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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. I hope to have my arena box ... <--- ( the person who is that interested in having the arena box )



    in reality no .


    in fact if .


    On the other hand it is mistaken between quote and spoiler ...




    @mohamed Alpatal Khalaf

    why you place a file ?

  2. - Od6 : the second which give the most xp and it's a faster level

    - Od7 : give a little more xp and gold but it's extremely long to finish this level .

    Correction : the Od7 give only a little more xp, i didn't advice this level .

    - 0d8 : same but can give more fortune box


    So i recommend you 0d6 .


  3. 1xuz.png

    Valiant sniper work better with viking hammer and piercing fox, so i replaced it by a Mortal bullet .

    For the drone both are good but i would have preference for face shocker because the other drone has a backfire, not really advice with a build not exceeding 2800~2900 hp .

    ( i am only rank 12, my advice are not reliable )

  4. 3 hours ago, Clan Red said:

    Also notice campaign 1vs1 at mission 8 reward fortune box  would get at least 5 + legendary  every week after many try’s .

    The rate is very high to just use fuel .

    3 hours ago, Clan Red said:

    NOW  drop rate fortune box for one month is at O % for legendary reward.

    Yes Rate is ZERO %….,you can add that…..fixings all 🐞🐜🐛 .

    No one is  talking  about that in forum ???

    What do you mean by that ? I'd had 9 legendary of which 6 premium items with fortune box .

  5. 42 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    What are you talking about kid? I can barely extrapolate anything from that broken mess. Many top tier players voiced their disagreement with their terrible thread and a new, much better one was made in its place. Just a word of advice, stop speaking on matters you have no knowledge on, you're starting to sound like that clown 🤡

    oh very well you insulte me ? In this case i just to have to call a moderator then.

    I seems to have disrupted the discussion but then i leave . ( just for i can rest )

    @Alexander Sorry to disturb you but we have a "conflicts" and turn out he's not really respesctful. I may have to be responsible i apologize for that .

  6. 27 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    It's the same person that made the "META" builds thread that was completely wrong. This isn't any more reliable.

    So according to a person not part of world rank 10 said that absolutely all the builds are tottaly fake made by the union of the build from the top mech builders and therefore you now contradict everything said the messenger of the post ? You can think as you want but then left this topic .

  7. 7 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    This was multiple people pooling in their drop data and no, they're once again spreading misinformation about things they don't know anything about.

    Can you at least say why you think that ? A bunch of words is useless without anything and also why they will do that ? It wouldn't do them anyway any good if it were true .

  8. 2 minutes ago, TheHolyFish said:

    well, for me, i have this build:image.thumb.png.2ae87c2b3f9ed3262d6ce93588f6a8f9.pngits great against energy and boiler mechs. but the damage-based heat mechs that i have seen starting to show up in arena are a problem.

    maybe replace a heat engine by a cooling mass booster, you energy regeneration and cooling must be highter than 290~300 and add a resist dissolver 

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