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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Thx bro. Yes, I am the first in the reset due to it was reset few months later post been open the forum. SPAM was the one ahead of everyone then reset and I was ahead then he stopped to log that often but I was not in a competition it is just simple action when I connect and just happen. When I farm the accounts I can take a look and react to someone for fun or else due to I do not have much time to look for hours. thx bro. yes I am the first but not competing for it. happens in a normal way posting etc when have time on my farming or breaks at work
  2. in reality I do not know. it is the actions done in the forum per se granting some points. It does count more on posting, reading, giving reactions and receiving them. I think it does count more on posting. If you check your profile it will have a bar of progress and points to get then will move to the next one. You can take a look and do a reaction and maybe will give you an idea what give just posting or else.
  3. Hi Pilots How are you? As I mentioned in OKI progress I am tired for sure and my daughter is sick and my son too. I had to take my daughter to the hospital multiple times hoping get better in a few days. My son is doing ok. My lady is getting sick today too with fever now waiting for covid test results. I have not been playing for few days around pvp but will see how family will recover. I am writing this now post finishing some work and family is now sleeping. Anyway, O.D.FARM as OKI it is been focused to save gold and to max out myth parts available. I was able to move up to 106millions and my goal is to save gold for this week then to craft power kits. I do not have many myth parts around but it will take till end of year to get it done then move to phase 2 of account development. Factories are idle for the last entire week and next one. I was able to max out 3 parts and made some legends parts from epic for future myth transformation. Parts maxed... Clan War CHEERS
  4. Hi Pilots How are you? I am tired for sure and my daughter is sick and my son too. I had to take my daughter to the hospital multiple times hoping get better in a few days. My son is doing ok. My lady is getting sick today too with fever now waiting for covid test results. I have not been playing for few days around pvp but will see how family will recover. Ok, about OKI update. I have been busy at work due to training and work related issues cutting all my pvp time away but I am still trying to see if I can can get a few. I need to help my clan but I am failing recently on pvp. It does affect the clan and my progress for sure but it is a game and in my human side I feel busted and really tired and need some time of serious sleeping time unable to get. No vacations around due to people are out on vacation or sick plus jobs assignments changes. Oh well, the only thing I can do is farm time to time and even farming it is been also a lot less. Anyways, I still moving on in the progress little by little. Let see what the pizza delivery brought today. I have been really busy and gold reserve is been growing a slow motion but I was able to move back to 101millions. My current goal is to grind till next Sunday if possible and then start to craft some power kits. I still have more parts at myth level needing to max out but will take a bit longer now to get it done. I do not have the expectation to play much for some more weeks. I made some legend parts for meat and transformed this one. The only part this week focusing in the gold reserve recovery. I had few ranks boxes around not opened and few others opened but not screen shot. Clan war I decided to get this offer to complete full set in OKI for future set ups in mind. I do not need more on basic modules. I have all what it is need for heat, energy resist and shields. CHEERS
  5. adding the offer. Please guys keep record here for the players.
  6. Yes and No. It is all depend the way you see it. I was free to play but reached top rank with 8 accounts as free player. I became a customer buying an item for my niece that wanted to get an item when she was playing my OKI DOKI account due to we build the account together in the early stages but not playing dual but as single together meaning that we never advanced the account with 2 person to maximize gold etc. We player together or independent as owner. Pay to Win it is the concept for a player that want to move up fast on rank and become an R1 in a permanent way and compete generally speaking or sustaining due to game changes. Pay to have fun will describe better my person since I do not pay to win or rank or any particular interest since I am not into the game per se but family request to play the game with them. I do not need to buy tokens or parts since it is not in my need to play the game and I just focus on grinding gold due to I do not have time to play the game in real life. Then why I pay? My answer is simple, it is a game. Why not if want when bored or have the few dollars and go for it because well just do. I do not have personal desire to compete and be at top but just the fun to farm and level up parts with the farming. Sure my account can be good in the hand of a real pro game to win player. It is not the best around but can pack a punch good enough for R1 all seasons if want. I get R1 when I have time and play for it with desire but I am not playing for it but I still get it not intentionally. I mostly stay in R3 or changing ranks to lower to higher for weapons test developed or undeveloped. Good enough tokens and boxes I think. I just play with parts in development at their respective rank and power level at all seasons. I do not have a particular season to play at low rank or high rank according my personal time to play the game. When I want to test I test and when I want to play a few I stay at high and get the gold in need with pvp.
  7. yes, It is a Mazda Hatchback 1978 so yes was weird in some ways and the engine was very weak but I was at high school and took me to the beach all the time to surf and girls girls girls. Do not worry, 3 more years if you are base in USA and will get one . I got the car with my own money working from child time and lasted my university because no money to get another paying tuitions. Good memories
  8. hmm, if you have some room in your storage save it if you do not have spares. who knows about the game. I always recommend to have 1 item available of any kind of L-M even some E-M not normal to get in your own account for test or reserve for combinations if nothing else on hands. Just careful eating all. I have seen many players eating good parts and then crying later. just careful.
  9. EFA can be decent with the old resist modules. It was the stronger if not wrong before vest adjustment for free energy mechs and hard to kill in those days and solutions had to be phys 4k mechs. Few players use them now but if have the old modules and free energy parts can be decent and better than monkey in some ways.
  10. that it is a nice progress. You are farming a lot and 4 divined. I got 4 divined I think passing 1 year of play time and you have already a L-M .
  11. nice items around. for how long you play?
  12. I actually got from mix boxes Legend power kits 2x L20, 2X L15, 2X L10, 2X L30 and I do believe I got power kits 2x L5. Those were used to max O.D. FARM second mech set 2 monkey huggers.
  13. nice progress. yeah. save the tokens, do not get crazy spending now. if you get overload or quad offer then go for it. will be good 2k quad offer or both for 4k option as they did one time in the past.
  14. The phys Monkey is lower on health when is maxed out to L50 because the torso it is a balanced torso on energy and heat reason why the health is lower. Rusty is lower in heat and Fractured is lower in energy so by default phys mech needed to be cut in some way and it was on health. Phys monkey is higher on health vs energy/heat at L40. Hardened VEST is like phys monkey because it is a balanced mech on energy and heat and was cut a bit on health.
  15. corrupt light is good item for raid, portals and campaign as Fordekash mentioned. The item is good item for new players and can be obtained from rare to epic and forgot if can be from common. I developed my first from rare status. The item carry me to top rank without resist or full modules set. Now, the game changed with the use of the new modules making it a bit more harder but at lower ranks still good to move up and some top players combine some mechs using the item and kill my mechs with my current primaries. Sure it is not an item to be call it top weapon now but in my time neither but it was good to get at top and stay there. Corrupt will help to overheat your opponent for sure and your Flaminator will help to overheat and to damage health plus help to counter balance yourself not to get overheated in the use of heat weapons. You can max them if you have a good idea of what kind of mech you will build and if you are limited in options and budget and no it is not a trash item. It does require to balance modules to be use. If player do not use modules properly then they kill them self. Below OKI first myth mech and set up. For top players and others will say trash but with that baby and the second plus the phys mech later on I sustained R3 every season and touched base always R2 any season sure not now. What does I mean it is an item that still have punch to get you to R5 if you are at low. The key is modules. When I was making my own I had no modules available and no max out the few I had and of course I overheated all the time and no resist making mech weak plus arena shop items were in the low been new account. Took me a year or so to get arena shop items to be max out without missing a single day 5 wins. At higher rank more silver coins grants give the 5 wins but at lower ranks are very low like 2 coins making the development very slow.
  16. day 127 waiting for same thing
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