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Posts posted by Deimos

  1. On 1/6/2022 at 4:04 AM, Zutchse said:

    New Mechanic for Heat

    Lets start of with the new mechanic for heat:
    We know that the unique thing for heat is that you need to use 1 move point to cool down your mechs.

    I think this needs some tweaking so that it becomes balanced.

    I suggest that:

    Every turn, mechs will cool down with UP TO 10% efficiency of their heat regen (that means- if you have 100 heat regen, you regen UP TO 10 heat every turn)- which we would call it heat dissipation

    why did I say up to? well lets apply physics here: 

    "Heat dissipation occurs when an object that is hotter than other objects is placed in an environment where the heat of the hotter object is transferred to the colder objects and the surrounding environment." - Corrosionpedia

    That means- our object (in this case the mechs), when its hotter than the environment (that is the arena) the heat should transfer to the environment so that the whole system may reach something called "equilibrium" or equal states on all systems.


    That means - The hotter the mech, the larger the heat dissipation is. This can go from <1% of your heat regen to a maximum of 10% of your heat regen. BUT- this mechanic ONLY APPLIES when you are not overheated, meaning the regen will not apply to your own shutdowning the whole mech.

    Balancing of modules

    Lets move on to our next topic: Balancing of modules

    On my last discussion of Quad Core booster vs. CUE/OP combo , we saw that the QCB (Quad Core Boosters) are superior against CUE/OP combo and I know the reason why:

    Take a look on this picture and focus on the regens

    Did you noticed something?

    The Quad core booster regens 59 while the OP regens only 88- WHICH IS UNBALANCED!

    The QCB regens around 67% of that the OP, and it should not, why?

    Because, the sole purpose of QCB is to become a all-in-one module but with reduced stats, which should be equal to around 50% or less of its counterpart.

    But its more than that, And I think QCB should be rebalanced.

    According to Warrmachine- the 3 quads is equal to 2 CEU and 2 OP, which should not be ( which also makes it overpowered).


    Therefore, In my opinion, the QCB needs some nerf due to it having higher stats by making it around 50% of that OP and the CEU.


    New Mechanic for heat: Passive heat regen depending from the current heat (from <1% heat regen to a maximum of 10% regen). This passive heat regen is automatically turned off if the mech is overheated.

    Rebalancing of QCB: Nerf the QCB to 50% of both regen and capacity of CEU and OP.


    I'm open for any criticism and suggestions for the game. thanks for reading my post.


    That's a terrible idea, boilers will become even more worthless than they already are. No, just no.

  2. 8 hours ago, GG the RLBandster said:

    Are those max rare hot flashes?

    Yes, I've been using them the whole tournament. The epic version that provided like 4 extra damage and 3 drain wasn't worth doubling the heat cost.

    8 hours ago, Pavke said:

    If you leave them at common or rare tier they can be upgraded as stated in the rules.

    I wasn't upgrading them, they were that level the entire time.

  3. 26 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    is having 12 mythicals and 13 divines and being stuck at rank 10-7 for over a year normal?

    also, first maxed blue vest. 


    and now painted so i can have a pair with my red vest


    Are those mythicals and divines any good? You need a bunch of maxed modules for top ranks. You should be able to get there in 1v1 season at least with that many though.

  4. 17 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    i know, i don't usually food l-ms, except backfire snipers. fooded 4 in my lifetime. 

    i also really rarely food torsos .... other than the avenger i used for a blue vest and a zark i'm saving for a future red rain. 

    Fooding E-M's is fine, I even got rid of a bunch of claws since I don't need 15 of them just don't get rid of any useful L-M's

  5. 6 minutes ago, Electro said:

    Possibly, at the same time is the worst offer it is better to buy some premium packs directly on the shop , 1500 tokens for that is too much .

    I'd say that's not the case. even though 3 regular packs cost only 1005 tokens the droprates are not the same and you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who can get 100% legendary drop from packs. You're paying extra for the boosted drops which is imo better than buying even 4 regular packs.

  6. 2 hours ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    not bad. tho i'm still thinking of fooding my yellow vest. 

    i don't normally run energy (only for fun) and 2 red and 1 blue is enough for a 3v3 set. 

    Don't do that. Keep it for raid and titan.

  7. 1. 238

    2. 220

    3. I may have bought some on accident when the "inventory full" window popped up

    4. ?

    5. No clue what you're saying here tbh, are you asking if it's bad to only have maxed heat torsos? Not really, heat torsos are the best type and you'll rarely use anything else. Energy torsos are mainly useful for energy mechs.

    6. It would certainly allow for greater customization but it's not something I ever thought about so it's not that pressing of a matter. You can always buy item pain to differentiate yourself from the rest.

  8. 1 hour ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    add a few terror blades and swoops. and add like 50 more maxed powerkits. 

    ..... what else is super hard to get......

    oh. and add some snipers. 

    ..... hmm .... how much would one copy of every mythable item cost altogether?

    They wouldn't sell something like that, defeats the whole progression.

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