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The Pain is unbearable

vXylia - ll

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That looks like SILVER BOX no base. 🤣 That is what I used to get in silver box when my account was. 🤣

Now, if you are poor and use base and can't do other options I recommend to no level up base factories beyond L2 and to use Rare option before power kits, lame common options, super cheap slow etc. 

With Rare option is like having silver box in the sense of granting common and rare percentage. I used that one in both accounts and worked perfectly controlling craft, base level up, leveling parts of course need to farm a lot. The with the farmed parts you can hold craft and max with those farmed. You can progress your acc all the time. My factories still incomplete because require ton of gold to use L20 so no brain is best to use other options when have parts to develop in hands. L20 option is good for developed accounts and high rank guys making easy gold for not a lot of play time. 

If you are a 500 wins maker every season then you make good gold depending rank but if your rank still below R8 is best to save and level parts not to hope for a lucky day using L20. 

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19 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

I don't know, but that kind of strange of getting nothing but common two times in a row.  I would say that it is base. But, I was also thinking silver.

not that uncommon with me. It was very often. Also mix boxes I was counting one time in OD. FARM and I got over 200 boxes on the road without rare just plain common. Not kidding. I counted. I forgot the number but was bad. I was furious. I had 974 parts accumulated and almost all were common in full and then when I was in the 100"s is when the game compensated with Legendary Power kits L30 2X, L20 2X, L10 2X and EPIC L30 2X and that it was the way I maxed almost my phys huggers in the account. 



then with those power kits was fast . 


For silver box it was very common to have the $32,000 option getting just common. It took me very long to enhance parts when others used to get rare a lot. Was annoying. Now it is average but yes I still opening factories power kits getting full common sets one after another.

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