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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. @Alexander I am contacting support and I just sent a request. I am able to open O.D.FARM now and I use same computer or phone. I use different network connections so I am sure it is not network connection. I cleared cache. Before cleared I was able to access O.D. FARM. account but OKI DOKI still having the problem. When the game is trying to retrieve data and almost is ready to get it then goes network connection issue but at clan I can see with O.D FARM it does recognize access.
  2. Is not working. I even Uninstaller and installed program.
  3. Will clear cache when have time. I use android and window. Bot having sMe issue.
  4. Hi guy's Are you have bee experiencing game connection issue? It is been from my local time since yesterday night. Dystem was slow then lose connection.
  5. I believe they do it one time a year by end of year or so.
  6. 1- Damn spoon. Nice mech. I tested that configuration a while ago with the magma. I am testing now. Just making parts. 2- I like the rock intro and and the memes. You were not playing your acc. I was testing this one. Not completed. I had this config long ago I think it was my second scope but changed to pizza and used pizza till now. Hmm, who is hacker? 3- Nice intro. I do not want that truck as second hand. Dang, another offer. Holy guacamole. Ok drop getting some meat. Few good items. 4- Nice raid. I still do not have those bomb or crimson developed. 5- Funny intro. Poor baby. Nice shooting . Fun rotation luck video. Nice idea. 6- WTH with the dog intro. I see you improved the heat mech. Now is super. 7- I think won't be a good football player the guy in the intro. Another offer. WOW. Good items drop. 8- I want that van. That is a funny name. Hauera I think it was a Latin person. It is making fun of the name but as female "Hauera" for fun. Cool, is your fan. Nice fights. It got tuff with your clan peers. 9- I want a wireless tire for my car. Nice fight with my clan peer. 10- Nice guy taking the gun. You needed the gun for that bad offer. Cool fights 11- Nice intro. Rotation was good. Bad luck on items. 12- Funny intro how writing change. Cool test. 13- I know you want to be that dog. Another offer . No good but decent meat. Ok fights. 14- Nice intro. Kind of old offer. Ok offer drop. Not that good but ok. Nice fights around. 15- WOW, What a moron guy at the train rail. Cool fights. 16-Nice bridge crossing car. Ok offer for meat and few ok items. Good fight for R1. 17- WOW, I want a computer set like that girl. Ready to pay $500 top. Nice rolling wins. 18- Does no make sense of how many F.B. you got there. I barely get them when I farm them. That require months for me so I do not waste my time there. You opened others F.B's how fast you can build those? How the hell you can max items and making L20 parts? WOW. 19- WOW, lucky guy falling. WTH, selling your account? Ah man, no longer want to play the game. Well, I guess is time to go to university. Why so much investment recently? Good fights. 20- Funny intro . Nice fight with the boss. WTH, all talking in English? 21- Funny intro with that guy door. WTF, but you were selling and getting another offer? Hmm, ok meat but not great. Good fights. 22- Alcoholic cat. Good fights. Eh American English conversation. 23- I like the intro and the end. Funny. Nice fights. The offer was ok. "AGAIN ANOTHER OFFER" Hey, where is video 24? Crazy making video.
  7. My 3er Burning. Oh well, I still do not use my first for 1 year and 8 months when I got it. I will some day for sure.
  8. Yes I know @SC2A. Will be awesome. Hi Pilots How are you? I am as I described on O.D FARM. Too lazy to write again the same. I am busy as always but today was family time or to get in trouble with them in my only single day off I have. Well, not all the time because I do work too but was for family after be able to sleep some. I was not feeling well and had too much pain all over due to work at work working with machines down and took me a toll all week. I feel busted and ready to sleep in few ours when I am done with couple of things and start another round of training with the boss. Ok, lets go to the monkey business. I am doing the same as O.D. FARM saving gold and maxing parts, OKI does have more parts than O.D. been older account and I need to keep working on maxing many myth parts made long ago. I just want to finish them for fun. Gold reserve dropped but I have been recovering during this week post maxing some parts. Current gold reserves. I will be saving for this week then I will make another round maxing only 3 parts. Parts maxed this week. I still have few power kits reserves to make L30 or anything around if need. Rank Box CHEERS
  9. Hi Pilots How are you? I am busy as always but today was family time or to get in trouble with them in my only single day off I have. Well, not all the time because I do work too but was for family after be able to sleep some. I was not feeling well and had too much pain all over due to work at work working with machines down and took me a toll all week. I feel busted and ready to sleep in few ours when I am done with couple of things and start another round of training with the boss. Oh well, I have to pay my family bills or they kill me. Ok, back to the game. It is very simple, nothing to add except mind set. I was focus into increase gold reserve again to be ready for the next 2 weeks final assaults finishing myth parts around then to move to make new ones. Gold reserve moved up again and I have the intension to save again this week and then finish if possible all remaining parts interested to max. Not all will be but all what should have will be maxed to have some spare for more test at max level just for fun. Actual gold reserves. Moved from 97mills to 103mills. It will be ok to get another 5millions by next Sunday then will call it good to craft power kits and finish those myth parts. Clan war Rank Cheers
  10. As you know I do make parts just to make them not planning for a particular mech. Just to keep making parts one after another as always have done so far.
  11. Phys mech is just for fun. I am making few drones around just to have them for my collection. No mech in particular.
  12. helping superman to fly because
  13. to purple color from SPAM stash of
  14. allowing Q*bert to jump faster and change the color of
  15. Excellent progress. You are getting tuff. I like to see you soon at R1. Keep going. The hollowing rewards where not that super but good to know you got the pumpkin. It is very sad about your clan. An awesome clan "s" for sure and great leader. I still do not understand regardless. I do not like things to happen like that to any clan and the hard work of all members who build it . What is your new clan? WOW, almost Level 200. That is a hard work. Now it will get easier for the next 17 levels then will get harder again. Reaching level 220 to 250 will be like your 180-200.
  16. OD6 insane then go to OD6 insane and later OD6 insane
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