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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Androphonia

  1. hmm max the backfire cannon thingy with 3 uses the not sacc cannon one
  2. Gold rewards are ok tbh its feels good to spend them
  3. no res, and what if all the other builds you made suck lol don't judge im just joking
  4. no, if you wanted to change the paint you should've done it before you maxed it
  5. No, probably not because epic protectors aren't enough
  6. No, but we have to or else downtimes will continue
  7. If sith gets buff then buff interceptor If interceptor gets buffed then buff archimonde the list goes on Bro why what about archimonde? You say that you care about the value of p2w items, but if do you, then your top priority should be buffing the desperately bad archimonde, and not fussing over HSA. HSA can wait. Archimonde needs to be buffed, its about as good as zark right now, and like you say, "p2w needs to be better than f2p"
  8. both are ok, but both also have big blindspots at range 2 and 3 once you use the magma and the res breakers. Also use windigo
  9. really bad tbh, has very low energy cap, very low hp, bad drone, bad weapons overall a rank 11-9 mech
  10. It's been 3 days in a row that we've had downtimes, and even though I get that the devs need to update things sometimes, having that much downtime is simply not ok, and I would like to suggest that we get compensation for this. [Written on the behalf of Chaotic_Shadow]
  11. That's been fixed, I've cracked down on all pages that are useless/porn/spam dw Its always good to hear stuff about the wiki
  12. thats basically making it more op, so wouldn't it have the opposite effect?
  13. even though radela keeps saying that "hollow is underpowered now" the real up l-m is archimonde. It desperately needs a buff, but no one even mentions it, as if it didn't exist. Granted its pretty good, but its pretty good at Zark level and not at the "pretty good" that l-ms deserve.
  14. I remember seeing mechs with negative res back in 2017 reloaded, I was like "cool so amazing wish I could get it in reloaded"
  15. unless you LIVE at school you just have to live with not playing at school. wait you people play sm at school lol
  16. I don't agree with nerfing modules, sure that will balance top ranks, but what about low ranks? Do you expect new players to live with less than 100 heat cap? They don't have as many resources, and this depends on how much you nerf modules, but this will put new players at a serious disadvantage against heat and energy mechs
  17. why not? because you're scared hollow will become useless but no one mentions archimonde?
  18. thats what the screen looked like right after I logged in and after 15 minutes of waiting
  19. ahem scope mechs cough cough mobility
  20. Some servers are still running, but most are deep fried
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