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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi Pilots How are you? I am getting better and finally my lady is back at home released from hospital. She is feeling better out of the dangerous zone but still in bad shape at this for this week but it is a good news for me and for our kids. Been under a lot of work and training schedules and recently with my family sick I had to walk away my O.D FARM account from my clan CANDELA INC and give the space to someone capable to keep the clan in top notch adding wins and doing the rest of the work. If you wonder if the acc was kicked the answer it is no. I requested my exit and the search of new player to be added to ensure my clan can do better and for sure they are doing great and I am happy. Great team to be with. As everyone knows basically in the forum and tons of clans members and leaders, I am not a clan hopper, jumper or super fan to be on clans rather I am a solo player by preference. I do play for fun and develop parts farming and I am not into rank things. I play at all ranks testing parts and making weird mechs just to max items as they look for my fun and entertainment without a particular direction to build a mech for combat. I am a loyal player to my clan and I support them 100%v as best I can and I am not that fun into play dual clans. I like to play just in one only. I do have friends around and clans offers to join all the time but I have rejected all of them because I do play my 2 accounts supporting CANDELA no other plus a promise to help the clan stability to the clan original owner. With the mess on clan issues and lost of players due to hacking etc like any other clan my clan suffered a bit to have stable members doing their job and we have been remaining at top position and addressing to get new decent members. The clan is doing now fine and it is in a solid position with great members and I am happy to play with all of them. Having the clan in a good spot with great members I decided to join a clan as temporary member "guest" to a clan if need a member my O.D. FARM ACC What I am looking for? 1-First of all I do not like a clan leader to kick someone to add me. If your clan members are loyal and doing their job it is not right to kick someone because maybe I have a bit of more power that benefit your clan. Do such actions to me it is not a clan for me. Respect your peers that join you and want to be with you. 2- I do not like a clan talking trash or talking bad of any member even is doing poor. There are ways to talk with tack and address the issue and if not I will understand the kick if does not help to make the necessary correction to help the team. 3- I join only as temporary. My account it is reserved to help CANDELA INC at any given time if we suffer losses on membership. I will do a proper exit to no harm the clan. I do not know for how long will be in the clan all depending of my clan need. I will test your clan ways and if I do not like I am out. Been clear on some aspects it does prevent miss understandings. I do have some requirements to join a clan or rather be a solo player account and what I can offer. 1- I play my way. Always been always will be. My rank fluctuate according my mood to play for test or rank per season. Sometimes I play low and sometimes I play at high. I am playing at low this season at R7 and might later move to R3 as max. 2- I play only 5 wins per day back to normal as used to be. I do not have time for extra wins even sometimes can add few depending what I do for a particular rank desire at the moment. 3- What max rank I offer? I offer just R3 by end of season as max regardless I achieve all ranks in all seasons. I just do not play for it and I am not interested. Sure sometimes go for it like last season playing at R8 and moving to R1 both account just for the fun. 4- The clan it does compete for at least "S" box at WAR. The clan have to play war as rule. I do not like to play for less than "S" box so clan need to ensure that spot. 5- TITAN tickets. I do collect tickets always and I do fight the TITAN always. The clan should attack TITAN as rule all members and collect tickets. 6- The clan achieve 1000 wins per season. I do not like lazy clans even my wins are low. I am not based to collect tokens from the clans or take advantage. I get my own tokens so I no need clan tokens and I am not in a clan for it. I am in a clan to make friends and help them but can't be lazy. I guess many people know me a bout that. 7- I do help to position clan for war on rank need for war. The clan should help on it to ensure success in the fight and get the reward desired for the team. 8- I do not have DISCORD and I do not have intentions for now to open one. I use mainly the forum or clan chat. If you are interested as member or leader go ahead and drop a line and PM me or write down below. To my friends around asking me to join their clans, I do really want to help you guys if you need me but also I am focus to develop O.D FARM with some possibility of gold relics at war and if your clan does not goes at that level I can't join. I will wait till a clan is interested and can achieve war at that level. Sure I can join for a week for a visit as friends if not clan offer. Also I am not into medals. This is last minute decision but as I indicated my account is based on CANDELA INC support. Oh, I do not like spy games so do not count on me on those ways. My clan it is an open clan without secrets plain and simple. I like that way. I like honest clans only and no drama. I am an honest player working hard my account farming. Thx Wally
  2. He is a great player. I haven't seen him in a while at top clans. Maybe got bored at top. It does happen time to time. Sure at full power ehhh. If the player got bored they can build mechs at power level belong to that rank and win or lose fights. I do get bored often to play same 5 guys in the carousel match but I play at respective power level and I win and lose and crushed often. At top you play over and over same players and that it is annoying and sure is good to play them but everyday repeated it is not fun so my play does have variation at R10-R1 if not I will commit seppuku for been bored at pvp. Better stick with the farm is my thing.
  3. That was a cool fight and good set ups. I haven't tried.
  4. There are some options to play at different levels and campaign areas. I use OD side mission 2 insane next to OD5 been lazy to get others. You have 14 structures and mechs to kill. You can try Hard or normal.
  5. I am curious. Today I was adding some screen captures and worked fine. The added another and the file size was reduced to 2.5MB something like that. I added a file then dropped to 1.5MB. Then I tried again and pushed down to 600kb and now What the heck..... it keeps going down
  6. Yes, there are some players at those level with power getting wins. Sure your match possibility due to your drone and roller. If you check your opponent might have torso and advancing legs and weapons are in the legend state. The energy and heat stats are not high and a match HP 1100 vs 1500 it is not uncommon and I was playing those level and the match those happen often. In my progress was something normal and I hated. Right now I am playing at R8-R6 average and my mechs at 1900 and 2400 max and my opponents with 2400- 3200hp and fully developed and my mechs are not fully developed but in progress leveling up parts. My mechs are in current power level and rank according their own power in current development. Sometimes I they move higher and sometimes I am bullied. I have been developing those parts for months and still lots more. Normally I removed a part developed and replace it with another epic or legend L1 and start again. Modules also were developed in those mechs step by step. You can see HP contrast. If you check carefully I have develop some parts already at L50 but mechs are not designed for combat instead it is a a bunch of parts I put together to max little by little not meaning will become a mech in the future. Now, you can take a look to my opponent and do have some issues too. It might be able to develop a torso but the mech as it is will have issues at 3V3 to get wins. It will be in trouble and also at R5 1V1 will have some problems. The player is keeping lower rank to be able to fight with mechs having some deficiencies as his/her. No much choice even with high HP in the case for claw energy but sure can play at top rank. For the phys claw hp increased to compensate for lack of resist. The game check those differences then make an average against me having a bit of resist and developed parts even I am at 2400 VS 3000. The match is possible to happen. My energy mech was crushed easy against the energy claw.
  7. It does happen time to time depending how many players are active at the moment. If there are few then can happen. I have been in R10 fighting R5 or been R7 getting into R1. The game check your modules as well as a base to match you up. Sure sometimes gets out of common sense. The game calculate your mech modules levels including weapons. I tested for a year with my account progress. Every time you level up parts the game compensate for a harder opponent not giving you opportunity to level power against those and increase the health matching against yours. Every time I was or increase HP the game give me higher hp player and the average in my accounts I am in disadvantage and this is not a joke.
  8. Hi Pilots How are you? I have been a bit sick due to covid but I am ok. Seems it was more related to the booster effect but I am back on track. My lady still in the hospital and as far I know she might be released tomorrow been more stable. My kids are getting more hipper now as a good sign of recovery and back to the normal daddy thing. My little girl decided to play again SM feeling better and was kicking some butts. Yes, she does play for a year or a bit more and she is good player with good account. Ok, back to the update. I was sick and not playing for some days except a bit of farming. I barely farmed and I did affected my clan no adding enough wins for the high wins season. I want to thank a lot to my clan CANDELA INC supporting me a lot when they can kick out my butt. So I just want to say THANK YOU TEAM, I do appreciate your support. This season my account progress is been very slow and focused only into increase gold reserve in order I can craft some power kits. Gold increase to 113 and I was delusional so I added some tokens been bored and tired unable to play any game and focus to my kids attention and their play times and taking care of my lady emergency and my own of course. My BASE is been idle and I will start to craft this week and will finish 3 parts under progress with the daily. I might craft like 400-600 power kits max to finish those parts and complete with the mx boxes the full level up and move back to increase gold reserve. The 113 millions on reserve it is been the highest amount accumulated in OKI and I won't see that number back for a while but I will try to keep the account around 100 millions. There is no much to add except bad luck on war and rank WAR BOX Rank Box- I hate R1 box in my account. 70% is terrible CHEERS
  9. happy for you. I am glad to see players progress.
  10. Nice. So you are a pro so no more free wins. just kidding. CONGRATS
  11. 613 two brothers in line. Long time to see that.
  12. I know. I was joking. Sure I understand about the trading thing and I played few others games and had the option years ago. I think trading like parts per parts I got it too but the idea to make more money it is a sale and luck fundamental. For example, I do have few premium items I do not need and can be traded. If the game give me the option to get the weapon I want in exchange for 2 premium I do not need then will be good but my power will be elevated fast and I will crush faster opponents even I do not play for rank but I have enough power to do so. The sale drop because I do not have to wait for a sale "cash" "tokens" for it and the game lose customers sales reason you can meat those weapons to level up. I get the white relic and trade some of them for epic or a bundle for 1 gold relic just for say. Maybe myth parts no longer in need or want due to already invested the time and maybe money to make it myth it does makes sense too or trade some of those myth no longer wanted for gold relic. There are many options that can be implemented but it does can hurt the business. Also the silver coins for relics too unless they add other options in the arena to max with the coins. Sure many ideas but the ideas have to come properly in a way business will profit all the time. Like it or not they need to eat and employ people making this for our entertainment. The topic has been mention every month and some people start to get tired to read about it. I do understand free players for sure and their needs but if always will be a given then what will happen to the game? GATO is working in good direction. Sure a sale and added gold relic. That was good for those have some cash but also added relics and more tokens on portals and daily activity and sure they might be working to deal with silver coins and few others. Players need to understand GATO is new owner for basic a year putting patches to avoid the leak and then fix and later to enhance. It does takes time and 1 year it is a short period of time to do all of that with few employees. Forget about trading thing for now.
  13. don't open the packs and you will not suffer deceptions.
  14. when people will realize we have already a trading system. Use a credit card with money and buy tokens . You traded money for tokens. Trade tokens for offers that require tokens like today, Use tokens and trade for fuel Use tokens and trade for gold. Use tokens and get monthly pass etc. Get tokens playing Trade farmed parts for a level up weapon. Trade weapons not in need also for a level up Trade your time to farm for gold and parts to level up Use white relics in lower weapons then trade the weapon as meat to level up and finish the white relic. I do not know but I can keep adding more trades we still do.
  15. I need more storage for sure. Adding few slots just for the hats things ok but no for more weapons I guess.
  16. will be cool robot insignia like WW1/WW2
  17. the offer it is a good one. If the player need the item it should get it if have the means. The 4k 20 packs is good for risk and gain but not secure item. This is a must to have item in short or long run no matter what. For those with the items and can spare some tokens also is good if you do the math and can use the item even for meat. If need secure need item so hold till get the right item. Also, the gold comes handy and for those still under growth with arena shop incomplete those 1250 coins will help too. I won't get the offer because I have them but the temptation for those getting premium boxes is there.
  18. Yes Ron, my mech looks funny. Just making parts and testing them as they are at low ranks at same power level. WOW, your alt is doing great. I haven't seen the acc in a while. Hi Pilots How are you? Like I mentioned in O.D FARM, my family still sick but recovering. Will take another week or so to be in better shape but they are more stable. Back to the game.... Like in O.D FARM, it is been a while not adding full OKI DOKI acc for record keeping. The account it is not been in a big growth but few parts has been added from rank or portals. I do not remember the parts but not many. The rest of the time the account has been increasing the coffer gold reserves and maxing out current myth parts around. Gold reserve improved to 107millions and tokens are in the health side if needed. The Myth parts increased now to 192 and and 169 are fully max out. That number change often due to sometimes I have to make myth parts to make some room. I am happy with the progress and soon will have 200 fully maxed. Hard work does pay a lot and my grinding mentality still intact including my play ways. The account is getting day by day more powerful and no rush to pvp that power. Sure still very limited at current state but it is improving in a healthy way. I have few more months to finish that goal then to go for account second stage of progress and in mean time lets have fun as it is. The BASE is been idle allowing me to increase gold reserve. No rush to enhance parts till I increase a bit more gold but I still moving that improvement just a tinny bit s opportunity comes. My TITAN little flags still growing. Not many boxes on reserve but still decent managing those mix boxes for legend growth and myth conversions. Let see full current account progress. Still weak and limited but I am reducing a bit that limitations step by step. Still very weak if I compare this acc to older players but closing the gap little by little and that it is cool. Sure that gap will be closing with hard work as I do for it. Clan War Rank Box Parts transformed to make some room CHEERS
  19. to be honest I won't mind to give few tokens to someone in need and is a hard worker in his or her account. Alex should open not just a Christmas sale and portals etc all together but also a Christmas tokens purchase or even premium from player to player. I do not mean trade but real purchase easy way to help peers or maybe friends with good discounts or maybe be a permanent option. I personally since I am not in a clan for tokens wise but I see some players so consistent and hard workers on wins for all of us it will be nice to be able to give that player a surprise gift. I am not rich but maybe every 4 months of steady peer and hard worker might be good to give a few back. Some people are selfish but is their money but I do not mind a bit sharing if I see that on them sure I can't to everyone but at list 1 person every 4 months will be ok.
  20. I won't say no but there are set ups in mind when were created and also status. Tonto is the version for no premium basic E-M combo with nightfall. Solar torch is base more for spartan L-M weapons. Those are not backfire both powerful enough to inflict damage. The infinite versions are based to be less powerful but every turn you can attack giving the average of missing an attack generally speaking. The others infinitive kill your mech health surrendering to a point to miss attack and be killed because lack of life in your mech. If the game give TONTO as example the option 1-4 generally speaking you are converting that weapon to a premium base and the function of balanced per range will be lost between the issues that can bring to the current game strategies. I do not say no but need to analyze the drones and weapons distribution in the current game arsenal. To make a new drone require rethinking to make new weapon even a torso to go against for it.
  21. Hi Deimos. I know you were active in the previous forum. The previous forum server system was belong to TF. By the time this new forum was opened the previous remained open as was and many players prefer the previous one because at the beginning of this forum was lacking of stuff and harder to navigate on phones. Some of the old forum users still not wanting to use this one. The previous forum remained open till early this year then was separated and remained open individually but at some point the forum if I am not wrong was delete and can't recover accounts. Now it is this forum and old information sadly it is lost for us now having so much there to be transfer. I recommend to be happy with this one and current active users. We lost some very active recently retired of the game or school things. Some of the old very active forum members are here and semi active and some still active and others joined and look and no longer comments etc or very rare to read something about them. The forum still useful and helpful all depending of the forum members who want s to make contributions to make it fun and good for learning.
  22. Thx, it is been a lot of hard work farming for sure. Not a single day missed since creation back on FEB/2020. The account just have 1 year and 10months. I will say for a player who will like to be R1 every season can be R1 with this account at current level. I tested and I was hitting R1 any season full R1 stars when played serious. I do not have much time to be focus player so I do only farm and little pvp and keep basic rank on R3 and sometimes when I have the desire then I play for rank1 and always get the rank. It is a wasted account for the point of view of a pro player and for my point of view it is fun to farm and make parts in that way and test without worries of ranks or to please someone else who want that way. I play on my way and always will be. You have to be happy in the way you truly want to play and can.
  23. Great RON. I will check your account later. Not having time busy with your cousins and auntie as you know. Hi Pilots How are you? I am regular taking care of my family sick time and it is not been that easy but they are improving. I took some days off out of work to support family emergency and working a bit in the side line to avoid work accumulation because it does get complicated as day are passing. I am happy my family started to respond to treatments and improving slowly but improving. Back to the game... It is been a while without a full account progress passing multiple months as normally I do. I will be adding full current account status to keep some records as normally I do. Let see... O.D. FARM it is not been growing on new weapons just to say during this period of time but it is been focused on accumulating gold and maxing out parts currently in the storage and balancing weapons for set ups and testing. Gold is been growing in a steady way step by step for close to a year and progressing at the same time. It is been a challenge but it is paying off little by little keeping enough farming regardless less farming and pvp during this time. I added few sales and I think I posted them previously and was nothing mayor. For now gold is growing. My plan for this next week is to increase more gold reserve and max maybe 1-2 weapons only and keeping the gold reserve trending up a bit. I still have power kits on reserves from the last craft of 1k I think. Gold moved to 110 millions again and added a token purchase just to add them for future sales due to the account is weak regardless R1 any season if I play for it. The account it is limited on weapons and I am looking forward to increase power doing the same I do without real changes. The base it is idles with some power kits reserves. I do not know the amount on reserve. Arena shop items are fully max out and silver coins accumulation keeps growing. My TITAN little flags as I like to call them keeps growing. Boxes on reserve not that many but happy. O.D FARM it is been a solo account for a week. I had to walk away the account and give space to someone else that can go for all basics and wins because I have no time for it so I requested the leader to get someone to replace OD. FARM. I guess no much play for sure and sleepy. Let see account parts available. Weak but moving forward. Rank Box Clan War Part maxed this week CHEERS
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