a drone

    ( It's supposed to be me who said it but apprantly it's didn't do what i wanted...)

    16 minutes ago, White Star said:

    i wake up... DRONE

    i live... DRONE

    i sleep... DRONE

    i dream... DRONE

    Rinse and repeat?Β  D R O N E ! ! !

    Oops sorry ...

    16 minutes ago, White Star said:

    [ Although stomping could be a nICE idea to break the ice and move ]

    I approve this idea it would give interest of the stomp πŸ‘ .


  4. Nice art otherwise this weapon remind me or a drone

    7 minutes ago, White Star said:

    β€’ Hinders the movement of a mech for one turn [ Can't walk, Jump, Teleport or Charge until the ice thaws out ]

    The opponent will not longer be able use a weapon with a jump required ?

  5. Overall it's look decent but can be remplaced 1 evac spark by a malice beam and a spinefall by a 2th valiant sniper, the malice beam is probably one of the best no premium energy weapon with a decent energy drain and Infinit use, for spine fall i think it's better to replace by a valiant sniper of course for the drain and with the meta more concentrated on the hugger you will go a few time be at distance of the opponent ( especially without teleporter) and the fight is generally finish when you used the 4 use of the valiants sniper .

    ( I could be wrong )

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