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O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little


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Hi Pilots
How are you?
I am doing fine post COVID and back to work in full. Sure, a lot of work delayed and my boss pushing for it. 
I barely can play not due to my family being sick but because excess of work and adding more. No time availability.

Anyway, for now I won't be able to add images due to lack of memory in my forum account because has been consumed.
I had no idea there is a limit of memory space to post images. It will take some time to get more memory.
In mean time I will add a basic info if what is going on in the account.

Just to summarize what I do have I will add the basic numbers and what is new since last image posted.

OKI DOKI FARM "O.D. FARM" original name was born in 2/20 but I do not remember the day post BASE was activated as test account for BASE. 
It is not an old account but no longer a new one. The account has been under progress
since day one and have been in play every single day so far. The basic progress of the account is constant grinding.

O.D. FARM joined Reign Forever Cool Clan last week since CANDELA CLAN no longer need my assistance with the account for now been solid on membership and great people. 
I removed my account to give space to new members possibilities that can do better than me on WINS or even better overall.
The account still subject to support CANDELA in case the clan drop on membership in a hard way. 

I want to thank to REIGN FOREVER CLAN accepting me as part of their crew and being welcomed and as always, I will do my part to do what is possible in my time availability.

Let see my younger account progress: 

1- 168 parts so far. 
   a)153 at L50 
   b)15 parts at different levels. 

1- 122 PARTS and the number change often because I make legends very often from epics to make a new weapon or for meat.
   a) Parts at different level some of them  

1- 236 parts around to make new weapons or future meat. 

1-The account it does have a total of 600 on storage space. I added another 15 last week for future inventory.

1- 55 GOLD
2- 82 EPIC
3- 48 RARE
4- 45 COMMON 

1- 408 mix boxes around grinded 

1- 373 and will move up but slowly. I might get into 400 but since the account have many legends weapons to max there is no need to open them for now.

1- 52,389 and growing every week fighting the TITAN. That is a 26 premium boxes. Nice. 

What is been new on the account about those numbers mentioned during last month DECEMBER 2021:

1- FRANTIC (1)
5- FALCON (1)


I won't add relics received since not all was screen captured but numbers are the above.


I was able to increase the account for first time to 125millions on reserve.

The goal for this week is to increase gold reserve currently at 123,770,227 million. Tokens reserves 50,163. 
After increase gold reserve to 125millions or more I will craft power kits to finish one item maybe 2 to L50. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

The clan always search for players with some basics as players not an enforced condition. We search for players that actually can grind wins. For season 3v3 and 1v1 we collect 2k wins and 5k on 1v1. Sure, we look for power at the same time due to it is a clan at top 4-10 normally and power it is important for war. Now, depending on floor conditions to add a good player and or leader decisions can be some acceptance to some degree with a little bit lower power. 

Another condition is about no acceptance to accounts stolen etc in the clan. Sometime some players join and then we can get more info about legal status of the account. Even can affect us on positions etc we remove players not in the full legal. 

We play in a freeway not restricted to an AP, but we get together ready for war as is need. Clan members are fine, and many are talkative and some time to time when have time in their busy life. We collect tickets always for titan and we fight titan always as basic. We like steady and compromise person for basics and not much drama. 

Contact DIABLOODER here in the forum our current leader and let him know about your interest to join the clan. He will review. I think we have an open spot and will be one more tomorrow losing our friend due to personal matters. 

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6 hours ago, Ur Hacking said:


Do you need to be top rank?

Well, just to clarify O.D. FARM it is now in Reign Forever. Taedium it is the leader and the criteria to enter to the clan I am not sure about it. Normally the clan it is a clan for TOP players resting a bit from the main Rain clan always on TOP 1-3 position. In that case I can't tell you about who can be in or out. 

In the case of CANDELA INC, my main clan, it is up to the clan members and leader decision at the moment of whom can be according to necessity of the moment. Yes, normally you have to be a top R4 but sometimes we add not a top player and let the person to be stable and consistent and can develop his or her account with us but maybe it won't participate on war because it does affect the % against the rest of the players and can end up losing war. 

Example of great player added from mid rank R10-R8 is Pink. He compromises and so far, never failed in his duty on clan requirement and as free player is working hard to improve his account in a serious way now in some seasons at R3 and now been part of war. He does have my respect as player and his integrity. If the player is serious and grind to advance fast the account, it is important because need to grow to help in all. About enhancing account, I am very picky on players because I work hard my accounts to make them strong grinding even, I can't do a lot of pvp not having time in my life. If a mid-rank is added to the clan, I check progress. This thread can show I am not a clown in matter of improving my account or my main OKI DOKI and I am very serious in that side of the game regardless my funny plays. This account will become a top account even already reach all seasons R1 when play for it but lack of power for now been a young account.

If you can be a great contributor on wins like Pink or even better and collect titan ticket, fight the titan even little damage but do fight as basic and help on war position when is in a need all depend on you and the leader @Diablooder at this point. 

Sure, the clan need power because we lose some for retirement and others not related to the game last week and this week. 

Just ask the leader Diablooder and let him know what you do and account. Example what rank and how many wins you add for season etc. Write to him. He is a nice person, good leader plus does his duty above many in the clan like wins one of the top contributors and if he does not accept you is because he does have something in mind or talked already but go ahead and ask because you have nothing to lose this been just a game. 




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Hi Oki !

I would like to share a situation that occurred a week ago.

Will not name member that join  my clan out of respect .

This  new in clan tactics are very distressing , spamming in your own clan Chat.

It seem to be a new reality to recruit new members .

Was never like this before.

I find it very distasteful and to promote  .

Stars Lords.






that occur not so long ago.















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Clan members should respect clan chat and clan thread. People out of line regardless the need of the player in the clan should be removed or will create a snowball of unhappiness. I do not mind kicking them, or I do walk away without issue. Sometimes is good to make a list of players doing such things. I do have one as personal thing to no forget who they are in the past or present. Those who offended me in the past or doing in the present are in the list and the reason as a comment to not forget like pvp or chat or forum etc when and why. 

It is a nice list to have. 😎 I won't forget to those offended my niece and my person or disruptor in some ways. 👈👀

sorry, I do not have likes. 


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4 hours ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

Nice mechs, bro. You have reached a level of superiority that I will probably never achieve. 


No. In reality I reached top as free account, but I was week. It is not about items I have been getting later on but the base is to farm daily as much you can. Superiority do not worry about that. This is a game of progress and everyone staying for a while and farming will reach same level. The base will provide parts and fortune boxes too if farm and administrate properly. Different players reach R1 with ton of limitations been smart at play and I am an average player not a top and I just play here to make parts for fun farming. 

The only difference between me and other players it is farming nothing else free to play or pay to win and of course they play to win and be at top and in that case, I am not interested on that part and no time for it, or mind set. I like to play for relax time not to get into stress to get a rank or get angry at play. Just have fun in your progress. 👍 Anyone can be R1 and the big difference is some advanced mechs ahead of you playing for long and focus to advance fast. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am doing fine but a ton of work keeping me really busy and playing little and forgetting things to do or unable. I am fine but tired and I need some rest to be honest but work id demanding and COVID add too much to cover other people sick week after week with a no ending. 🤦‍♂️

Anyway, it has been a while without an O.D FARM or OKI DOKI updates not having image memory to do so, and the game owner added some recently. 

I do have pictures saved in my comp or phone of the progress, but I will avoid adding all of that and will resume from now as starting point.

I have been focusing more on gold accumulation. Not been lucky getting any new weapon in reality meaning the account is not growing for a while. I have been enhancing or better say leveling up current parts in the inventory but there is not much there, and some decent parts remain to go for it. 

For now, I will be focusing on gold accumulation and enhancing few parts slowly with daily events without any rush. The most important now is to increase gold reserve to be ready for future boxes opening but I will be working with some parts around before the opening. It will take till summertime just guessing to finish some of those items around and some from epic level in need. 

I will include the account current inventory because there is not much to add not using the saved progress and current acc status.

Let see...

Gold moved to 132 million. Actually, I was able to increase to 138 but I used some gold to max items recently in this case divining modules. It is very rare to use gold to divine items and having lack of gold relics, but I was bored and decided to divine some items.



The base it has been idle for a while. Looks very sad.image.thumb.png.47053f92dc4d47888c52f050cf0b32c9.png

O.D. FARM joined Reign Forever. I removed the account from CANDELA INC because I wanted to open space to have heavy grinders plus power to add to the clan. Having lack of time and slowing down because excess of work and not been a person who really like to take advantage of others hard work, I walked away the account.

I want to thank to the Reign teams for opening a door for me and inviting me to be part of their roster. 


My boxes reserve. Not much but managing mix to enhance parts or make legends. 


Clan coins still growing but at slower rate.


Arena Shop is all max out and coins still growing. I would like to find a use for those coins. 


Ok, the inventory is practically the same but with some parts enhanced.


































It is not an awesome account but do the job at any rank and season if play for it, even it is a weak account but will be growing and getting stronger. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate,

It's been a while since you have posted on here, but Reign Forever wants to let you know that you can rejoin them now. We made a switch of leadership, so we had to kick every member but one.

There was a message in the chat for about 12 hours before it happened, but it might be that you have missed it, so that's why I'm telling you on here.

You can just send an invite to Reign Forever again and it will be accepted within a day.



Edited by Zylok (see edit history)

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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