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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. 16 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    what exp level are you?

    93 .

    17 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    how many inv slot do you have?


    17 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    have you purchased any inv slots before?

    Never .

    17 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    1-10 scale (1 being worst): having 5 maxed heat torsos (zark, windi, monkey, vest, and nightmare) and no torsos of any other type...

    Not very understand this question, it is us who must rate on a scale of 1 in 10 ? In any case i have not heat torso .

    21 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    wouldn't it be nice if there are more perk slots? like shrinking pumpkin santa or goat shooting snowball..

    Good Idea 👍.

  2. In a premium pack from an offer i got the premium grappling Hook varation but i thought i got the thermal but this is not case despite the red color .


    While this how the physical version is representes on Wu 


    It is very likely that it come from the fact that i have not mythified but is seems strange to me that its suddenly change color when changing rank .

  3. 3 hours ago, Badboi said:

    are they worth using on electric free electric mechs ?

    Or is it long past the time they were useful?

    No, 79 weights for 70 damage average are not worth 

    Same for the drone use a normal drone, i'm pretty sure a rare drone will be better than this.

    The only thing of the legacy that this good is the double grappling Hook

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