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Top 16 Championship - Random Idea


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Just had an idea which might be cool, but prob rather stupid.

Goes like this: every Saturday, right before season reset, the top 16 players get put into a weekly tournament, that is public to everyone. Why 16, well 16/2^4=1. So basically, they get put into championship, with always 2 random players fighting to pass into the next round. It will be a best of 3, either organised so that both players can negotiate a time, and play 3 matches at said time. With a time picking option, so they can both finalise a time. If a player doesn't show up at the decided time, it counts as a forfeit. If the players dont agree upon a time, the AI will randomly pick a time between the two proposed times. Otherwise it can be like war, with each player doing 3 attacks vs the other, within 24 hours. In the next 24 hours, the winner of each of the first couples moves into the next round, where he/she meets another winner from the previous round into the 8th finals, then so on into the quarter finals, and then semi and then finals. The tournament would be viewable by all, so it would be cool to follow along. The top 4 players would receive: 

The first gets 1 million gold, and 500 tokens

The second gets 800k, and 400 tokens

The third gets 600k, and 300 tokens

The fourth gets 500k and 250 tokens


To get third and fourth, there will be a losers final as well, as in the 2 losers from the semi finals fight to get 3rd and 4th place.



IDK, seems rather stupid, but I'd enjoy watching it 4sho.

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Yeah, but tbh sm isn't very fun to just watch. And also a competition between only high rank players would make a lot of people mad about not being able to play.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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3 minutes ago, Spam said:

Yeah, but tbh sm isn't very fun to just watch. And also a competition between only high rank players would make a lot of people mad about not being able to play.

you get to watch top players 
observer how they play
learn from them 

would make players mad for not being able to play 
-> this encourages you to push ever harder 

SM rn, only the top 3 get something 
because of this, a lot more players get a chance to earn rewards

I'd like to add 

There should be a consolation prize of 100k gold and 100 tokens for the non-winners/participants



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2 minutes ago, Ad1tya said:

would make players mad for not being able to play 
-> this encourages you to push ever harder 

There is only so many token you can get a day without paying money, and it take a lot of time to get from rank 10 to 5 or even 1-2 with a heat bomb less heat mech.

Edited by Spam (see edit history)

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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1 hour ago, Spam said:

Yeah, but tbh sm isn't very fun to just watch. And also a competition between only high rank players would make a lot of people mad about not being able to play.

everyone is able to play, u have to pass the ""qaulifiers"", hence be top 16.

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Which means all the weak players will be weeded out, because a competition between a fully mythed mech and one with 2 myths is fair.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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11 hours ago, Ad1tya said:

you get to watch top players 
observer how they play
learn from them 

would make players mad for not being able to play 
-> this encourages you to push ever harder 

SM rn, only the top 3 get something 
because of this, a lot more players get a chance to earn rewards

I'd like to add 

There should be a consolation prize of 100k gold and 100 tokens for the non-winners/participants

Ok but like literally how much are you gonna learn, supermechs strat and meta is simple to learn, it's not like you are going to magically learn how to get op leggy drops, like really how much would you learn


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