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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. No, I am not Vietnamese but I have many friends Vietnamese and one co-worker. The best is too learn, respect and understand from many cultures and have fun with it.
  2. Gold it is moving up. Farming is going well. I need another 10mill and will crack up factories. Factories are idle. Sad Anyway, CHEERS
  3. Hi fellow pilots Sadly we lost few members moving to new venues and I wish the best for them and I hope we keep good communication and friendship. Thx for all the help during all of this time. Thx so much. CANDELA INC is having 2 spots for those will like to join our clan. We haven't change any basic requirement. We are a Top 10 Clan aiming for rewards and we always achieve those goals. We do in 1v1 110wins , 2V2 90wins and 3v3 75wins as the low end requirement requirement. During 1V1 season we go for 5K wins and 2K for 2V2 and 3V3. We collect Titan tickets and fight TITAN 7 stars We do WAR Our basic entry it is R4 in all seasons. We will like to add people with integrity, good manners, committed for long term membership. It is a bit sad to see members leaving since I like family and friendship and we are searching now for those who will like to stay. We really do a good job and have freedom to do our things and when we need to be in tune for a job to do we focus in that goal and achieved. The clan it is committed and serious in every goal set for the clan. I hope you can take a look and see us as a good option to stay. If you are interested, please PM to our leader Bonboy in this forum. Please feel free to ask any question to him or any member in the clan or to this old guy OKI and I will respond to you with sincerity and honesty. Sincerely OKI
  4. nice drop and a relic. WOW. I got my first plating I think when I was 160 crossing level or in 147. don't remember.
  5. I get your point to be honest. Actually, I haven't even level up any of them due to the output and I keep them in epic reserve just in case but no motivation to use it as regular weapon even some tops use it in some builds. It does kind will cross with others weapons range if is enhanced and will have to rebalance again too much. Sure I believe few items like in drones should be enhanced few points.
  6. for an e-m part it is fine as it is. actually it is sometimes annoying and help to win
  7. Hi, sorry. I just see this. WOW. I do not know why did not showed up. Anyway, thx to answer. I work with some people from India at company here in USA. Nice to meet you too. I need one too right now. I looks like Albert Einstein sup bro. nice too meet you again. hey bro. you are too young.
  8. I think when I was R25-R11 was the funny part.
  9. Hmm, I guess I have to build lots and lots of weapons. Nice fights. I will try with this one. I might get lucky nice fights. So many freaking ideas and creativity. I love it. I guess that took a lot o time to do. Nice item, I have one never developed but tested recently. I can't divine modules not having relics for it.
  10. Love those sounds. Cool intro with the shield and swords. Perfect music selection for the dog fights. I have to check again the the Titan. I tried something similar in the past but I do not remember the result of my try. Ha ha, funny intro before your name. You got a decent drop there with the fortresses. I need those. It is funny the fight with Bobson. So many people gets annoyed with his cool mechs. Sorry bro with the bad drops. Ha ha, funny intro buying tokens. Nice music selection so keep me watching the video. Ha ha, funny short with Bobson. Ah, the cool guy dancing. nice video and helpful for those unable to win the portal. Do you know I haven't developed any hammer, storm, EMP or Malice so far as basic weapons to have around? very interesting fight. Funny intro. Sad with the bad luck not getting the item. What the heck, my peers using counters...... I do not know if was sad or funny . Ah, cool short with Warr. He kick my butt often. good drop on war box but terrible in fortune boxes. Good relaxing song with the opening.
  11. Heat bombs and EMP are fine as they are. We have the new heat and energy bombs as premium. No need nerf or buff. They work as should.
  12. The two bro-bro still like to be together. OKI-FARM
  13. Maybe yes. I got similar offer when I was low rank and all my accounts had same similar offer
  14. Personally I will not build energy mech with claw according your weapons. That set can be better with a runner or legs. MSF can be better but will need maybe some plating. I am not an expert but I have done my regular test and is better without claw. Now, I have seen a good player with claw very similar and was good using it with the Naga even without the Naga recent buff. I know it is in the forum but can't remember now. Also, need to be sure what drone to use. Rail gun can be good a option. My recommendation is to test in the chat and try how does feel using the leg option.
  15. The offer change just a bit in cost so is better now than before in my opinion. The item it is been in sale at that price since I play the game. If I need the item I will get it sure if have the money for it and do not affect others things in life. In the short or long run it will be needed according current parts in the game. I play the game some set ups with them but also I play some others set ups without them. If you are short on money etc, you can skip this one since will come back time to time.
  16. Rank Box. Nice indeed. Hopping for more. Lots more.
  17. Nice bro. Will give likes later. Trying to get some back
  18. Rank box. Cool. I want more of those relics.
  19. Lucky dog. I need few spartan. I get like a million of cracked for meat all the time. I keep 3 in reserve
  20. I will say go for it if you do not have platin. Normally this item is been on sale always at 50 dollars at list to us here in USA. Token wise is decent plus boxes. relics and power kit. Some will say it is expensive but it is an item in need for current game environment and even old set ups.
  21. I hope you haven't been reading what I do write.
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