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Everything posted by Aionion

  1. technically you still can do it smoothly on mobile no issue , just that ads on mobile have the tendency to be longer than PC
  2. dude , it's just 30 minutes per day , it cost you more than an hour atleast to just grind campaign for gold , literally you do nothing other than clicking 3-4 times and wait , if you can't wait , just open a tab and go youtube then go back and forth to check occasionally .
  3. if someone is willing to do campaign to gain gold and medals , so can them in the ads, hell , you don't even need to do anything other than wait , only thing it cost is time
  4. Aionion


    Siempre vuelvo porque soy cucui ganon suavemente.
  5. If you by any chance own a mobile device , you can actually use the watch ads function on mobile then log onto PC to have it available on PC as well , you can essentially gain free tokens daily just from clicking and waiting in game , there are 2 tokens you can gain from watching an ad and the maximum tokens you can get is 60 tokens for free from watching ads , these numbers are small but overtime it racks up an impressive amount of tokens you can just gain for free : - 1 day : 60 tokens - 1 week : 420 tokens - 1 month : 1800 tokens - 3 months : 5400 tokens - 6 months : 10800 tokens - 10 months : 18000 tokens These are just the amount of free tokens you grab from daily alone , not factoring in gold portals , daily missions , clan tokens if you play actively , which will further boosting these numbers even more.
  6. flush your money down this game's lootboxes and cross your fingers you don't get 20 deleriums while you are at it and hope L-M modules drop
  7. Aionion


    Garlic Bread
  8. You saw the title , you get what you read , fear the Vitamin C , remove Scurvy
  9. Aionion

    F2P Players

    If myself , being probaly the unluckiest person to ever existed in SM manage to own and max all 3 of the monkeys , then you sure can , i refuse to believe someone can manage to be even more unlucky than i am
  10. Drunk Lightning is basically diet coke bunkershell , in fact , all of the recoil single use cannons are just poor man's bunker and magma replacements .
  11. The ol' Reliable . keep yourself feeling hyped no matter how many times you get defeated
  12. Monkeys are basically the reloaded's equivalent of the pre-reloaded's godmode , except it haven't break the game enough to result in another reloaded....yet , i have all 3 and i barely do 5 battles per day , you will get one soon enough , keep grinding. Vests on release were meant to be the p2w anti physical item , no one use them anymore because if you dont have the bare minimum 3k HP these days you are toast , now it exist solely just to reduce your chances of getting monkeys even more by dilute the drop rates , don't bother too much about it .
  13. Russia is considered the Mother Land Germany is considered the Father Land World War II is basically glorified domestic violence and Poland is the physically abused child.
  14. you didn't dump 4 years of the most beautiful time of your life into playing the game and have meta shift drop kick you in the nuts....yet , so cheer up
  15. FYI , this acc is long dead , no point in continuing your progress when you finally got something of worth , the game kick you in the nuts with a new game breaking meta item as the whales laugh at your collection of beta Delerium and Iron frenzy , the fact that it's 4 years and no prenium box dropped a plat plate don't help either
  16. the only few remain respectable clan leader and player of the game retiring , stay safe out there
  17. If you think this is gonna work , ask yourself this : - "Would the Sundee's fans people , be interested in investing months of their lives into supermechs ? or would they play the game for 20 minutes , realize they ain't going anywhere if they don't dump the bare minimum a few hundreds of $$$ to be relevant on this game and uninstall SM to return to minecraft again ?" It's not the player counts that's needed , it's the game's balance , Sundee's account in his videos are 4k HP armored to teeth that probably worth more than a gaming PC rig while they walk around with a grenade launcher and nightfall wondering why their damage is so tiny , it's not helping..
  18. Aionion


    - Never expect the best , await the worst , never dissapoint yourself , lower your expectations , never lose motivation - Prenium box is a joke , prenium pack all the way - Infrastructure is the base of everything , focus on your base especially on the gold mines once you reached factories that give good fusion food - Every tokens worth , never revive with tokens . - Fortune boxes are better than nothing , first rule also apply. - never buy boxes raw , wait till sale or offer. - Never fuse everything and keep every copy of bad L-M in your inventory , you will never know TictacSoft will give them an item rework
  19. No metafag items like Valiant Sniper or Unstable Incel , impossible for competetive play but in casual it maybe works
  20. How do you like it when you the devs come to your home , "renovate" your Lamboghini into a garbage truck and then leaves and then they say they will maybe give your Lambo back soon , that's exactly how being forced to base is like , having your progress making being reduced to a craw for a few months is NOT efficient , if the inside game's button to disable base is so effective why are people still complaining about it here despite it's new forum and already nearly one year since base's introduction ? think before you post .
  21. exactly like titles said , makes the base choosing option either one time permanent option straight up ahead in game , no more randomly popping off into your screen whenever you relaunch the game and end up in misclicks , how are the game's devs still keeping this shitty pop up in game to make people misclick into it and have to beg forum for help , after so many countless base disable request posts both from the old and new forum , enough said
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