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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. if play the game and be in a team like ours we get enough tokens to no be a p2w. Just take a bit of time and administrate properly the tokens.
  2. It will come back. They are been releasing some time to time and similar was not long ago. Take your time saving for a proper item if you are waiting for or wait till get same offer again
  3. I think you have good items around. Runner will be good for future parts to be use. You have Fractured Monkey and it is another good item. You have bulldog even it is not as good like in the past and need some improvement still good item. You have Malice, maybe dark eagle or similar kind, back breaker it is not the best but still can be use to some degree for now and reckless. All items apart of backbreaker, reckless and reckless are currently in use by top players. In the case of bulldog backbreaker and reckless at mid ranks let say till rank 4 are useful in full but will need to be change later depending of structures. You can max all of them if you want. The issue is the combination with them in the current set up but no worries for now. Things change step by step. This is my first mech. I had nothing else can match to make decent but learned how to use it as was without platin or resist and just few modules easy to kill. Farm as much you can and do enough pvp and will see results
  4. Hmm, actually it is decent. If you need some meat and risk for possibilities or if you are new with few tokens and can get lucky or add for epics you do not have and need.
  5. Have you max out every item in the game and divined to say there is nothing there? I do not know what it is the issue. Sure we no need more weapons in a temporary way to re-adjust the game and old weapons and that takes time. Need to patch the game and that still in progress trying to figure out new ways to detect players wrong doing. Players do not want to farm because want to click and presto mentality and be super robot killer machine number one. Want more weapons and barely can handle ideas with what have in the storage. I can see some top players with basic parts and be top 10 consistent not meta thing and they kill me like nothing. Use imagination with the inventory at your disposition. Test and then test but many no even do it or try for it only looking for a drop of a part or legends to meat because want to do nothing to progress and complain. I am a slow maker player progressing in a slow way farming and I have weapons to develop and will take long to make and to have and are basic parts and premium parts and that takes disposition and focus to go for it. Why more parts at this point when I have so many to go for development and get ideas for it... How many weapons do you use or combine and test to make it fun? Why focus to be always in be #1 instead to enjoy the game and see development taking place of parts never tested or used properly for lack of imagination just because no want to see a loss to someone else.... I am not even a fan of this game and I rather prefer not to play and play my fav games but there are lots of things here good enough to be ok but everyone want more and more and more in easy way. Sure I know drops are weak and yes it is true and I agree due to the cost if you pay for it and I do not get good parts or nothing for months in fortune boxes but that do not stop me to keep advancing step by step and see progress one day at the time. Too many lazy ideas is what I can read complaining about everything and crying for everything instead to work the accounts and advance them. Just asking for someone else account, be jealous of someone else account having this or that or asking for wins just to keep an AP for the clan. Why not to focus in your own account and enjoy the progress and yes can keep progressing and I have been here 1.5years and my progress is just starting. I do see my consistent progress day by day without rushing anything and trust me I can get an account as good like Clever already if I want because I can do it but chose to see my progress farming because it is more fun to see my work paying off. So many things to advance. What this game need it is to enhance the GOLD grants for lower rankers so can improve for a faster development and join top ranks for better diversity and KEEP the Desire to Stay in the Game progressing accounts because it is hard to make a base and develop a mech but that it is the idea if not why to play but sure I have said this before and what the game truly need is more Gold Grant so players can see development and hope. I focused into farm from start and developed many accounts and are top and free only 2 I have paid and are the 2 can see their progress. Work your account or accounts as should and use brain power to come with mechs and all is not a meta mech to win and be a top 10 player. I have been top as free or p2w so no complains since can be reached focusing in your personal strategy not thinking of what others have or have achieved. A new idea of meta and everyone want the same thing. Oh, I want that , I want that, I want that.... I wish the best for all the players but if everyone have everything simultaneously it will be so boring. Look what happen when everyone was using Frantics. What happen there? All complained because all where using same weapon killing top players R1 like fly been R10 kids because can do the same and play at the same level just because having the weapons. Sorry but I know the game need some extra things but for a person starting or been an R10 or R4 there is a huge gap to move forward on development that no need more weapons to be added. Maybe the only one need a new weapon added here it is Clever. Do you have full 3 set of phys. energy and heat and different parts to make others sets of phys, heat and energy not the same to add more new parts? How many players actually can do 3 sets of the same kind? Read this again from the FARMER who made 2 accounts Level 250 before anyone else here and 1 of the first 30 to reached and I was new players just 9 months and 3 weeks for my first farming and few months after completed my second in 8 months flat. When I say it is GOLD the need, I know well what I am talking here. If you want prove, check my accounts progress. Again GOLD-GOLD-GOLD. If GATO wants to keep players around it should improve gold. Sure have improve the gold cap in the base but that not mean gold grant and reduce cost to build the base. Sure have been adding more tokens etc and that it is the right direction because in reality it is a need and I can see that need for the majority of players here. Again, Gold it is the base to see the light in the progress if not you farm like no end and I am one who do that all day long and do 1000 pvp per season to get the extra gold in need apart of farmed and few coins from the base if have base. Also, buying gold option it is totally ridiculous expensive token wise. I have never use it and never will. If players wants to complain to GATO so ask for GOLD. Now, sure there are some players with a massive amount of gold reserve and those are few not that many and can say something different about parts but more than having bad luck to get the parts in need currently available in the game and adding more even more difficult will be to get them. I have purchased in 2 accounts and I do not have valiant, sorrow, magmas grants etc etc etc and If I have a few around were some sales to get them as the magma last summer and kept them not in use not having parts or gold to be able to develop them. One more time, GOLD it is the need to develop and can develop when get the part if luck if not in mean time save or make different future part to keep progress. I am just saying... If we want more players at the arena and progressing accounts, more gold it is in need for it. Also, why more parts in need, looks clever having 1000 plus parts and divined a massive amount of them and how many is been using more recently? As many more you have less and less you use the others. I see the point it can get bored if no new items comes around but how many actually can say that and to be at that level you should have his own storage but I guess you do not have that including me. I personally need a ton of current old parts to make different mechs and I do not have them so why add more and not even max out what I do have because no gold or parts crafted or farmed. By the way, I play video games for over 40 years just in case and I have been playing one for more than 30yrs on the road and be part of real competitions in many games in the past for real money rewards.
  6. Nice, hope you get the missing members. You should post time to time about it . like the clan progress.
  7. fun start and ending . good fights
  8. Cool effects in the attacks. Butterfly
  9. Short video but fun. Congrats on your gold medals solo record. I am just few behind.
  10. WHAT do you mean? Progress in the last picture? If is in the last picture it is advancing steady.
  11. Yes, it is been common since I play even way before me. Below my first mech. Can see something interesting there. I won't tell.
  12. In reality the 3 of them are good depending the mech set up. Energy version it is very good with runners as example.
  13. Nice. Now back to my regular test low ranks to make something else. Rank box
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