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Cheater, are you kidding me?


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Я тоже с этим чмом столкнулся сегодня, разраб але, где твои баны? Угандошил игру в конец, убив нормальных игроков, а пидоров читерских всех оставил.

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33 minutes ago, Dimooon said:

Я тоже с этим чмом столкнулся сегодня, разраб але, где твои баны? Угандошил игру в конец, убив нормальных игроков, а пидоров читерских всех оставил.

Не материтесь на форуме ❌


Don't swear on the forum ❌



I like Fluffeh 💀

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Before they lock the topic I’ll ask this. 

is the accusation of witch hunt a witch hunt within itself? 

why not simply acknowledge the bug and that it will not be fixed? Seems oppressive towards the community to silence people from voicing concerns and frustration with flaws in the game. 

We didn’t start the fire. It’s be burning since the games been turning!

Edited by Fordekash (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

Before they lock the topic I’ll ask this. 

is the accusation of witch hunt a witch hunt within itself? 

why not simply acknowledge the bug and that it will not be fixed? Seems oppressive towards the community to silence people from voicing concerns and frustration with flaws in the game. 

We didn’t start the fire. It’s be burning since the games been turning!


I don't understand, what do you mean? Did you post this and you have to explain it to me? I don't think it was an error or a bug, everything is clear it's a cheat.


On 1/13/2023 at 11:40 PM, Fordekash said:

How do I get this much resistance? Pretty sure I’d make top 50 in raid and probably r1 in arena! 


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1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

Before they lock the topic I’ll ask this. 

is the accusation of witch hunt a witch hunt within itself? 

why not simply acknowledge the bug and that it will not be fixed? Seems oppressive towards the community to silence people from voicing concerns and frustration with flaws in the game. 

We didn’t start the fire. It’s be burning since the games been turning!

I see it the same way ...

- it is more like a BUG report, than an accusation

- as well as how it can be an accusation, when it is 100% clear that these players are using a BUG for their advantage in the Arena
(which is not only using a bug, but clear cheating as well)

- it is a positiv thing to make the players and the administration aware of this happening ❗

... what I do not understand ...

GATO Games bought this game for a lot of money ( I guess ), why there is no real support anymore for SuperMechs ❗ ❓

At least such huge impact issues should be fixed really fast ❗ 

I mean ... since years ( ❗ ), this game is about ...

Who can use most BUGS, glitches and shaddy methodes to gain best items the most.

... and not about anymore ...

Who is able to build best mechs with fair gotten items.

Sad ❗



18 minutes ago, SareN said:


I don't understand, what do you mean? Did you post this and you have to explain it to me? I don't think it was an error or a bug, everything is clear it's a cheat.

He means ...

- Bug report threads are not gonna be closed

- cheating accusation threads are gonna be closed


P.S.: using Bugs IS cheating (both is just the same)

Edited by bestplayeroftheworld (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, SareN said:

I don't understand, what do you mean? Did you post this and you have to explain it to me? I don't think it was an error or a bug, everything is clear it's a cheat.

Not knocking you. Just seems like post like this are normally shut down and they tell us to use the cheat link. 

My opinion is you should always be able to make post like this. I am interested to see this kind of stuff. So keep up the posting!

Edited by Fordekash (see edit history)
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