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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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1 hour ago, Electrick010 said:

I was lucky enough to acquire my legendary relic and make a Divine, incidentally a Mythic lvl 1 more, GG OKI, Once I reach Rank 4 I may return to Candela.



Nice set of mechs.

The basic entry for CANDELA is R4 but there are exceptions depending if the player it is consistent and it is a grinder. I mean, if you get the basic wins from the clan and get more than basic in 1v1 due to we go for 5K every season, collect tickets and always fight the titan regardless damage you can be ok. 

The important is to participate always in TITAN fight no matter the little damage but be part of, collect tickets of course all depend of the time zone due to some of us collect early and fast to no lose the possibility to win the titan. War will depend of your mech power if have 3 mechs decent enough for the fight avoiding too high damage dropping % of win.   

If you are active every day and can with the wins asked you have an entry.  Sure the new boss can kick people not been active so need to be active and no matter power level and for how long is been in the clan he will push people away fast. Trust have to be earned will say. 

The clan is good due to have nice people plus you can play your game as you want but in the moment there is a request for the good of the clan we respond to the call and move to the direction we need to go as group. 

You can ask me any question if interested so PM me any time. We have room right now but need to be consistent on basics. 👍

I like your avatar. 👍

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9 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Nice set of mechs.

Thanks 🙂.

9 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

The basic entry for CANDELA is R4 but there are exceptions depending if the player it is consistent and it is a grinder. I mean, if you get the basic wins from the clan and get more than basic in 1v1 due to we go for 5K every season, collect tickets and always fight the titan regardless damage you can be ok. 

Without a doubt I would have entered before, but currently I have complications to win, in my time I think I was the third or fourth most active of the clan offering 500 wins in 1vs1 and I prefer to enter Rank 4 because the AP was also important when I was in the clan.

9 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

The important is to participate always in TITAN fight no matter the little damage but be part of, collect tickets of course all depend of the time zone due to some of us collect early and fast to no lose the possibility to win the titan. War will depend of your mech power if have 3 mechs decent enough for the fight avoiding too high damage dropping % of win.   

I never had a problem helping with the titan, I always get up early to collect tickets and regarding the damage, for now I have a hard time damaging it, but I do my best

While my equipment is currently incomplete, but I can hold out a bit, I very rarely enter Wars and I am always on the lookout for the clan's position and constantly ask the clan leader to see if I can enter or not.

9 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

If you are active every day and can with the wins asked you have an entry.  Sure the new boss can kick people not been active so need to be active and no matter power level and for how long is been in the clan he will push people away fast. Trust have to be earned will say. 

Maybe I will ask to join the clan when I can, for now I have to look for important things in real life.

9 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

The clan is good due to have nice people plus you can play your game as you want but in the moment there is a request for the good of the clan we respond to the call and move to the direction we need to go as group. 

Always the clan and its people have been good when I met him, I still remember when the clan was just beginning to grow, it did not even reach rank 6 in those days.

10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

You can ask me any question if interested so PM me any time. We have room right now but need to be consistent on basics. 👍

I like your avatar. 👍

Currently I have nothing that doubts me, but thank you for your support, regarding the Avatar I found it nice and I decided to use it, almost 4 hours of work to finish it =).


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Ron-Good. Keep saving as I said. Do not max those weapons I saw in the account. Hold back and save. I saw you tried to max one I said to not do. It will harm you than to help you. Max the Mercy for now. Wait saving and max the second one at the time to keep gold moving up and do it only with the mix boxes accumulation. Buy the 2 items I indicated if sales but do not spend tokens on boxes for now. I saw you got the money I sent. Get the offer I said no other. If no offer in 2 months then buy some boxes with weapon or offer like this one but not now. If you get those 2 items you will be much stronger than OKI with current set up. 

OK. Now to my thread up date.

Well, I was thinking to go for 90 millions but I got bored again to see too many weapons not max out. I will start to craft power kits maybe for 2 weeks and gold will drop really hard. Ok, I can recover without lot of issues. 

Gold increased to 82 millions. I might get into 12-16 weapons to max out then increase gold back. Yes, will drop a lot but it is the game idea. 🤦‍♂️🥶

Anyway, let see.



Lets crank up that idle base. Is look so sad been idle. I will make it happy again. 🙃


Lets do the 4 to be happier 🙂


Oh yeah. Lets spend gold like rich and become poor again. 🤭🤣👏







Forgot to add

I myth one part. The other R1 box. 😥 

Super Mechs_2021-09-03-14-54-14.jpg

Super Mechs_2021-09-03-15-03-25.jpg



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Yes, I forgot to stop to max that weapon but sis was the one who worked on because I forgot to tell her.  I will let you know before I decide to buy any offer.  I will spend some gold with the Mercy and by the way I increased storage space to 405.  I know you said to keep it at 400 for now but I got few items I do not want to meat  in case because I don't have others on reserve. 

WOW, you will drop on gold a lot.  You will spend at list like 50 millions to make 16 parts maybe more.  According what I calculated it is a lot. Crazy. 🤔 Maybe if you have 120 millions will be fine but for 82 it is tuff. 🤐

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Hi Pilots

How are you. I have no much time but I am updating this short progress. 

Current gold stash dropped a lot post making 2k power kits. Now I am moving up to save some gold. I was able to max out few items around but will take a long process to get the rest I have around to max. To prevent the gold drop too much I decided to stop and recover some gold. 

In a side not, I have been too busy and my gold collection is been a lot slower and barely making a pvp and keeping lower rank. I am now playing solo for few weeks or rather say I can't play but stepped out of my clan for few weeks unable to do basics for the clan during this time. I will return to the can and to basics post this messy weeks are gone. 

Anyway, let see what is going on....

Gold down to 71 millions but also I decided to get few extra tokens. 


Old parts maxed out.



Rank box. A bit happy since I am not getting gold relics and I need them. 👍


Last war boximage.thumb.png.b0603c500342593e809b9c6ad21f5d71.png




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WOW, you left the clan for some weeks. I had no idea. Sis was reading and just find out. Ah, I got it. I remember you told me about the new assignment but no idea you will walk away of the clan. If not wrong you can sty there without issues due to your entry ways. I remember SHABBA what he said to you and the clan. Still I do not understand why you left. 

Nice progress. I saw some of those weapons in the low 20's when sis opened the account to see account a bit.  I was able to move to 35 millions and maxed few parts you said. Yeah, I will kick you next time. 😃

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You have a phone. you can call me like your sis and will know ahead. 🤦‍♂️I already talked to her. I am too busy at work and training for new job role. No time to play basics just a few here and there. I connect as always and read in the side when is possible like now doing some work at home because I left a bit earlier than normal to get some stuff done before class. 

I left the clan just for some weeks. It is not right to steal rewards without doing my job for the clan. Will you stay in the clan and others doing the job and you getting a reward doing nothing? That it is not cool at all. 

Great. Keep saving a bit more then work on the other 2 weapons I indicated. Your second mech will be really tuff to deal with. Keep saving the relics. Do not use them for now. Too early for it. Game change a lot. If you need to use some just use them for the torso to increase health if is a needed torso. I recommend only one if you like. No more. I do not think you need to add more torsos. Keep current inventory. Save gold. 

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Hi awesome pilots

How are you?

I am fine but really busy at work and training. I can't wait till those trainings are over and can come back to play a bit more no losing days and the gold and tokens not doing dailies, titan etc. 

Ok, let see how many eggs the chicken left around 🐓🐣 or how much bacon I was able to make 🐷🥓🤡

My goal set up remains unchanged. I am focus increasing gold reserve for the next batch of power kits craft then will increase gold reserve again and later will max some parts. I have to many parts to go for it and it is a long and slow process. 

I have not been changing the line up but I have few weapons ready and can make changes and inflict a bit of more damage. I will hold on that for now and will keep the focus in building raw power as building block preparing the foundation. No rush for any particular rank. I like steady progress so I keep working on it as been from start. Because I do not have much time I can't get focus on plays and increase rank. I will have to deal with that for a lot of time. Some times I get just some luck nothing else but pure luck. 

I was able to increase gold a little bit. Factories are idle till I can come up with enough gold reserves and crank up those factories. I will be saving gold for another week then will make around 2k pawer kits for 6 days or so. Post crafting I will increase gold again then will max some parts and of course that takes some weeks again. 

I have like 100 power kits on reserve in total for emergencies during this period before start to craft new batch. 

Reserves moved from 71 to 77 millions in very slow ways due to lack of pvp and missing a lot of time without grind for gold. Oh well, what I can do......



I was able to transform 1 part due to I needed the storage space.


My R1 box always so good🥺🥴🥱😒





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Hi friendly pilots

How are you?

I am a bit tired to be honest. My first day off from work and catching up with some work at home at backyard, cleaning toilets "my lady hate to clean them so I have too", resting a bit because I am really sleepy not been able to sleep much due to work constant calls at night to help on issues plus training and study including regular job. 

Oh well, I have to pay the bills and keep the family happy in some ways. 🤣

Well, I have been too busy at work more than normal and of course my play time declined a lot. Sometimes do 5 wins or less maybe 3 just for the daily tokens or even missing days of pvp. No titan and forgetting sometimes raid and even farming.

Sad ways to try to move account progress in a healthier way but that it is life for an old person with family. 

My current focus still the same and I am based on farming for gold when I can during the day but sadly pvp is been really hard to do having my boss close to me on training etc. 

Ok, back to a simple update.

Gold progress is been slow but finally I crossed 80 millions to start some power kit craft. I was thinking to go for more gold and increase account o 90 millions as the new base on gold reserve and increase to 100 for the next batch of power kits but it is been a bit hard to go for it. I might should do it having already few mechs to sustain an R3 without focus to try to rank up because I do not have time and focus for it. 

Anyway, I am writing now and at the same time I will be activating base factories. Let see current gold stash.


Current factories status. This look really sad. Please close your eyes. All idle. 🙈🥶😔😭


I will try to make the base a bit happier and I will crank up all factories for power kits. I will be making 4k power kits. I need those to max out some parts available even will hurt gold cash. I think will drop to 66-68 millions due to lack of pvp and sometimes missing a lot of farming. So WHAT THE HECK. LETS DO IT.

OK, the BASE factories are happier🙃 now but sad to see so many days of farming for that gold to be erased. 😭🤦‍♂️


What others things is been happening this week? To be honest nothing else except to use daily to increase few weapons level. Actually I have been saving mix boxes because I drained them recently and went too low less than 100. 

I forget to mention I got one offer 2 weeks ago I think but still under reserve box as the others for a while. I do not have space, gold and parts to work on the few parts I got and I have to build tons of L30 epics to myth many parts. That will be a future challenge. I might get into get more storage space. Who knows...

This is all what I have in boxes. No titan, no war, no ranking, missing raid etc looking terrible. 




I will be crafting for the next 6 days and see what happen. 

I hope all goes well for you guys. Cheering for you all. 🍺




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Hi pilots

Hi ladies and gentleman 

How are you? I hope all is good for you all. 

I am ok but tired with few hours of sleep time but I have to be up to finish weekend work issues to attend and trying to get just few wins if possible to complete daily. I have to study and do house work and having kids around me watching right now what I am doing. Oh lord, please mercy. They want me to check their accounts and fix few things there. 🤦‍♂️

They just laughed at me and punched my bad shoulder. I need a doctor now.👨‍⚕️🤣

Ok, lets go to business

I want to announce a happy day for OKI DOKI account. OKI DOKI account it is my first account created together with my niece in a sad moment of our life with the loss of a family member and from that time for the child request my niece and I started to play this game due to it is an old player of this game from release time and still play time to time. To please them so I decided to give a try for them and my niece and I we started to play every single day together at home changing the turns to test and build. It was fun and sadly the time passed and she moved from STATE to keep her university education as we planed ahead. She is better player than me for sure but play less now due to education and work. 

I want to announce OKI DOKI Happy Birthday. A day as today back on 10/3/2019 OKI DOKI was born and since that day OKI DOKI has been player every single day without missing a day with more or less play time but not missed so far. 

So, say hi to OKI DOKI and wish a Happy Birthday with a comment or a like. 🤣😉🍺






Ok, OKI in the making. 

I have been focus from early this year into increase gold reserves balancing myth creation and catching up with so many parts transformed to myth even parts in that status for 1.5 years waiting to get max out. In other words, I am focus into increase gold and max out myth parts around as fast possible but during the recent months I slowed down due to a lot of work at work but the progress still going little by little as the thread indicate. To be honest it is been a ton of work to be here farming and I have no idea why I haven't quitted long ago due to the time does consume this. 

It is been few months with out updating the account status in full so this time I will add a bit more info as normally do for full account after some months passed. The account it is not been growing instead it is been enhanced on raw power with current inventory not been able to develop previously due to no matter what I do in the limited time to play this game there is never enough gold and meat parts from farming to be able to develop those weapons.

First I will add the weapons and transformation of this week then account full view even it does pale against old players around but the fruit of my hard honest work on it. Lets check this out.

 Weapons maxed or transformed this week. Due to I had some at mid level developed I used less power kits to max them out and stopped to make them and moved back to increase gold reserve for now.👍jyfryf.thumb.PNG.afa5e57a28e2309561e4549361af6bd2.PNG



Now account full view. Weak but will become a decent account in 1.5 years from now. 🍺I am making the foundation at this point then will build mechs in the future to fight. No rush having fun making parts due to it is my game entertainment. 

My gold stash moved to 82millions again because I cut power kits craft after few dais in the making not 6 days as I said in the previous update. Tokens wise still decent. Saving for future weapon deals that I do not see so far except boxes sales. No matter what I have weapons that will take long to get them done.


OKI is back to play solo as well his little brother for a period of time due to no time to play the game pvp for few months passing days without doing pvp or just few of them on and off. Sad because losing a ton of gold, relics, titan flags, tokens etc but it is all what I can do because work and family it is first. 

This is my current solo clan as was before before joining for first time a clan since account creation with CANDELA INC  great clan and nice friends there that I miss plus others I miss been in others clans. I want to say hi to all of you if you see this. 👋 The name of the clan it is the first name I used and no changed except adding farm and or 3.0. It is my original flag and I like the flag. It does look cool like having a smiling face with dark evil intentions. 🤡



No playing titan it does hurt my little flags growth but will keep moving up


Sure my arena shop is max out long ago and coins keeps growing


As always the BASE still not been finished for all of this time when should be done since last year but I no need L20 option for now. I just need power kits to max parts faster. The BASA is idle saving gold as mentioned. I might save more gold for a week and then will decide what to do with gold and inventory.


Not many mix boxes but with another 2 weeks will be ok to use some to max some parts and let gold increase without have to craft to level up weapons. Some premium boxes reserve for the future might open them in 8 months from now or later or on and off possibilities. Who knows but for sure I won't be opening as desire to do it or real need. No gold and room for it. Few gift items on reserve for the future not for now not in need except one item but I won't use it for now.  


I still do not play campaign. It is been long without touched and no desire for now to work on it. Later will work on it.



Ok, lets go for my limited weapons inventory



































CHEERS and Happy Birthday OKI 🎂



forgot to add rank boxes just opened. Oh well. 😶



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Hi pilots

How are you? I am ok with a molar broken last night. I will have to fixed or remove it. Sad new for me. 

This is a short update for OKI.

I have been focus just only in grinding and increasing gold reserve. Little time to play and not trying to rank keeping low profile. It is been hard on me to play so I just grind when I can. 

OKI and O.D. FARM joined back CANDELA INC CLAN. Back to home.  I still doing little to nothing pvp but it will improve a little in a few weeks trying to go a bit more to normal play as I can but getting a bit more wins not that many but sometimes I can go for more.

Gold is moving up 86 millions and my plan is like O.D.FARM account to increase till reach 90 millions but maybe this account I will have to go for 100 millions due to the amount of myth parts to max out. Sure I need more gold in this one than O.D. FARM having less parts to max. 

Tokens are under reserve for weapons sales at this point. 


Rank box. Not played much just like 23 wins or so. 🤦‍♂️


Rank box- I played jut 33 but was lucky to get R1. I am happy for the relics that OKI it is in desperado mode. 




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