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I was thinking a while and assumingly figured a current meta problem in SM.


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Hello there all of you who are reading this is my first topic on the new forums. It's pleasure to be back to Super Mechs to say the least and the community that I used to know, while also a sorrowful reminder of the struggles that we went through in arguments, disagreements and bickering over less relevant things in life. While also having lots of meaningful conversations with absolutely great fellows around! 

Alright now that introduction is out, I would like to name something rather questionable to me still. That thing is the empty slot which we have for shields ! 

Shields. Something that has been probably discussed a few times so far if I would assume, however I felt like I want to make a separate topic on this rant about this possible re-introduction of that item. 

What I notice is absolutely crazily overused: HP, Armor, Heat/Engines, Coolers. Due to having way better out scaling against mostly everything with energy free weapons. 

How about shields re-introduction that only use energy to absorb some damage? No other shield types available. (Such as energy free shield).

I think this would greatly bring energy mechs back to life, due to dem being more rounded versus currently extremely strong physicals and heaters. 

Not only that, but this would bring more balance overall when it comes to modularity of the mechs! I do believe that to be the case at least. 

I hope current developers can make the game better and more rounded in a sense that quality of the build doesn't have to rely on how much: HP, Armor, Energy Free itmes you got. 

Rather a mix of the weaponry and modules which would result in greater flexibility, differences, modularity and sustain across all 3 different types. Which is exactly what this would bring.


P.S: Making standard shields a new L - M (D) item for everyone to get to use. Newer versions of the shields and modifications of it can be added as Premium item of course! 

Which new modifications? Less weight, but less damage taken. More weight / armor boosting shield that also requires some energy. And so on and so on .. How many different types you want of it as long as those shields use *energy*. Cause everything else I fear would break the game. So energy use is a must. Just like teleport uses energy. So it's important to stay on that path I think. 


Please leave the comments down below what you think about this idea! Run a poll if you wanna have a vote! Feel free to disagree should you see my opinion as inadequate in any way, shape or form and best regards! 🙂


Edited by Darth Vectivus (see edit history)
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13 minutes ago, bumbum said:

Imagine fighting player with 180 phys res and a shield

Yes fight would take a bit longer is what I imagine, considering the fact that you might be using shield your self. 180 phys resist I don't think that would happen too much, because you have 8 mod slots and it's already too much to use 3 of them for 3 types of armor protection let alone add heat engines and energy engines to sustain your shield 🙂 

So it looks good to me as far as I can imagine. 


29 minutes ago, That1Guy said:

I mean, this is my slant as a legacy player, but I feel like shields should be left to the past. Also, items generate too much heat/drain too much energy to make them viable without making it drain almost nothing. Sorry, but that's how I see it.

Alright, I would disagree with you on the statement that items generate too much heat/drain too much energy to make them viable. I think everything drains and generates as much as it should. I don't see the problem at all, taking into consideration that activating and deactivating shields would take no turns. 

You obviously wouldn't activate a shield against an energy mech in the first place, should you see that you can get drained way too quickly. 

Exactly shields shouldn't be made to not drain your mech with "almost nothing". It's an item that you would have to activate and deactivate constantly to improve the longevity of your mech as much as possible while not getting drained by using it. 

An excellent mechanic is all I can see that brings lots of quality. 

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10 minutes ago, Darth Vectivus said:

Yes fight would take a bit longer is what I imagine, considering the fact that you might be using shield your self. 180 phys resist I don't think that would happen too much, because you have 8 mod slots and it's already too much to use 3 of them for 3 types of armor protection let alone add heat engines and energy engines to sustain your shield 🙂 

So it looks good to me as far as I can imagine. 


Alright, I would disagree with you on the statement that items generate too much heat/drain too much energy to make them viable. I think everything drains and generates as much as it should. I don't see the problem at all, taking into consideration that activating and deactivating shields would take no turns. 

You obviously wouldn't activate a shield against an energy mech in the first place, should you see that you can get drained way too quickly. 

Exactly shields shouldn't be made to not drain your mech with "almost nothing". It's an item that you would have to activate and deactivate constantly to improve the longevity of your mech as much as possible while not getting drained by using it. 

An excellent mechanic is all I can see that brings lots of quality. 

Yes, but being able to activate/deactivate without using a turn also seems like a bad idea and for some reason inherently wrong.

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10 minutes ago, That1Guy said:

Yes, but being able to activate/deactivate without using a turn also seems like a bad idea and for some reason inherently wrong.

Inherently worng? Bad idea? Why? Makes no sense to me ... Battle Mechs, an old game which I loved and still do has exactly that mechanic. That game is also made by Tacticsoft. So I don't see how that adds up? 

I don't think shields should take a turn to be activated and deactivated. Primarily because a third of your opponents can probably be energy mechs and you are already paying a price to even have shields on as it costs you weight! 

So having it as a situational item that balances exactly what I mentioned above, which is under-usage of energy engines and energy boosters as a primary problem fix would be nice. 

As currently the meta is way too toxic with too much HP and heat based resistances. 

What I see absolutely wrong is that no matter how much in HP you go up it can't be seen as a bad and counterable thing as long as you have energy free weapons. Should never be the case. That's inherently wrong in my opinion. HP and Armor amounts shouldn't decide always the absolutely undisputed dominant and winning mech against all 3 types as if it is a counter. It's wrong. 

P.S: Let's not forget about the new Super Charger which deals enormous amounts of damage too... That right there is wrong in my opinion. Making the weapons out of utility items, on top of *already broken meta* that will abuse them, which is already energy free enough. 

Makes absolutely no practical, logical or historical sense. But I digress. 

Edited by Darth Vectivus (see edit history)
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I'm not really into shields.  And technically they asked us to attach polls to Meta discussions.  I think the easier solution, if they wanted to buff energy, is to simply buff damage and energy drain and such.

But seeing as there is an energy player in the top 10, I can't say energy is in such a bad state that it needs rescuing.  More that it would be a nice thing to do, perhaps, if done properly.

Still, I would be against another round of buffs, as the last one didn't go so well in my opinion.  So yeah, I'm not for shields, but not against.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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