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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I know because I had to summit to TF a request and in the request to fix account it generate a account info and shows the date and hours when created account.
  2. I know. I saw is Khalil. was really active in the old forum
  3. yeah, the Frantic hate times. Glorious times. People even destroying their hard work after max out those weapons meat them. I kept mine. It is my work and still shining .
  4. Congrats on your Birthday. Wishing the best. Hmm, sounds interesting. Will have to check others ranges close to those.
  5. I know, that it is the fum. I just saw some intro from time ago and had no idea so better late than never.
  6. don't kill yourself. By the time you reach 170 the process get slower and by the time is 190 you want to kill yourself of so slow. It will drop to a point of 0.3 so patient. Will take long. By the time you get 200 then will be faster again to 205 then will start to slow down more and more then by 217 or so will be more difficult like now and will be as bad later as 190-199.
  7. Frantics are ok if want to advance a bit faster. go for it. Now, do not forget that it does overheat a bit and you need to balance heat for it. you can cook yourself. Yes, heat module. The issue is that the weapons like frantic overheat too much. Even at high rank need to be careful with heat level or will kill you. You need heat cooling and heat stat for those weapons. Those punch a lot when are in full L50 and better when divined. Ok weapon when does not have others premiums so can move to top with them if posses good modules and no others premiums and a rock recoiler will be great when get it. Drone TONTO as epic can be good or protector but careful with protector in early stage because eat life so better tonto when low health regardless range losses.
  8. to be honest when the account was growing I had same issue with the same weapons in OKI DOKI as yours. I wish I can give some weapons available since those are future meat to make legends meat to transform parts to myth status. I get those often and I won't mine to help if I could.
  9. 1- Do not waste time on 3er mech unless you are in a clan that actually do something and can advance in war. 2- If you want to advance fast you need to farm like there is no tomorrow. Just saying. Looks the way to split time in a smart way to farm both accounts. I used to manage 8 acc at the same time and working with family. 3- You are maxing the wrong torso. It won't be good in your first mech due to low regen and cooling recovery and for you at your development it is not that good. I think you have a nightmare in your 3er mech. Max that torso if not VEST or Windigo and can be use at top rank. Also it is compatible generally speaking with frantic and will help on heat issues too. Sure I know the energy battery torso can be ok in some ways due to output power helping your hysteria. I used to use the heat version when I started. 4- Start to max the heat module in your first mech. 5- Your second mech looks fine but not modules to support. 6- Play as you feel regardless what others say. Go with your flow for your own fun as you like your mechs.
  10. Yo, I want to see your progress. Keep alive the clan. Go for it. It was top5-4 till the other day. I like to see clans to stay alive and doing well. I hope people re-join the clan.
  11. Hmm, I have a copy in some place. Now, I can tell you I still have the original leg from first mech granted common part or rare from tutorial making first mech before arena. Iron boot. It became later my second mech legs. My first legs from tutorial. I do not remember the first arena battle. Yes I do remember playing first the fight with my niece and we flipped a coin to see who will fight first and I was first and I know I won the fight but no clue with whom or clan or else or type of mech but I do remember had 1 rank above me and I was 25 and the person was 24 with more hp.
  12. cool stuff. Now, you can do it in 8 months or so if you wish. I guess some people can do it faster if use tokens to advance. My timing was practically 24hrs regen working and barely missed fuel during all of that time. Sure you need events as XP and fuel 100% and 50% events options to compensate the lost of some of fuel missed due to sleep time. I did the other in 9 months and 1 week or 3 weeks because was the first account and had no idea what to do till figure out my ways to play with phone, comp etc. OKI OPENED IN 10/3/19 and finished level in 8/6/2020. It is hard to do for sure. Not easy to make it that fast. Now, I will say that a person can do it in 1 year without fully kill him/her self if wish to farm. I mean from 0-250. Now, many others did it from 150 previous limit before I joined to play this game but took them longer than me to reach the level by the time I joined. I opened O.D. FARM in FEB 2020 do not remember the day but was opened to test base post base game upgrade and finished in October 2020.
  13. cool. members against members. How the clan is doing?
  14. Hi Pilots How are you? I know you are doing amazing Let see what the New England Patriot without Tom Brady brought the the stadium. Shall we O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold as much is possible. Low pvp and missing the rest it is been painful to advance a bit faster as before but work is work and family and need to get stuff done before think in the game. No much progress in the last week except to pushing up gold reserves. As OKI DOKI acc, I am updating the full acc in the thread progress for future reference. The account growth it is been stall referring about adding new weapons but it is been growing in raw power as OKI maxing out parts around on myth status. Let see acc status. OD. FARM is with his older brother OKI DOKI in the same solo clan for same reason that I can't play much for few months. Gold stash is been growing back and tokens are ok for now for possible weapons deals if show up. The base it is ideal at this point but having maybe around 400 power kits on reserves. I might keep saving more gold for future power kits craft. No rush into make new parts but just saving to max some around. My little flags as I like to call them still growing but held back recently not doing titan. Arena shop coins still growing. Arena has been max out long ago Not many mix boxes but another week farming will be good to use some for weapons level up. Some premiums packs on reserve. I might start to use them in about 4-6 months then work on Base upgrade and craft legends option I think. I have not been playing campaign in very long time so still incomplete. I am not interested in this moment to work on it. In the future for sure. Ok, lets take a look of my weak account weapons. Too limited but getting a bit stronger week after week. It is younger than OKI DOKI account so there is less. Rank box. CHEERS
  15. I want to announce OKI DOKI Happy Birthday. A day as today back on 10/3/2019 OKI DOKI was born and since that day OKI DOKI has been player every single day without missing a day with more or less play time but not missed so far..
  16. Hi pilots Hi ladies and gentleman How are you? I hope all is good for you all. I am ok but tired with few hours of sleep time but I have to be up to finish weekend work issues to attend and trying to get just few wins if possible to complete daily. I have to study and do house work and having kids around me watching right now what I am doing. Oh lord, please mercy. They want me to check their accounts and fix few things there. They just laughed at me and punched my bad shoulder. I need a doctor now. Ok, lets go to business I want to announce a happy day for OKI DOKI account. OKI DOKI account it is my first account created together with my niece in a sad moment of our life with the loss of a family member and from that time for the child request my niece and I started to play this game due to it is an old player of this game from release time and still play time to time. To please them so I decided to give a try for them and my niece and I we started to play every single day together at home changing the turns to test and build. It was fun and sadly the time passed and she moved from STATE to keep her university education as we planed ahead. She is better player than me for sure but play less now due to education and work. I want to announce OKI DOKI Happy Birthday. A day as today back on 10/3/2019 OKI DOKI was born and since that day OKI DOKI has been player every single day without missing a day with more or less play time but not missed so far. So, say hi to OKI DOKI and wish a Happy Birthday with a comment or a like. Ok, OKI in the making. I have been focus from early this year into increase gold reserves balancing myth creation and catching up with so many parts transformed to myth even parts in that status for 1.5 years waiting to get max out. In other words, I am focus into increase gold and max out myth parts around as fast possible but during the recent months I slowed down due to a lot of work at work but the progress still going little by little as the thread indicate. To be honest it is been a ton of work to be here farming and I have no idea why I haven't quitted long ago due to the time does consume this. It is been few months with out updating the account status in full so this time I will add a bit more info as normally do for full account after some months passed. The account it is not been growing instead it is been enhanced on raw power with current inventory not been able to develop previously due to no matter what I do in the limited time to play this game there is never enough gold and meat parts from farming to be able to develop those weapons. First I will add the weapons and transformation of this week then account full view even it does pale against old players around but the fruit of my hard honest work on it. Lets check this out. Weapons maxed or transformed this week. Due to I had some at mid level developed I used less power kits to max them out and stopped to make them and moved back to increase gold reserve for now. Now account full view. Weak but will become a decent account in 1.5 years from now. I am making the foundation at this point then will build mechs in the future to fight. No rush having fun making parts due to it is my game entertainment. My gold stash moved to 82millions again because I cut power kits craft after few dais in the making not 6 days as I said in the previous update. Tokens wise still decent. Saving for future weapon deals that I do not see so far except boxes sales. No matter what I have weapons that will take long to get them done. OKI is back to play solo as well his little brother for a period of time due to no time to play the game pvp for few months passing days without doing pvp or just few of them on and off. Sad because losing a ton of gold, relics, titan flags, tokens etc but it is all what I can do because work and family it is first. This is my current solo clan as was before before joining for first time a clan since account creation with CANDELA INC great clan and nice friends there that I miss plus others I miss been in others clans. I want to say hi to all of you if you see this. The name of the clan it is the first name I used and no changed except adding farm and or 3.0. It is my original flag and I like the flag. It does look cool like having a smiling face with dark evil intentions. No playing titan it does hurt my little flags growth but will keep moving up Sure my arena shop is max out long ago and coins keeps growing As always the BASE still not been finished for all of this time when should be done since last year but I no need L20 option for now. I just need power kits to max parts faster. The BASA is idle saving gold as mentioned. I might save more gold for a week and then will decide what to do with gold and inventory. Not many mix boxes but with another 2 weeks will be ok to use some to max some parts and let gold increase without have to craft to level up weapons. Some premium boxes reserve for the future might open them in 8 months from now or later or on and off possibilities. Who knows but for sure I won't be opening as desire to do it or real need. No gold and room for it. Few gift items on reserve for the future not for now not in need except one item but I won't use it for now. I still do not play campaign. It is been long without touched and no desire for now to work on it. Later will work on it. Ok, lets go for my limited weapons inventory CHEERS and Happy Birthday OKI forgot to add rank boxes just opened. Oh well.
  17. sad bro. Some people accounts are set to get good stuff an some others it is a no way Jose forever. Maybe some grinding for base test if get luck there. sorry. I was not able to answer on time. The offer can be good for noobs generally speaking. For your account if you want to be a pay to win to move faster the account the answer it is yes if you have the tokens and not saving for a particular weapon deal. For developed accounts and hopping to get a weapon from the boxes crossing fingers can be good for some accounts and some others not and it is a gamble. For example, for my OKI DOKI account it is not a good choice due to I have weapons to develop that are currently in use as meta even game will change and it is morphing again the last 2 months. In my case it is not a need having reserves and weapons at disposition that will take me 8-12 months to develop according my calculations. For my O.D. FARM account can be ok for the long run if want to add more weapons due to it is a younger account than OKI DOKI and with less weapons at disposition. Regardless I achieve R1 in all seasons in current environment if play for it I still some few others weapons to work on for 4-6 months then might buy some or will get focus on base and save gold for legend base option. It is op to the player to save or to risk. Now, the 3000 price for the boxes if you already have the tokens is like getting 50% discount making it ok offer. If I was like you and can get it in my early development I will get it. Do not forget to add the offers. For those clicking regular premium packs there is here an offer. offer from 10/9.21
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