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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Androphonia

  1. I do something called logic toxic people so much that they get the ol' priceless "im annoyed with you but what can I say" face
  2. The portal is good, but my rng is absolute bulls8. 4 refills in, half of my runs are boxless, and out of the runs with boxes, I got 5 epics and 1 epic ascension relic. Sounds too weird to be true, but it is.
  3. won't change much, but sure, why not?
  4. rip kong we'll miss you forever I still remember playing duck life on it
  5. windigo thicc heat stompers recoiler/abom if you have it/cracked shit cannon res drainers 1 or 2 repulsers, backfire drone
  6. this is basically saying "let's just forget about all those poor underused l-ms and let's buff something that's going to be overpowered once it gets buffed, if compared to present day average l-ms"
  7. someone could abuse that feature though, you could make alts constantly and the second you get good items you combine them and make new alts
  8. probably like a c or b box, the clans I've been in lose almost every clan war, regardless of what rank they are I don't like divining things because its a massive waste of gold for 10 more damage
  9. Oh my gosh! I just got a common from a fortune box. I'm gonna trash it! 1. common 2. fortune 3. box 4. trash Gah the ____ damage crit from that ____ is overpowered, someone needs to ____ it! 1. number 2. noun 3. verb
  10. I don't actually play sm on a school computer lol, I'm just aware that others do.
  11. I'm not trying to be like some random dumbass whos like "whats gonna happen to flash oh wait you can download the game I didnt notice those buttons at the bottom of the page for the past 3 years sorry" I'm saying that yes there are obvious ways to play sm right now, in the aftermath of flash, but what about people playing on school computers? I know alex has somewhat implied before that it doesn't really matter to him that much if the desktop sm community just dies, but what if, for some reason, people can't download sm on their laptops (school laptops intensifies) I know that there aren't a whole lot of these people out there, but are you just going to tell them "give up on the game for now, when you go to the library you can play there"? Just a thought. Provide honest feedback.
  12. We might not need all of these depending on how long it takes, but we will for sure need the max images for each item Like we need a lv 50 workshop image of a backstabbing protector, a lv 40 workshop image of a ronin, so on and so on
  13. bcuz all energy mechs are outclassed by most physical and some heat mechs
  14. energy huggers aren't very good tho like they gud but not gud gud like ene free phys
  15. I don't particularily like archimonde, but I really do insist that it be buffed, since lots of people overlook it.
  16. "already get compensation" unless said compensation is the servers opening up eventually, then no
  17. Ah yes normal rank 7 you know the usual dual valiant guys we see them every day
  18. You don't need to rub it in so much. I have to agree though, just because clever isn't writing it in the meta thread doesn't mean it isnt meta. Also alien butt nuggets are simulated properly in wu lol
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