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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Sometimes is loaded of people and sometimes not like the other. Now we are low and earlier had many. The issue is that many do not log in or not register to be part but they look around
  2. TRUE Next person is currently at work
  3. First time OKI and OD together above 200 AP at the same time They like to be close like always.
  4. nice item. Check my likes. I just saw this and had no idea about the number. One of my all time fav
  5. Excellent work. I think it is AI messing around. It does the same a lot to me too.
  6. It was about time to make this one. It is been seating there far too long. First time OKI and O.D.FARM at the same time above 200 AP
  7. TRUE Next person wants to know what I did in the bathroom number 1 or number 2.
  8. TRUE Next person like tacos picantes
  9. Hi, you can go to CLAN DISCUSSION area and create a new topic about you and what you want and can do. Also you can read about clans and what they require to be part of the clan. Sometimes they bend their rules according needs but they have their basics. You can apply to their clan threads. Tell your rank, how many wins can get per season 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 as example. Fight titan, tickets collections, war.
  10. Cool fast video. I know that mech burning me. Music is fast and match. Interesting intro. I was lucky not to be there. Too many to counts. cool videos and making me laugh. Fast synch music and videos.
  11. Hmm. Looks like O.D. FARM OKI's little brother wants to be like his older bro-bro. Both R1. CHEERS BRO-BRO's Oh, building a new acc. Cool.
  12. no one wants to reply to this thread
  13. False. I am too young to know that. Next person likes extra cheese chorizo pizza.
  14. I had no idea there is a competition in the forum.
  15. Hmm, with the current changes it is less useful at this moment. Yes, it is a good item but depend of current modules availability since will have lower hp like vest. All depend what rank you aim at this point for rank stability. It does give a decent resist and can be use for phys and heat mechs as best.
  16. just try them at lower rank with lower mech from your arsenal and they will give you a lesson or two how to play. Lots of new talent there really smart.
  17. Generally speaking yes. It can work for energy mech since provide heat health, it is good for heat mechs set ups and also for phys mechs to cover over heating to but need to balance to add more energy depending the use. Remember, using parts like flaming hammer with add heat to your mech plus also depend from energy to be use. Flame spear can be good drone for flame hammer.
  18. Hmm, Little bro wants to be like big bro.
  19. Hollow it is the lower monkey useful torso. It is a balanced torso in energy and heat. The hp at L50 it is lower than Fractured and Rusty. A bit tricky to balance but it is ok to max if no other. Now, I see you are clicking some legends parts around like runner, solar touch, energy leg. Do not bust those parts since you do not know when can get another. Seems you have Flaming hammer. Hmm, sure you can to advance mech if no options. If you will use Hollow remember that monkey mechs do not have resist and depend of max protector or independent resist modules and with the current vest torsos with 130-180 resist might have some issues to harm enough since I do not see any enhancement to that weapon. Ok to deal a bit against others Monkey but even against EFA or Zark with full resist will be hard too. Now, if you will orient your mech for heat ok to use since the hammer it is a good one to use generally speaking and pack a punch. In other words, Hollow it is not the best option to use faming hammer but can be switch later on. Can be good to use frantics as example. Some users can give a best opinion. I have use it just for testing but it is tricky to make modules to be oriented to energy or heat because it is more focus to go for phys option. Don't know..
  20. Yes, the reason for it is cost plus gives you time to farm and pvp to come with more gold and keep the craft moving without stop factory or factories. You can manage 2 factories with that one and still be in positive saving if need the craft. Sure can enhance the factory to others levels for others options. It is op to the player how will see it and fit independently according play time and how prefer do things as priorities. Giving some inputs can make him to decide what fit best for him. There are many ways how to do it according player situation. In my case that work excellent for me but not mean will work for others. Some others players can give some others ideas and bring more light for his taste.
  21. Ok, check my base status. I should finished my base last May let say 1 year ago but in order to advance and no be in cash trapped all the time and in need of extra parts to enhance my mechs, I balanced the base progress level by level one at the time like carousel. One mine level 5 then do next from L4 to L5 then move to the other from L4 to L5 just as example and that control gold instead to go all the ways focus in just one mine or base. What I mean, the base need to be upgrade to get factories and mines. Just upgrade till get the 4 mines and forget about the final factory due to cost it is too high to enhance base after level 10 and farming everyday like me still not good enough to sustain the gold cost. My factories are in this example L15 just good enough to get power kits when I was able to increase level step by step later on post max out mines. The cost to make mines it is a lot cheaper than to make factory level so mines need to be first as soon you get them to get more gold out of them plus need to enhance arena shop item to be faster and more gold if need later. Level 2 give you enough option to craft like having silver box average drops. Level 2 will open the rare option and you can use that one to craft when it is in need after balance properly the use of gold and to have a healthy reserve at list 1.5mill and that will be ok to craft at that cost 2-3 factories and advance mechs level then back to saving and accumulate mix boxes from farming. All depend of how much you farm. No need to be that option but will help to preserve gold been low in gold reserve unless wants to hold back mechs level progress to accumulate gold for a month farming a lot and doing insane pvp to get even more gold out of it. Sure I can use tokens and progress them just clicking but I progress them as normal player when have gold and no items to enhance. Unless the reserve of gold become very high to use L20 option forget about to enhance factories at your current level since the cost it is too high to afford. Just in the resent months I increased to L15 and you can see still have one at L11 but I keep progressing in the game. Do not worry about to complete base factories but yes the 4 mines and when you get stronger and make more gold in pvp as example per fight then work on them one level at the time switching factories. L20 is for those playing ton of pvp and farm a lot and the cash will be there to use higher factory option and the cost it is high. Even power kit using 2 factories and farming and pvp at high rank like me, it drain your gold to be in negative balance and gold reserve will drop during that crafting unless go for 300 wins plus getting 20,000 per fight in that season.
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