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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I think you are competing against @Spam Alex is becoming a rising star
  2. Oh God, no... how is possible you missed.
  3. Hmm, I will say it is not like before. In the old forum the old timers and some people at my time used to vote and make more comments and likes etc. Some of the forum magic got lost when many decided not to join post change and some did but no like it and lose interest. I think this forum is as good as the previous one. We just need people to do what used to do in the forum before me and during the months I was active there before last October I will say.
  4. It is for the players benefits. Maybe they don't get it. BTW, I think the offer is decent.
  5. The forum still forgetting to add offers here. I do not see the previous offer. Adding this one
  6. WOW. You soon will kill me. Nice mech till get some plating.
  7. 1- First of all and do not take it bad but you never meat parts that you do not have an spare and are basic for the game. I do understand that you might have storage room issues but weapons that you do not know will get back soon it does can hurt you in the short or long run due to game changes not because weapons balance but players changing the game strategies. You need weapons for testing too. My progress is been base on testing and farming a lot having spare to understand the game. I know my mechs weaknesses even before I made them for test but allow me to understand the opponent power against me testing against them when not been developed. 2- About your mech. The mech can be decent in some ways and opportunities at matching against physical mechs. Is way low in health and I am guessing your set up it is based on your current modules availability. No shame, we all suffer the same in one way or another. Now, due to the dual back stabber grenades will help against boilers mechs, energy and even physical mechs and snipers your weapons actually generate heat and all weapons use energy. It will work in some mechs but the percentage to win now will be less than before because many heat mechs use reconning and heat recoil or even lava feets can hurt a lot to overheat you and damage your resistance. The use of the grenade affect more health but not resistance keeping your opponent with heavy resistance against you. Sure recoil and nightfall will help then will keep them close to you again but due to low health for now can lose the fight having a phys opponent with more help using the recoil too. The energy regeneration is too low. Ok about stat even is low but regent is way too low and all weapons use energy and against an energy me first or second shot can drain you even without an EMP weapon. Heat stat is decent but sadly your cooling is terrible. Your weapons generate heat and you will overheat using your own weapons then the heat user will cook you but still ok for now. You have added more weapons due to lack of better modules and that is the tendency to all players to compensate that discrepancy and it is ok. I did the same. Now, the use of the sacrifice can inflict damage to you and even allowing your opponent to kill you faster due to sacrifice consume a lot of health when use it. That will be the last option to use but because eat life should be use first with your low health and sadly due to too many VEST torsos the damage sometimes will be low as first shot to the 100-199 or 200-250 range of damage. Needs to be careful to use that weapon. Selsifh drone is great but also eat too much life making your low health mechs not a good choice so is better to use TONTO if use the frantics even can be out of range sometimes. The mech it won't take you to R5 unless for miracle and be a super duper pilot. Sure can pass to R9-7 in average due to many max out with 25-2900 health mechs on those ranks because lack of modules but will hurt a lot to you to move ahead. You will be trapped on those ranks. JamAnime set up it is decent set up but according what I can see you do not posses overload neither the plating. I do not know what rank you are at this point and what are you looking for on rank. Seems to me of what I can see you can be already R5 with Frantic mech. I can see you have too many modules not advanced. You should focus in one mech for the moment for your 1v1 R5 box maxing those resistance and energy/heat modules. Sadly I was unable to see a charge engine so claw option it is a no no for now. Your mech it is ok according your current modules. Sure you still have issues because modules are not max out and low health for now. You not need to discard your idea. I like the option. RC use similar mech and is effective for R5-R3. Below is also other option but it is not that good but can be an alt. It does not use charge because you do not have charge. In this case use dual teleporter instead of single as show. The hook is energy hook because by default is too weak against energy mechs. The cooling is not the best but give extra for heat stat all according your storage. Tonto because protector and selfish will eat you fast. Many hate Frantic but decent solution for starters to kill and kill regardless low modules options. The resist drain can be one or two depending your desire. It can help a bit with current vest around. Sure those resist drain have backfire and can overheat you if not careful and need to be careful with heat mechs using them. The cooling is not the best because you should have at list 300+ but it is close to help a bit with that number. I used to play at that cooling for long and worked for me in my lower ranks. Regen is low but you are more focus for heat and phys mechs with this kind of mech. All the set up will have to change as soon get better modules. Sorry, no much time for now. Will check later. Do not copy but take advise about issues you will have with your design and this option. Remember that the issue you have is lack of modules and not been max out so far. Due to you have already some mechs at L50 modules, modules max out it is a must to help you out on rank stability. Use epics not for simple food to increase weapons level instead use to make legends making L30 parts for it for your myth transformation. Do not make more mistakes eating important parts. Having heat recoil can be using your heat mech first picture in better way and functional. There are more options with current stash. You have a good account just missing few items to get solid on R5+ with dual or 3 mechs.
  8. I think someone said same thing back in the old forum.
  9. no hay tiempo especifico. Poco personal para desactivar base que es algo manual means question
  10. You have a nice account. Progress will be fast. I will check your mechs. Tested. It will give you hard time to use misguided weapon. Will depend a lot of jumping back and using too much abomination. It can cut possibilities to use Desolation. Better to use heat recoil than misguide. Your second mech with just seen it will fail. First of all claw it does require to use Teleporter, charger and hook by design. Also, the phys mech will fail because use Frantics. To use Frantics you need rock recoil as basic in this case. Do not use Mercy. You can use better mercy when use more closer as hugger or when use something similar to my post below. Using monkey does not add resistance. You do not have any. You do not have energy drainer as EMP but ok with the UPC. It will be really hard to drain energy to your opponent. It can do some basic but it won't be a top of the line. Will have limitations.
  11. Hi Ozen. Nice to meet you. It is been a while already but you still killing me. WOW, you play for a while this game. I still not reach 2 years. Welcome to the forum. I know you connect often. I like the character.
  12. Thank you very much. I will give a like later. As always I run out of them.
  13. Hi super duper pilots It is is me again. I am guessing your are doing fine. O.D. Farm progress it is been slow and my focus still on just farming and max some parts available to max at myth status. It is been hard to accumulate gold but it is progressing a bit. My current goal is to increase gold reserve for another week then might craft some power kits. I do not know how many in this case. I have to evaluate direction been a younger account than OKI DOKI acc and with less weapons around. In am preparing my mind set for later to open boxes and then to use base factories for legend option. I am sure the legend option will be use in the near future for this account. OKI DOKI account will take more than 6-8 moths to even think about to use factory legend option. I will increase gold passing 80millions then will craft maybe no more than 2k power kits. I really do not know. Will see. I do not have many weapons left at myth status but still enough to work some of them then start to myth parts at legend status and create legends from epics for meat. Let see Gold reserve increase to 77 millions slow but steady. I decided to increase few tokens. Not that bad gold reserve but pretty low for weapons around to work on. The base is been idle and last round of power kits were not consumed all. I have on reserve 400 power kits to be use for emergencies till I can start to craft new ones. Maybe I will be thinking to work on BASE factories to max out levels. It is been the same thing as OKI DOKI. No enough time to play the game and not titan, war, missing raid, missing daily etc. I consumed the mix boxes and I am trying to increase them. Not many boxes around. I have few decent amount of premium boxes accumulated for very long knowing I might need them because lacking of power. I won't rush any opening and will focus on current inventory if is in need. CHEERS
  14. Nice. I love oranges. I have few in the refrigerator for later. I like your style.
  15. Thx bro. I really do not have idea how this works but fun. CHEERS
  16. Nice progress for short period of time. Cool. I like farmers.
  17. nice pictures. Really sad to see the one as waste land. So many people without food in the world.
  18. I will understand about the hollow, just curious for the misguide. I know is not a good weapon but not that common. Yes I like Overcharged. I just do not use it. I have them for very long and just recently max them. No mech set up for now. Just making the parts accumulated for too long. Hollow even give less health when is fully max out if compare with rusty and fractured. Sometimes is hard to set up been balanced. Sparked it is fine. Having one around just in case. Some players are really good using them. I have them but I have made only one and just used it for test. WOW, I am a Veteran now. The only Veteran in the forum.
  19. I like. very interesting
  20. Nice. I just wonder why you decided to meat the misguided rocket? Sure is not as best weapon but also it is not as easy to get some weapons like that one. Maybe in the future can work a bit and few top players I have seen with them. Maybe can work for some ranks. In my case I will L30 epic a epic and make the legend. No have too. Just wondering.
  21. Hi friendly pilots How are you? I am a bit tired to be honest. My first day off from work and catching up with some work at home at backyard, cleaning toilets "my lady hate to clean them so I have too", resting a bit because I am really sleepy not been able to sleep much due to work constant calls at night to help on issues plus training and study including regular job. Oh well, I have to pay the bills and keep the family happy in some ways. Well, I have been too busy at work more than normal and of course my play time declined a lot. Sometimes do 5 wins or less maybe 3 just for the daily tokens or even missing days of pvp. No titan and forgetting sometimes raid and even farming. Sad ways to try to move account progress in a healthier way but that it is life for an old person with family. My current focus still the same and I am based on farming for gold when I can during the day but sadly pvp is been really hard to do having my boss close to me on training etc. Ok, back to a simple update. Gold progress is been slow but finally I crossed 80 millions to start some power kit craft. I was thinking to go for more gold and increase account o 90 millions as the new base on gold reserve and increase to 100 for the next batch of power kits but it is been a bit hard to go for it. I might should do it having already few mechs to sustain an R3 without focus to try to rank up because I do not have time and focus for it. Anyway, I am writing now and at the same time I will be activating base factories. Let see current gold stash. Current factories status. This look really sad. Please close your eyes. All idle. I will try to make the base a bit happier and I will crank up all factories for power kits. I will be making 4k power kits. I need those to max out some parts available even will hurt gold cash. I think will drop to 66-68 millions due to lack of pvp and sometimes missing a lot of farming. So WHAT THE HECK. LETS DO IT. OK, the BASE factories are happier now but sad to see so many days of farming for that gold to be erased. What others things is been happening this week? To be honest nothing else except to use daily to increase few weapons level. Actually I have been saving mix boxes because I drained them recently and went too low less than 100. I forget to mention I got one offer 2 weeks ago I think but still under reserve box as the others for a while. I do not have space, gold and parts to work on the few parts I got and I have to build tons of L30 epics to myth many parts. That will be a future challenge. I might get into get more storage space. Who knows... This is all what I have in boxes. No titan, no war, no ranking, missing raid etc looking terrible. I will be crafting for the next 6 days and see what happen. I hope all goes well for you guys. Cheering for you all. CHEERS
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