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Torsos Tier List

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  • 1 month later...

i think is post might be necroposting but lastet post made before this is 7 month after no one posted in the topic so if i should get warning i accept it

this tier list might annoy you so please read before judging

the NICHE list refer to torsos that has unique feature no other tosro has

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK refer to torsos that can be good when used right

so if you read this message you can see the tier list.

the explaining for niche list: 

lighting and molten platinum vests:having high phsycial resistance makes phsycial mechs require damaged armor annihilator in same mech.

nightmare: being light weghit is this torso whole niche.

battery armors:yes i believe they can be great especially their many advantage is high capacity not requiring engine or stoarge unit with the backdrop low cooling and regeneration.

ENERGY-FREE-ARMOR:the name says it that's it only works with weapons that need energy to use but the weapons are limited no drone works with expect heat drone without swoop swoop doesnt work also same for THE CLAW

stuff i want to say:

yes i put battery armor with molten and lighting platinum vests

generally armor destroyers are basically used on any mech

so what's your opinion?

bandicam 2023-01-13 21-35-22-518.jpg

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  • 5 months later...
53 minutes ago, ANIMAN said:

nightmare and grimreaper are good for me when im using them but im not sure if windigo are not good 😕

What the-

You don't think Windigo is good?

As a Nightmare user (I can't get a Windigo!), I lose to Windigo users like 70% of the time.

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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