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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. so do not risk. hold for modules and keep saving
  2. The offer is good but if need a weapon or a modules you can wait a bit but if is in the rush it does have a good discount plus some silver coins to enhance account.
  3. it is better to have every week and time stamp of the offer
  4. can you please add the offer to the offer thread? I can't due to my account do not allow me to post images for now.
  5. man it is not a joke to be honest. Many time I can see it will actually stop at legend then can see a sudden speed up to force common instead to fall at legend. I always check the spot where start and can tell well will end so I know for sure it does speed up. In my 2 accounts it does the same and it is one of the reasons I do not farm them. First takes longer and I can't be that focus at work clicking and waiting for too long to grind them regardless can use Hard mode on 2v2 or insane 1v1. The fortune box drop is very low plus the mix box drop also it is affected a lot giving no box. In my accounts it is terrible. Some others are lucky and can see in matter of weeks having tons of them. Now, I use OD6 insane to grind gold and is fast for me and mix box drop it is decent and I can level up parts with them.
  6. I normally get common then rare and in a miracle post long then I get an epic and I do not know for how long I have to wait for a legend but months I can tell
  7. you can't generally speaking. Used to be normal and every post was independent in this forum. At some point the administration "I guess" decided to merge post from the same person to reduce clusters or maybe revive threads from the same person that often. They changed the system to allow the same person to post same thread and recognize new time frame every 2 weeks. In order you can avoid merge someone else need to comment after you then you can add more then wait again till someone add some comment. That affect youtubers or progress threads like in my case because I update every week but need someone to make comments and sadly if I answer the comment I was the last one and will have to wait 2 weeks so I answer when I will update my thread update and if no one add comment so I have to wait.
  8. Maybe you do not farm enough but you have enough power to be steady R5-R3 at least 1v1 and 2V2 maybe more on 1v1.

    X-mas gift

    you need a PC/Lap Top. No phone. Get a friend or school or else PC and will be granted. Also there was 24hrs to some players delay.
  10. cool. Those acc will kill
  11. yes. the drop was not that good for sure. OKI always have issues to get gold relics on rank box or even war box. I will update account later on till can figure out how be able to do it. My account reached a limit of posting images but I am saving information for the future to see when I can do it. I just barely figure out that. Yes, the account still in the same progress mentality. More gold saving and some small upgrades not much so far.
  12. No sorry. I will see when I can update. My account can't update for now due to limited image post memory that I just figured out. It is matter of the account limits. Will see what can be done. In the other side yes the account still under progress and saving info for the future.
  13. A bit late but Merry Christmas to you all. Thx for the Portal.
  14. welcome to the new old now forum.
  15. Merry Christmas for you all. Here we still 12/24 5:56pm.
  16. wow, 4 years account. 2 years ahead of me. You are free to play. I was free till reached R5-r4 solid in 6 months but keeping account at lower rank on purpose. I was playing many others putting them at same power level then my last one to experiment Base was O.D FARM. I gave my others accounts to family and kept O.D FARM and hold OKI to advance on rank but developing in the side to have OD ranking equally every season and since then I play both at same level and rank and do the same generally speaking. OD. FARM also was developed at top rank as free account then got parts at the same time OKI did back on summer then the almost same thing I do in OKI I do in Farm. I just play less O.D. normally not having time.
  17. That is what I thought when I was rookie but the game calculate according modules and weapons or even a just one weapon and torso. I am playing at lower rank checking backfire on heat and energy mechs and are trash mechs but one does have good hp and one low hp because has been maxing step by step as they are. Basic mechs destroy my mechs and the game set me up with R5 many times and sometimes the game set me up with R10. Both are out of line I will say but the R5 will be logic due to myth status some weapons or torso but not ready for R5 fights. The R10 match is out of line but those guys also have L50 parts and the system match them regardless lower hp. When I was starting the game always matched me up with higher HP mechs and more powerful weapons. It is hard to lock by weapons level. If that happen a person with lack of modules will be trapped to play the mech with that particular weapon enhanced.
  18. hard to decide to be honest. all are cool. need to think in current game status.
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