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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ur Hacking said:

    OOoOooOoOoOo sounds awesome I hate it when the drone activates first because mine is bad and underleveled


    On my secondary account i have a cockpit piercer ( mythical level 50 ) but is a started account, in campaign some times i can use the scope in the first turn and one shot weakness ennemy but if a equiped a drone .. is change all and use the drone and finnaly the opponent use a charge/grappling ...

  2. You may already know it or even suffered from the artifical inteligence of the automatic mode which is the as the ennemy in campaign, that is to say bad .

    That why i propose that we programm it .


    1 - choose the mech you would programming 

    First you will have to choose the mech you want programmed ( you can programmed several mechs if you want for the 2vs2 and 3vs3 campaign) . 


    The option will be on the menu for equiped the mech ( for those was legacy player and have the legacy button do *not worry the button will be moved aside)


    2 - Program

    by clicking on it you arrived on a page, i assure you it's not like computer programs with codes.. No here is simple you have first the priorities .


    2.1 Priorities


    Basically the mech has only one priority, it's the drone and then any weapons.You can modify for example to put on the first priority the vandal rage and entering a fight the automatic will use the vandal rage first and not the drone if he was in the range, if he can execute the first order it will execute the next priority if he has any next, otherwise he will do what he wants. Noted that you can for example add several weapons in the 3rd priority .


    2.2 - Secondary options 

    You can also options enabled or not.



    And that is all but that might take a lot of strategy for what weapon i should add on priorities, possibilities ..


  3. 9 minutes ago, Ur Hacking said:

    I think hpv should be a little bit higher ngl

    i think i will keep it on the C rank for few reasons :

    - extremely weak hp for this weight, for comparison the energy battery torso have 1.177 hp and hpv 960 for the same weight .

    - have low phy resist but hight energy resist but only usable on titan or raid but here is the arena .

    - extremely inbalance stats, have very good heat stats but have low energy

  4. 3 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    ok. thanks. appreciate the help. 

    You re welcome, is normal .

    4 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    since without watching ads, you can only claim 15 items at once, just get some screenshots or something of each base drop. remember, they have to be COMMONS ONLY

    Agreed 👍


    tomorrow morning ( for me, i don't know if we have a time difference then in 14 hours later ) everything will be ready, otherwise i would rather do it all at once .

  5. 6 hours ago, Clan Red said:


    just realized that the clan am in  have two princesses 

    Angie likes Physic and princess Lia like Heat …..

    yes It’s depends on what you get but easy to upgrade Physic!!


    23 minutes ago, Clan Red said:


    just realized that the clan am in  have two princesses 

    Angie likes Physic and princess Lia like Heat …..

    yes It’s depends on what you get but easy to upgrade Physic!!

    you have misscliqued or it's intentional to have repeated the same sentence ?

  6. 33 minutes ago, Clan Red said:

    yes It’s depends on what you get but easy to upgrade Physic!!

    Indeed yes with a ftp build like this : ( that better with the right image ..)


    We can easily progress but the only flaw is that the physical has less no premium items .

    So if you are at least advanced physical is probably better but at the beginning the heat was better with several e-m items .

  7. 16 minutes ago, Corvus said:

    Banned for banning a banner who bans banners who also ban banners... And so on until everyone has been banned 

    banned for banned a administrator .

    I practically forgot to ban myself so no one can ban me 🙂 ( even if is true that i'm banned so..)

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