if you use rock recoiler, backstaber will be out of range.
Rock recoiler it is a game weapon for all ranks. Jam wanted you to make it legend but can wait for now if you want.
The recoiler can be a temp weapon using heat mech or energy mech. For current set up will not work that good.
Sure, change the torso and if get cooling module, work on that fast.
Relics are earned from being R15 and above after staying in that specific rank for a season fully. Depending on how lucky you are, you might get a rare, or epic, or legendary relic from the arena box.
Of course, the higher your rank, the higher the chance of getting epic and legendary relics.
There's a problem, even if I remove repulser and the armor destroying thing, I can't put rock recoiler. Should I remove every side weapon but BackBreaker to put a rock recoiler?
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