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  1. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don't do double post. 🙂 
    We'll handle the first batch of transfers this weekend.
  2. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in Fix your services and back my money   
    If you purchased through Google Play or iOS, they usually arrive instantly (did you reload the game?) and if not you can request a refund via their order system. 
    Please be aware that they will usually grant one once and reject future purchases by you. 
    BattleDawn has nothing to do with SM's purchasing system. 
    If it was via PayPal, they will generally arrive within 48 hours. If not, please email us with your transaction id at payments@gatogames.net 
  3. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don’t attack SuperNova that way. From what I know, SuperNova only signed a deal with Kong on 31 dec and the people responsible at Kong weren’t themselves aware these issues would arise, thus never informed SuperNova. 
    The current question is if it’s possible (at all) to restore SuperMechs via SuperNova, it seems SuperNova nor Kongregate are sure right now. SuperNova’s suggestion to change authentication is only possible if they pass authentication somehow, which I believe Kong isn’t doing right now, so it’d require a change by SuperNova. 
    Players can play via Maxthon and such right now. The supernova team changed it so that is possible and will hopefully improve its compatibility with other old browsers too. 
    We’re currently in talks with Kongregate for trying to offer an alternative solution. 
  4. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don’t attack SuperNova that way. From what I know, SuperNova only signed a deal with Kong on 31 dec and the people responsible at Kong weren’t themselves aware these issues would arise, thus never informed SuperNova. 
    The current question is if it’s possible (at all) to restore SuperMechs via SuperNova, it seems SuperNova nor Kongregate are sure right now. SuperNova’s suggestion to change authentication is only possible if they pass authentication somehow, which I believe Kong isn’t doing right now, so it’d require a change by SuperNova. 
    Players can play via Maxthon and such right now. The supernova team changed it so that is possible and will hopefully improve its compatibility with other old browsers too. 
    We’re currently in talks with Kongregate for trying to offer an alternative solution. 
  5. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Hamarius in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don’t attack SuperNova that way. From what I know, SuperNova only signed a deal with Kong on 31 dec and the people responsible at Kong weren’t themselves aware these issues would arise, thus never informed SuperNova. 
    The current question is if it’s possible (at all) to restore SuperMechs via SuperNova, it seems SuperNova nor Kongregate are sure right now. SuperNova’s suggestion to change authentication is only possible if they pass authentication somehow, which I believe Kong isn’t doing right now, so it’d require a change by SuperNova. 
    Players can play via Maxthon and such right now. The supernova team changed it so that is possible and will hopefully improve its compatibility with other old browsers too. 
    We’re currently in talks with Kongregate for trying to offer an alternative solution. 
  6. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in for Kongregate SM users   
    I’d like to note we were already on the assumption that would possibly be the case - we mentioned the same issue earlier in that topic and were looking for other authentication solutions instead. 
    If reasonable we don’t mind keeping it up without kreds working, but it seems to me the supernova team has 0 idea what is going on here and only discovered these things will be issues in the last couple of days....
  7. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Monke King in oh boy, I sure can't wait for the first trading topic   
    You should see my email. Back when I was CM, I once had someone once share me his favorite adult video. 
    He later asked me if I enjoyed it.
    When I told him I don't really watch videos like that sent by players, he asked me to be friends.
    People can be strange.
  8. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Monke King in oh boy, I sure can't wait for the first trading topic   
    Ironically, you just created the first trading topic.
  9. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Tirreggregars in How do I reassign / change my clan leadership?   
    Not sure why you hammer it in so much, but I always just tell people on discord to email instead.. support@gatogames.net will do the trick. 🙂
    But for this particular issue, while we can change clan leadership (PM or mail me for instructions) we can't in your case, sorry. Figuring out who truly truly truly owns a clan isn't really realistic - we consider the current leader the clan owner - they have to contact us asking for a change if they want it.
  10. Confused
    Alexander got a reaction from ShaunTheSheep in How do I reassign / change my clan leadership?   
    Not sure why you hammer it in so much, but I always just tell people on discord to email instead.. support@gatogames.net will do the trick. 🙂
    But for this particular issue, while we can change clan leadership (PM or mail me for instructions) we can't in your case, sorry. Figuring out who truly truly truly owns a clan isn't really realistic - we consider the current leader the clan owner - they have to contact us asking for a change if they want it.
  11. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Shared-NW in for Kongregate SM users   
    Date changing won’t really help much, nor will new browser versions.
    You can use Puffin Desktop or something like Maxthon (be warned: Maxthon has been controversial for leaking data to the Chinese government) or Portable Chrome 48, which you can find online, but I must warn you it may be virused and any website you use it on could potentially infect your computer. Do not use it unless you will only use it for Kong with SM and you trust both us and Kong with your safety.
    I will not link it for that purpose, a player is allowed to but only if they give appropriate warning.
    As for the future
    We were indeed informed (Thank you!) that GetSupernova has concluded we need to re-program our kong integration for it to work with their desktop plugin. This is quite a bummer, especially considering Kong doesn’t have many of our players (the one who said 1-2% is exaggerating, it’s less than 0.5%, and that’s being incredibly generous and counting all the people who just click the game, all the bots and all the multis) nor enough income to pay for this itself (said kong players spend way less than the average SM player, we’re arguably already making a loss on it as is due the time we spent etc).
    To put it bluntly, there’s not enough players or income for me to be able to justify putting a lot of resources into re-writing an integration, especially considering with Kongregate’s current radio silence and behavior, I would be totally unsurprised if tomorrow they just deleted it entirely. 
    When we upload a new version, one requirement seems to be that we tick a checkbox promising there’s no external account systems present in SuperMechs. 
    We’ve asked them for permission to manually transfer accounts on request a multitude of times - it has seemingly been done in secret in the past based on reports (on kong all requests seem to have been responded with a ‘sorry, not possible’, so pretty sure Kong didn’t give permission) and have been ignored on each of these. We’ve tried sending out 2 announcements offering to do it, as I was hoping for implicit permission from their news team. Both seem to have been rejected. It was an attempt at guerilla play.
    So, we’ll look into the integration issue and see if there’s any quick fix that won’t get us into _too_ hot waters and meanwhile continue to hope for permission. You can use one of the workarounds to play SM for now via kong, but please be mindful that Kongregate owns your data there. I have no idea how much longer they’ll bother - it seems they really don’t care. Shame because their platform is awesome...
    We will not risk potential legal issues and we have only N amount of time to spend on Kong, we’re willing to spend a bit more out of sympathy, but everyone knew Flash wasn’t going to last (browser has been warning for ages...) and kong only announced their solution on 31 december and that we’d need to do changes a day or so ago. 
    We’ll do what we can to the degree that it’s reasonable, but we don’t have that many options.
  12. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from MasterChief in How do I reassign / change my clan leadership?   
    Not sure why you hammer it in so much, but I always just tell people on discord to email instead.. support@gatogames.net will do the trick. 🙂
    But for this particular issue, while we can change clan leadership (PM or mail me for instructions) we can't in your case, sorry. Figuring out who truly truly truly owns a clan isn't really realistic - we consider the current leader the clan owner - they have to contact us asking for a change if they want it.
  13. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in for Kongregate SM users   
    I will not get into sketchy workarounds hoping we'll get away with it. We'll follow the agreements, I will not repeat myself again. They either give us permission or it doesn't happen. Take it to them if you want them to give it.
    They still seem to answer users - just not devs.
    Well, I assume Kongregate mentioned it somewhere at least, they should have an announcement somewhere but no idea if they bothered. I did mention it in public multiple times though, it's also in our FAQ. 
    You're right we can't expect users to be technical, but it does say it's flash right as you load it and they did inform everyone it's going away. 
    For what it's worth, over 90% of SM's kong players left prior to mid-december, with a clear ramp up towards december, so it seems some took it to heart at least..
    Only 1 of the big spenders seems to have logged in since then at all... 
    I wouldn't assume that, I replied to a bunch but people have no reason to lie about that and we do have quite literally hundreds of emails marked as "handled" by a bot that doesn't even handle half of those from the support channel in game. You've to answer multiple times and not include certain keywords there (I hate it, hence I tell everyone to email us directly). 
    I think most people if not everyone who PM'd on the forum or emailed Gato's own addresses got a response, but i'll admit it's been hectic and I miss things when it's hectic. We're in the progress of hiring someone to take care of it. 
    Different argument, feel free to make a topic on it. But basically every game does that and when SM was made it was not considered gambling anywhere. Recently it's been a big discussion if perhaps it should be considered gambling. 
    Personally I dont think it should be, as to me the danger of gambling is that you get into a sentiment of "spending a bit more and ill get it all back!" and losing your house. Lootboxes like SM cannot ever possibly give you your spendings back - you've a serious issue if you ruin your life for it........
    Oh god. You might need to install supernova or something, let me check on that. I tested this with BD before, but it could be SuperNova is blocking it for some reason. I'll find out.
  14. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in for Kongregate SM users   
    Date changing won’t really help much, nor will new browser versions.
    You can use Puffin Desktop or something like Maxthon (be warned: Maxthon has been controversial for leaking data to the Chinese government) or Portable Chrome 48, which you can find online, but I must warn you it may be virused and any website you use it on could potentially infect your computer. Do not use it unless you will only use it for Kong with SM and you trust both us and Kong with your safety.
    I will not link it for that purpose, a player is allowed to but only if they give appropriate warning.
    As for the future
    We were indeed informed (Thank you!) that GetSupernova has concluded we need to re-program our kong integration for it to work with their desktop plugin. This is quite a bummer, especially considering Kong doesn’t have many of our players (the one who said 1-2% is exaggerating, it’s less than 0.5%, and that’s being incredibly generous and counting all the people who just click the game, all the bots and all the multis) nor enough income to pay for this itself (said kong players spend way less than the average SM player, we’re arguably already making a loss on it as is due the time we spent etc).
    To put it bluntly, there’s not enough players or income for me to be able to justify putting a lot of resources into re-writing an integration, especially considering with Kongregate’s current radio silence and behavior, I would be totally unsurprised if tomorrow they just deleted it entirely. 
    When we upload a new version, one requirement seems to be that we tick a checkbox promising there’s no external account systems present in SuperMechs. 
    We’ve asked them for permission to manually transfer accounts on request a multitude of times - it has seemingly been done in secret in the past based on reports (on kong all requests seem to have been responded with a ‘sorry, not possible’, so pretty sure Kong didn’t give permission) and have been ignored on each of these. We’ve tried sending out 2 announcements offering to do it, as I was hoping for implicit permission from their news team. Both seem to have been rejected. It was an attempt at guerilla play.
    So, we’ll look into the integration issue and see if there’s any quick fix that won’t get us into _too_ hot waters and meanwhile continue to hope for permission. You can use one of the workarounds to play SM for now via kong, but please be mindful that Kongregate owns your data there. I have no idea how much longer they’ll bother - it seems they really don’t care. Shame because their platform is awesome...
    We will not risk potential legal issues and we have only N amount of time to spend on Kong, we’re willing to spend a bit more out of sympathy, but everyone knew Flash wasn’t going to last (browser has been warning for ages...) and kong only announced their solution on 31 december and that we’d need to do changes a day or so ago. 
    We’ll do what we can to the degree that it’s reasonable, but we don’t have that many options.
  15. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from rc in for Kongregate SM users   
    Getting away with breaking an agreement does not make it alright - either morally or legally. If she did that that was her risk - the dozens of emails and kong pm's I can see of her denying it though, tells me that if she did, she was choosy about who, most likely to prevent Kong from finding out and acting on it. 
    We will not break agreements or risk anything legal, final answer. If we get permission, any form of go-sign, we will happily proceed, if we do not get permission, we will not and you'll just have to accept it.
    With due respect, if you buy a piece of bread and it lists an expiration date of 3 days, you do not complain when it expires. 
    It wasn't a big secret that Flash was going away and nobody pretended there was a solution - to my knowledge Tacticsoft didn't state (anywhere) that they were even considering any change and Kongregate did not state (anywhere) that they'd even keep the platform open after. 
    Your browser has been warning you for 3+ years now that Flash will be going away. You can not expect people to come with solutions they did not announce, if a game is stated to stop working in x time you cannot simply assume that it won't stop working... 
    The world isn't roses and sunshine - for sure Tacticsoft could have solved it, Tacticsoft deemed (looking at statistics  - correctly) that it was not worth solving, and thus didn't announce anything (to my knowledge). Keeping SM functional on kong would be a long, expensive project about as expensive as re-creating the entire game (because, the entire game _would_ need to be re-created). 
    Offering an external account option simply isn't allowed. If they broke that rule, good for them. We aren't generally in the business of breaking agreements, no matter how much some would like it. 
    Kongregate paid for advertising - they essentially paid for you existing on their website. They paid for the infrastructure you played on, the chat you enjoyed, they essentially own your pressence (and paid for that). We (or well, TS) in turn paid for creating the game and offer it through their platform intrade of a reward. 
    Simply taking their users without permission is nothing short of stealing their assets. Let alone while under an agreement not to do so. You were aware that unless either Kong or us do a radical change, as of 31 dec 2020, the game would stop functioning in modern browsers. The unannounced thing that I would personally be pissed off about is that it quit working for 3 weeks on old browsers after too - but we cant give a refund or anything for that even if we want to - that's all up to Kongregate. 
    Kongregate also did not do this out of incompetence - they simply decided the effort to do a proper workaround isn't worth the potential payoff, probably years ago. 
    I told the ones who contacted me (may have missed some - I get *a lot* - that we're asking for permission  but can't promise anything. 
    We first got ownership of SuperMechs and *then* transferred the assets. Also, in such a loophole i'd be personally liable most likely. 
    I told you our constraints. We will not risk legal action or the likes and we will do anything _reasonably_ possible beyond that. 
    But yes, you will not just most likely lose your account, I can confirm 100% you will lose your account. If not because you won't play on an old browser, or that Kong decides in a few weeks to remove SuperMechs (who knows - it's within their rights), when Kong decides to close down their platform. If not because they close down their platform, you will when we decide to shut down SuperMechs, hopefully in 10-20 years but who knows. You will get a few months headsup if we ever get in a situation like that, but probably not 3 years. 😛 

    Changing the date is not a good, permanent solution. Please do not rely on it - browsers will stop supporting that very very soon (this month, next at latest). Using an older browser (like a portable chrome version) or a browser like maxthon or puffin is a far superior solution.
    I am going to leave this topic for now, as frankly, we have nothing else to say or do. We will investigate if there's a reasonable way to get SuperNova working, if there is, itll be a few days to a few weeks when it does. If not, it's old browsers. Sorry folks, wish I had better news, but you can't expect us to come in a _3 year upfront announced end of life_ and expect us to wave a wand and have a magical solution, and you also cannot expect us to break agreements and so on. Even if Tacticsoft did that for a few people, it's not something we (ever) want to get into. We'll do what we reasonably can with whatever Kongregate offers.
    We will continue to support SuperMechs on Kongregate so long as Kongregate is willing to host us (they broke it, we didn't). If someone were to google "Chrome Portable 48" and post a new topic linking it as an option for kong, ideally on kong's forum, with a warning of potential security issues, boy, that would be mighty handy. 
    https://community.gatogames.net/t/new-battledawn-not-working-out/2965 might or might not contain a link. Please do check it with an anti-virus - I have it installed but can't guarantee its safety.
  16. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Norman in for Kongregate SM users   
    Getting away with breaking an agreement does not make it alright - either morally or legally. If she did that that was her risk - the dozens of emails and kong pm's I can see of her denying it though, tells me that if she did, she was choosy about who, most likely to prevent Kong from finding out and acting on it. 
    We will not break agreements or risk anything legal, final answer. If we get permission, any form of go-sign, we will happily proceed, if we do not get permission, we will not and you'll just have to accept it.
    With due respect, if you buy a piece of bread and it lists an expiration date of 3 days, you do not complain when it expires. 
    It wasn't a big secret that Flash was going away and nobody pretended there was a solution - to my knowledge Tacticsoft didn't state (anywhere) that they were even considering any change and Kongregate did not state (anywhere) that they'd even keep the platform open after. 
    Your browser has been warning you for 3+ years now that Flash will be going away. You can not expect people to come with solutions they did not announce, if a game is stated to stop working in x time you cannot simply assume that it won't stop working... 
    The world isn't roses and sunshine - for sure Tacticsoft could have solved it, Tacticsoft deemed (looking at statistics  - correctly) that it was not worth solving, and thus didn't announce anything (to my knowledge). Keeping SM functional on kong would be a long, expensive project about as expensive as re-creating the entire game (because, the entire game _would_ need to be re-created). 
    Offering an external account option simply isn't allowed. If they broke that rule, good for them. We aren't generally in the business of breaking agreements, no matter how much some would like it. 
    Kongregate paid for advertising - they essentially paid for you existing on their website. They paid for the infrastructure you played on, the chat you enjoyed, they essentially own your pressence (and paid for that). We (or well, TS) in turn paid for creating the game and offer it through their platform intrade of a reward. 
    Simply taking their users without permission is nothing short of stealing their assets. Let alone while under an agreement not to do so. You were aware that unless either Kong or us do a radical change, as of 31 dec 2020, the game would stop functioning in modern browsers. The unannounced thing that I would personally be pissed off about is that it quit working for 3 weeks on old browsers after too - but we cant give a refund or anything for that even if we want to - that's all up to Kongregate. 
    Kongregate also did not do this out of incompetence - they simply decided the effort to do a proper workaround isn't worth the potential payoff, probably years ago. 
    I told the ones who contacted me (may have missed some - I get *a lot* - that we're asking for permission  but can't promise anything. 
    We first got ownership of SuperMechs and *then* transferred the assets. Also, in such a loophole i'd be personally liable most likely. 
    I told you our constraints. We will not risk legal action or the likes and we will do anything _reasonably_ possible beyond that. 
    But yes, you will not just most likely lose your account, I can confirm 100% you will lose your account. If not because you won't play on an old browser, or that Kong decides in a few weeks to remove SuperMechs (who knows - it's within their rights), when Kong decides to close down their platform. If not because they close down their platform, you will when we decide to shut down SuperMechs, hopefully in 10-20 years but who knows. You will get a few months headsup if we ever get in a situation like that, but probably not 3 years. 😛 

    Changing the date is not a good, permanent solution. Please do not rely on it - browsers will stop supporting that very very soon (this month, next at latest). Using an older browser (like a portable chrome version) or a browser like maxthon or puffin is a far superior solution.
    I am going to leave this topic for now, as frankly, we have nothing else to say or do. We will investigate if there's a reasonable way to get SuperNova working, if there is, itll be a few days to a few weeks when it does. If not, it's old browsers. Sorry folks, wish I had better news, but you can't expect us to come in a _3 year upfront announced end of life_ and expect us to wave a wand and have a magical solution, and you also cannot expect us to break agreements and so on. Even if Tacticsoft did that for a few people, it's not something we (ever) want to get into. We'll do what we reasonably can with whatever Kongregate offers.
    We will continue to support SuperMechs on Kongregate so long as Kongregate is willing to host us (they broke it, we didn't). If someone were to google "Chrome Portable 48" and post a new topic linking it as an option for kong, ideally on kong's forum, with a warning of potential security issues, boy, that would be mighty handy. 
    https://community.gatogames.net/t/new-battledawn-not-working-out/2965 might or might not contain a link. Please do check it with an anti-virus - I have it installed but can't guarantee its safety.
  17. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from Ad1tya in How do I reassign / change my clan leadership?   
    Not sure why you hammer it in so much, but I always just tell people on discord to email instead.. support@gatogames.net will do the trick. 🙂
    But for this particular issue, while we can change clan leadership (PM or mail me for instructions) we can't in your case, sorry. Figuring out who truly truly truly owns a clan isn't really realistic - we consider the current leader the clan owner - they have to contact us asking for a change if they want it.
  18. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from GeometricalTaco in for Kongregate SM users   
    Getting away with breaking an agreement does not make it alright - either morally or legally. If she did that that was her risk - the dozens of emails and kong pm's I can see of her denying it though, tells me that if she did, she was choosy about who, most likely to prevent Kong from finding out and acting on it. 
    We will not break agreements or risk anything legal, final answer. If we get permission, any form of go-sign, we will happily proceed, if we do not get permission, we will not and you'll just have to accept it.
    With due respect, if you buy a piece of bread and it lists an expiration date of 3 days, you do not complain when it expires. 
    It wasn't a big secret that Flash was going away and nobody pretended there was a solution - to my knowledge Tacticsoft didn't state (anywhere) that they were even considering any change and Kongregate did not state (anywhere) that they'd even keep the platform open after. 
    Your browser has been warning you for 3+ years now that Flash will be going away. You can not expect people to come with solutions they did not announce, if a game is stated to stop working in x time you cannot simply assume that it won't stop working... 
    The world isn't roses and sunshine - for sure Tacticsoft could have solved it, Tacticsoft deemed (looking at statistics  - correctly) that it was not worth solving, and thus didn't announce anything (to my knowledge). Keeping SM functional on kong would be a long, expensive project about as expensive as re-creating the entire game (because, the entire game _would_ need to be re-created). 
    Offering an external account option simply isn't allowed. If they broke that rule, good for them. We aren't generally in the business of breaking agreements, no matter how much some would like it. 
    Kongregate paid for advertising - they essentially paid for you existing on their website. They paid for the infrastructure you played on, the chat you enjoyed, they essentially own your pressence (and paid for that). We (or well, TS) in turn paid for creating the game and offer it through their platform intrade of a reward. 
    Simply taking their users without permission is nothing short of stealing their assets. Let alone while under an agreement not to do so. You were aware that unless either Kong or us do a radical change, as of 31 dec 2020, the game would stop functioning in modern browsers. The unannounced thing that I would personally be pissed off about is that it quit working for 3 weeks on old browsers after too - but we cant give a refund or anything for that even if we want to - that's all up to Kongregate. 
    Kongregate also did not do this out of incompetence - they simply decided the effort to do a proper workaround isn't worth the potential payoff, probably years ago. 
    I told the ones who contacted me (may have missed some - I get *a lot* - that we're asking for permission  but can't promise anything. 
    We first got ownership of SuperMechs and *then* transferred the assets. Also, in such a loophole i'd be personally liable most likely. 
    I told you our constraints. We will not risk legal action or the likes and we will do anything _reasonably_ possible beyond that. 
    But yes, you will not just most likely lose your account, I can confirm 100% you will lose your account. If not because you won't play on an old browser, or that Kong decides in a few weeks to remove SuperMechs (who knows - it's within their rights), when Kong decides to close down their platform. If not because they close down their platform, you will when we decide to shut down SuperMechs, hopefully in 10-20 years but who knows. You will get a few months headsup if we ever get in a situation like that, but probably not 3 years. 😛 

    Changing the date is not a good, permanent solution. Please do not rely on it - browsers will stop supporting that very very soon (this month, next at latest). Using an older browser (like a portable chrome version) or a browser like maxthon or puffin is a far superior solution.
    I am going to leave this topic for now, as frankly, we have nothing else to say or do. We will investigate if there's a reasonable way to get SuperNova working, if there is, itll be a few days to a few weeks when it does. If not, it's old browsers. Sorry folks, wish I had better news, but you can't expect us to come in a _3 year upfront announced end of life_ and expect us to wave a wand and have a magical solution, and you also cannot expect us to break agreements and so on. Even if Tacticsoft did that for a few people, it's not something we (ever) want to get into. We'll do what we reasonably can with whatever Kongregate offers.
    We will continue to support SuperMechs on Kongregate so long as Kongregate is willing to host us (they broke it, we didn't). If someone were to google "Chrome Portable 48" and post a new topic linking it as an option for kong, ideally on kong's forum, with a warning of potential security issues, boy, that would be mighty handy. 
    https://community.gatogames.net/t/new-battledawn-not-working-out/2965 might or might not contain a link. Please do check it with an anti-virus - I have it installed but can't guarantee its safety.
  19. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from GeometricalTaco in for Kongregate SM users   
    Date changing won’t really help much, nor will new browser versions.
    You can use Puffin Desktop or something like Maxthon (be warned: Maxthon has been controversial for leaking data to the Chinese government) or Portable Chrome 48, which you can find online, but I must warn you it may be virused and any website you use it on could potentially infect your computer. Do not use it unless you will only use it for Kong with SM and you trust both us and Kong with your safety.
    I will not link it for that purpose, a player is allowed to but only if they give appropriate warning.
    As for the future
    We were indeed informed (Thank you!) that GetSupernova has concluded we need to re-program our kong integration for it to work with their desktop plugin. This is quite a bummer, especially considering Kong doesn’t have many of our players (the one who said 1-2% is exaggerating, it’s less than 0.5%, and that’s being incredibly generous and counting all the people who just click the game, all the bots and all the multis) nor enough income to pay for this itself (said kong players spend way less than the average SM player, we’re arguably already making a loss on it as is due the time we spent etc).
    To put it bluntly, there’s not enough players or income for me to be able to justify putting a lot of resources into re-writing an integration, especially considering with Kongregate’s current radio silence and behavior, I would be totally unsurprised if tomorrow they just deleted it entirely. 
    When we upload a new version, one requirement seems to be that we tick a checkbox promising there’s no external account systems present in SuperMechs. 
    We’ve asked them for permission to manually transfer accounts on request a multitude of times - it has seemingly been done in secret in the past based on reports (on kong all requests seem to have been responded with a ‘sorry, not possible’, so pretty sure Kong didn’t give permission) and have been ignored on each of these. We’ve tried sending out 2 announcements offering to do it, as I was hoping for implicit permission from their news team. Both seem to have been rejected. It was an attempt at guerilla play.
    So, we’ll look into the integration issue and see if there’s any quick fix that won’t get us into _too_ hot waters and meanwhile continue to hope for permission. You can use one of the workarounds to play SM for now via kong, but please be mindful that Kongregate owns your data there. I have no idea how much longer they’ll bother - it seems they really don’t care. Shame because their platform is awesome...
    We will not risk potential legal issues and we have only N amount of time to spend on Kong, we’re willing to spend a bit more out of sympathy, but everyone knew Flash wasn’t going to last (browser has been warning for ages...) and kong only announced their solution on 31 december and that we’d need to do changes a day or so ago. 
    We’ll do what we can to the degree that it’s reasonable, but we don’t have that many options.
  20. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Atusiff in for Kongregate SM users   
    Sorry folks, we dont know nothing the Kong users on the forum don't sadly. 
    They've promixed to fix some games, but wether SM is one .. hard to tell.
  21. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from Sparks in oh boy, I sure can't wait for the first trading topic   
    You should see my email. Back when I was CM, I once had someone once share me his favorite adult video. 
    He later asked me if I enjoyed it.
    When I told him I don't really watch videos like that sent by players, he asked me to be friends.
    People can be strange.
  22. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in Ultra Spade is the best item of all times.   
    Fight me.
  23. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in So, I am Alex and I sort of run this   
    Hi guys 🙂 
    Let me give the good example and introduce myself!
    My name is Alexander but everyone calls me Alex. I am 28 years old, I am into sailing, ski-ing, reading, writing, anime/LNs, games and cooking. I started playing a game called BattleDawn back in 2006 when I was 14 and was asked to help test SuperMechs by a BD Admin back before it was public and just kind of stuck around. I lead a team called NCR (New Corgi Revolution) in Battle Dawn with Josh (Malicewolf) and am a member of the Shiba Revolution in Super Mechs. 
    I studied Software Engineering, but frankly I find most things interesting.
    Some years ago I was hired by Ilona to be Community Manager (we talked a lot and she suggested I apply if I really want to improve BD/SM so much, so I did), she however didn't stick with the company after that so I had to kind of learn the job on the spot on my own. And take parts of her job (Product Manager) while at it. This went pretty well and I formed a pretty natural gear in the SM and BD teams, but when the SM Team grew it became harder and harder for me to feel like I was making a meaningful impact. I went to Michael (Tacticsoft CEO), told him to either give me something else to do or I'll have to walk away eventually. He asked me what I want to do then and I offered to take over Battle Dawn instead, which was orphaned without a manager and close to a shutdown.
    I took it over, it went pretty well, Battle Dawn didn't get shut down, grew a lot. We recruited Josh and Elcent who are awesome human beings and eventually Michael passed me onto a guy who was buying the rights to make a Battle Dawn sequel. We got along and after spending a lot of time discussing with each other, we decided to buy Battle Dawn itself as well. I re-recruited Ilona to the team (sadly she left a while ago again :P) and re-recruited Simmen, Gato Games was born. 

    We improved Battle Dawn's servers a lot, I got the title of CEO, we recruited Gaurav, Fluffeh and Kenny and eventually got a chance to buy Super Mechs... Which at the time we couldn't. Got another one and this time we could and did. 
    So yeah, here we are and here I am. Please be nice to me. 😛 
  24. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Mark3017 in So, I am Alex and I sort of run this   
    Hi guys 🙂 
    Let me give the good example and introduce myself!
    My name is Alexander but everyone calls me Alex. I am 28 years old, I am into sailing, ski-ing, reading, writing, anime/LNs, games and cooking. I started playing a game called BattleDawn back in 2006 when I was 14 and was asked to help test SuperMechs by a BD Admin back before it was public and just kind of stuck around. I lead a team called NCR (New Corgi Revolution) in Battle Dawn with Josh (Malicewolf) and am a member of the Shiba Revolution in Super Mechs. 
    I studied Software Engineering, but frankly I find most things interesting.
    Some years ago I was hired by Ilona to be Community Manager (we talked a lot and she suggested I apply if I really want to improve BD/SM so much, so I did), she however didn't stick with the company after that so I had to kind of learn the job on the spot on my own. And take parts of her job (Product Manager) while at it. This went pretty well and I formed a pretty natural gear in the SM and BD teams, but when the SM Team grew it became harder and harder for me to feel like I was making a meaningful impact. I went to Michael (Tacticsoft CEO), told him to either give me something else to do or I'll have to walk away eventually. He asked me what I want to do then and I offered to take over Battle Dawn instead, which was orphaned without a manager and close to a shutdown.
    I took it over, it went pretty well, Battle Dawn didn't get shut down, grew a lot. We recruited Josh and Elcent who are awesome human beings and eventually Michael passed me onto a guy who was buying the rights to make a Battle Dawn sequel. We got along and after spending a lot of time discussing with each other, we decided to buy Battle Dawn itself as well. I re-recruited Ilona to the team (sadly she left a while ago again :P) and re-recruited Simmen, Gato Games was born. 

    We improved Battle Dawn's servers a lot, I got the title of CEO, we recruited Gaurav, Fluffeh and Kenny and eventually got a chance to buy Super Mechs... Which at the time we couldn't. Got another one and this time we could and did. 
    So yeah, here we are and here I am. Please be nice to me. 😛 
  25. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from XIII in So, I am Alex and I sort of run this   
    Hi guys 🙂 
    Let me give the good example and introduce myself!
    My name is Alexander but everyone calls me Alex. I am 28 years old, I am into sailing, ski-ing, reading, writing, anime/LNs, games and cooking. I started playing a game called BattleDawn back in 2006 when I was 14 and was asked to help test SuperMechs by a BD Admin back before it was public and just kind of stuck around. I lead a team called NCR (New Corgi Revolution) in Battle Dawn with Josh (Malicewolf) and am a member of the Shiba Revolution in Super Mechs. 
    I studied Software Engineering, but frankly I find most things interesting.
    Some years ago I was hired by Ilona to be Community Manager (we talked a lot and she suggested I apply if I really want to improve BD/SM so much, so I did), she however didn't stick with the company after that so I had to kind of learn the job on the spot on my own. And take parts of her job (Product Manager) while at it. This went pretty well and I formed a pretty natural gear in the SM and BD teams, but when the SM Team grew it became harder and harder for me to feel like I was making a meaningful impact. I went to Michael (Tacticsoft CEO), told him to either give me something else to do or I'll have to walk away eventually. He asked me what I want to do then and I offered to take over Battle Dawn instead, which was orphaned without a manager and close to a shutdown.
    I took it over, it went pretty well, Battle Dawn didn't get shut down, grew a lot. We recruited Josh and Elcent who are awesome human beings and eventually Michael passed me onto a guy who was buying the rights to make a Battle Dawn sequel. We got along and after spending a lot of time discussing with each other, we decided to buy Battle Dawn itself as well. I re-recruited Ilona to the team (sadly she left a while ago again :P) and re-recruited Simmen, Gato Games was born. 

    We improved Battle Dawn's servers a lot, I got the title of CEO, we recruited Gaurav, Fluffeh and Kenny and eventually got a chance to buy Super Mechs... Which at the time we couldn't. Got another one and this time we could and did. 
    So yeah, here we are and here I am. Please be nice to me. 😛 
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