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The Great

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Posts posted by The Great

  1. 3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:


    just few names back in the old forum. Sadly I deleted a file by mistake having a ton of screen captures from old forum members I collected before was shut down. 🥴
















    Sad to see them go, Ricemech was banned, nefertary was slandered away

    L4K3 quit, pity he truly was a top, @L4K3, if ur still there say smth pls.


    So many gone, so many old players, the forum really has died due to the strict censorship, which makes sense but is doing more harm than good it seems.


    The game is very dead, I cannot be sure, but it seems that so many players are leaving, clans such as littlelost your lost which survived through reloaded are dead now. Truly sad to see this great game go. No new items, no energy fix really did kill the game huh?

    We miss grosboss on this topic 

    Screenshot 2021-09-21 at 15.25.52.png

    Ik the message is from schulz but that's the balance update topic


  2. You push on normally 2 accounts, and get them to high ap, for example, ur main is at 200, and ur two other accs at 190, then you all 3 enter the arena at the same time, get matched and ur alts quit vs ur main (smo else or another device pilots the alts), you then all close and reopen the game, this allows you to rematch with the same opponenet (your alt) multiple times, this way u can gain a lot of ap, however, it leaves no replays.

  3. On 7/18/2021 at 3:03 AM, SawzAll said:

    Actually, that would be EFA (34/34/34) and the MPV and LPV (77/22/31 or 77/31/22 depending on which).   

    I think EFA is the most underrated torso.  I love EFA.  It's got high resistance in all categories (but not as high in physical as the MPV/LPV).  If your build can support energy-free, it's a good substitute for MPV/LPV in energy-free builds, even though it's not perfect.  It has the highest heat resistance of any torso in the game, too.

    EFA plus savior resistance and (for example, heat damage) desolation and heat bomb can be quite formidable in middle ranks.  Like I said, EFA isn't the top torso, but it's still very good.

    I would argue for sith. Good res, low hp unfortunately, but good base stats as well, and very light, makes it very easy to make good rounded builds with it

  4. 1 hour ago, SawzAll said:

    Not even.

    Also, this helpful image:


    Nice, however, I don't recommend transforming kits ever.

    If you transform a rare kit to epic and max it, you spend slightly more power than you get.

    If you transform an epic kit to legy, you lose a substantial amount of power.

    And transforming a common kit to rare doesn't lose power, but it is less input to output efficient than not transforming it.


  5. 9 hours ago, That1Guy said:

    Ok, couple of things, using power kits on each other does provide an efficiency boost. Also, if you need rare kits, transforming common kits does actually end up being helpful, but it is long and tedious. Finally, the most efficient way to upgrade kits if you’re using base is for one factory to constantly craft kits while the other three craft commons. Use 19 commons on each common kit, then three max common kits, one rare item, and three common items on each rare kit. Also, slight tidbit that I don’t think anyone else has mentioned, it is actually slightly more cost-effective to upgrade an item all at once, instead of as you get items/kits. The reason for this is that the amount of gold each upgrade costs is rounded up, so if you upgrade individually you end up paying slightly more coins. It’s practically negligible, but good to know.

    1. Upgrading kits with kits is less money efficient

    2. Transforming kits gives less boost efficiency than not

    3. Cool third point, nice

  6. 1 hour ago, MatiasKurt said:

    chance is 0% from our side, because the clan fuse request your beloved best player sent was rejected

    Well said, besides the bad rep, inmax has been getting cleaner.

    2 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    --------- Just a side note -------

    NWC is not a "recruiting ground" for Reign.  We allow it at times, but given that we made it to #34 clan in the clan wars this season, I want to reiterate we are our own clan.  And I believe my clan mates are good people that can achieve top ten clan status.

    For me, this is more an alliance of shared beliefs.  RR/RF value chivalry highly, like we do in NWC.  RR/RF hate hackers, like we do.

    Long way till top 10...

  7. 1 hour ago, SawzAll said:

    Well a lot of the boiler depends on tactics.  You can have all divine stuff but if you can't manage heat, boilers will wreck you.  Also, like I said, low to mid ranks.  Very few people can handle top ranks without at least some form of premium resistance.  I didn't get to top ranks until I had max'd MPVs and max'd defense matrices.  But there are exceptions, of course, like @ZeRo_, who got to rank 1 without any.  (To be fair, he had OEMP and some premium weapons, etc.)

    As for energy, only good energy.  And even then, tactics-wise, most energy mech users I know of are in such a hurry to drain you that they forget to manage heat, so the "drop heat bomb when they drain you" tactic works even on people in top ranks.

    Again, my idea here was to offer low/mid ranks a nice build to help them.  But I appreciate your honest feedback, too!

    Yes, in top ranks, especially on last day, it is just a matter of matchups, and zero has godlike luck.............

    Energy can get rank 1 just because of so many heat counters, regardless of how well you play...........

    Heat is hard to play with, since so many people counter it.........

  8. 5 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    Yeah this mech can easily shred everything in sight even on like rank 5.

    Even if it doesnt destroys the mech, the mech will go thru a lot of pain.

    No, it really can't, any physical, damage based heat, or any good energy will destroy this in 3 turns

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