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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. nice. Awesome. I know a player who started same month like a week apart of me and we played against each other till recently. He advanced his account as fast I did. I finished before him but he was normally ahead of me and I had no idea how the hell he did it because my timing was top notch. I did O.D FARM in 8 months and OKI in 9 months. WOW, Congrats. That was a hell of work and gold collected.
  2. I will say that 7 months it is a bit unrealistic unless you like to use tokens to get re-fuel very often. In that case if you have the money and the time I will say yes you can do L250 in 7 months maybe in less buying fuel. Now, for normal grinding with all the game daily XP and Fuel stuff to grind and advance faster you can make it in 8 months but barely missing hours and I mean calculating the time before will stop regen which I did. If you are hard core farmer and sleep enough I will say that a great grinder it is someone who can make it in 12 months. A crazy insane person who do it in less time, he or she is a crazy and insane person. I did in 2 accounts so I know and I still a top grinder.
  3. I do remember that chapter when released. Hmm, shields. will be cool.
  4. You are welcome. My best wishes to the clan. This is the oldest Top clan in the game. Great people. Grosbite it is a great person. Older players in the clan are great too. I wish old team mates as well will like to join back. The clan was top 5 till recently. Go ahead and join.
  5. sad you do not play that much now. nice improvement.
  6. Awesome. Tremendo. Happy for you in your progress. Me alegro por tu progreso. Yeah, it is hard to play the game when have to work and having other things to do. Si, es dificil jugar cuando se tiene trabajo y hacer otras cosas. I will say that you should save for offers of 2k and might get more premiums for less and maybe a weapon sale all together. Deberias guardar para las offertas de 2k con armas o mas cajas por menos costo. Your mech is looking ok. Now, you need to enhance modules. Too low in energy and heat cooling and regeneration. Tu mech se ve bien pero tienes que mejorar los modulos de energia y calor porque la regeneracion y el enfriamiento estan muy bajos.
  7. hmm, I do not know if PvZ2 it is sport. Possible.
  8. go to club area. join. join mech build academy. that might help you a bit. No, it is no stupid to ask and to get help. that it is smart. go to club area. join. join mech build academy. that might help you a bit. No, it is no stupid to ask and to get help. that it is smart. If you are asking how to play the game as I can see you are new. there are some videos that might help in the beggining to help progress your mech
  9. stone feet is good. Remember that the heat and energy version have less weight and also can work for different combos. You can max any of them with confidence. All are in need.
  10. 3 weeks backs it is hard to remember. Gold is been stable. Seems you used some for some weapons. Yeah, My L250 still looking boring and tired of. Nice tokens stash. WOW, 121 max out items is a lot. 2X WOW for divined items. I think my max is 21 in OKI. I do not get many relics and no much time on clan. Giving up on Campaign.... Yep, you will have to spend tokens to revive and better not for now for your future offers. I haven't play mine in very long time. I do not even remember what I was fighting last time. Getting tired of the game? Less active...... Sad. Too many old players like you slowing down. Getting too old no longer young kids. I like the song Girls Girls Girls but better the video.....Motley Crew Ah, so good to be young back at University on those days.
  11. Hola, No tengo tiempo en este momento. Primero quiero decir que el foro esta basado en el idioma de Ingles pues tendras que usar el interpretador del web para que escribas aui y los pilotos que te ayuden. Tu primer mech necesita maximixaer los modules como primera opcion debido aque no tienes modulos de resistencia mejores. La regeneracion es muy pobre para ser un mech de energia que consume energia pues te matas a ti mismo en ciertos momentos. Puedes usar el plating maximizado que tienes o anadir otro module de energia para ayudar mas al mech hasta que tengas mejores partes. Puedes seguir maximizando el mech pero mueve los modules en forma balanceada no todo en una sola parte hasta L50 balancea al mismo ritmo uno detras del otro. veras estabilidad de mejor forma. El segundo Lo mismo. Tus modulos estan muy pobres en epico L1. Eso te mata. Balancealos cuando los subas. No te enfoques solo en uno. Sube hasta L5 uno a uno y despues L10 hasta L30. Tienes que farmear mucho. No te comas todos los epicos. Los epicos los necesitas para transformar a legendarios. Vas a tener que hacer unos epicos para comerce a nivel L30 y usar otros para convertir uno a legendario hasta que completes 5 y puedas transformar. Balancea el consumo de oro entre los dos mechs. No cambios de armas hasta que tengas un listado completo que puedan ver tu arcenal y ayudar un poco mejor. Explica que quieres por mech y cuantos farmeas y donde para que te entiendan mejor.
  12. 2v2 hard is great for fortune boxes for lucky accounts granting them. I recommend 2v2 hard if you are lucking for lucky legend grant. My accounts are terrible to get them and no just are bad to get them but also the mix boxes drop it is really bad with many empty grants. I play OD6 because the drop for mix boxes it is good in my accounts and I need them to max weapons. Also, for my way of play due of lack of time it does work better clicking for fast grind when too busy at work without interrupt work. It is about choices and time availability. If no rush to get L250 and good FB drop then go better for 2v2 hard. You might lucky and if you check videos you can see some guys with a hell of luck.
  13. I think what the owner can do is when you summit your information can give you a reset to your account. I di one time when I was new but never again. I had issue to log in.
  14. it does I like because I can burn my mech
  15. I see. I was wondering because I used to fight against them very often regardless rank because I play at lower rank too testing weapons or combos. I got into few of them few weeks ago and I wondered. Why you do not give a bit of more promo time to time in the forum or around? It is a clan of long longevity for progress and chill out of course doing the basics I always saw. I hope all gets better.
  16. cool. Just wait for offers that comes all the time. If you are using the free tokens with the achievements can give you 2k really fast if save them. It will be more cost effective.
  17. I know because I had to summit to TF a request and in the request to fix account it generate a account info and shows the date and hours when created account.
  18. I know. I saw is Khalil. was really active in the old forum
  19. yeah, the Frantic hate times. Glorious times. People even destroying their hard work after max out those weapons meat them. I kept mine. It is my work and still shining .
  20. Congrats on your Birthday. Wishing the best. Hmm, sounds interesting. Will have to check others ranges close to those.
  21. I know, that it is the fum. I just saw some intro from time ago and had no idea so better late than never.
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