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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. Hm, I don't agree with all ideas, but prestige sounds great, id suggest you make a separate topic for it.
  2. Great, I think it would make people, such as you, more interested in playing pvp a lot more. @Alexander, what would your thoughts on something along these lines be?
  3. yes, just separated them into the seperate rewards.
  4. As you are all aware, your clan has certain arena win incentives, however, they are often very far away, and do little to force people to play. A more effective system would be individual win incentives, for example, in a month, you have time to get wins. If you get 100 wins in a month, you egt 50 tokens, if you get 250 you get 50 tokens+100000 gold, if you get 500, you get 50 tokens+100k gold+100 tokens, if you get 1000 you get a premium pack+50 tokens+100k gold+100 tokens. In addition, you get b box for 100 wins, a box for 250 s box for 500 and s+ for 1000. I would certainly try my best to et 1k wins a month if we had this kind of reward in place. It would help players which aren't in top 20 clans to get relics they need. If functional, it would make boosting very hard, since it would increase arena participation. I would expect players which usually get around 100 a month would aim for 250, the ones which get 250 would aim for 500 and so on. Please write down your thoughts, and if you think something along these lines would help in making you as a player more active in arena.
  5. I'd say, you can use a similar upgrading path to that of regular items, so 2 commons to make 1 common into a rare, 3 rares to make a rare into an epic and 4 epics to make an epic into a legy, with their respective prices. For example epic to legy costs 50000 in coins, this way its more balanced, but great idea. HAHAHAHAHA, man i had a laugh about u guys fighting over such bs. U guys just had a small misunderstanding bahahaha. Jam literally jsut said alex is busy bruh, literally u wrote the same thing, and wep is angry, and always salty , but ngl not wrong tbh. Anyways, this system will not be implemented for a while, and sawz, dont think it would be too hard to implement, its just that alex wants to find a better alternative that allows players to get more relics and be more likely to fight in arena. This would fix boosting, and close the player gap.
  6. regen kinda bad but nice build tbh, dont max emp yet, it will be suicide, max legsm then plat, then cooling booster then combined then one eng engine then the emp
  8. Yes, mainly cuz they, with the exception of malice, are all massive shitholes
  9. Or u can get muted on the official server every 30 minutes like me
  10. The s boxes contain up to 2 legy relics, typically 1, if ur very unlucky 0. I will no longer be answering on this thread, since I left dracarys for player relationships reasons. If you have any questions ask the leader, @Golden Mythical
  11. use stone ffet, beasts r heavy, medium hp and medium and some damage, but u dont use stomp as weapon anyways
  12. do be blowing ur own horn bahahahhahahah.. I assume ur being sarcastic? Ofc he has the builds, he made them, since its his alt?
  13. Bruh, I'd give an arm and a leg for that first pack..
  14. You're gonna have to prove that, I can't be fooled that easily! Nooooo, whyyyyyyy, what if u want to make 2 eng builds, nooooooo, making all builds the same element is the msot efficient btw. Plus, it's so good tbh.
  15. Honestly, you get a free box with increased drop rates, plus an option to buy an item you would normally buy, but with extra dropr ates and paint. Vs ts which jsut gave you the easter pack, but with no increased drop rates, and no free box. Just be thankful.
  16. Is there really no sacred rank! How can this be?
  17. Since rare power kits, are generally rarer to come by than common power kits, I don't think this is a great idea.
  18. In general, I think this allows older players to make easy money whilst newer players get a small boost.
  19. again, itmes may be the same, but archi si worse than mpv, no form of l-m trading will work. Plus, how does the game decide what's balanced or not nightfall and spartan are different, and on some builds are better with nf, and some with spart.
  20. A simple proposition You implement a system where accounts can trade level 1 epic items, in the global chat, for any other lvl 1 epic items. This proposition helps newbies get the e-m items they need, and it allows older players, with many epics stockpiled, to be helpful to newer players, who may have epics they don't require. For example, in my earlier times, I really wanted a nemo, however, for some reason or the other I never ever pulled one, with this system I could easily have gotten it (BTW, I still have never pulled it, I just don't want it anymore). It can help newbies get e-m modules, which are a problem early on. And, most top players only use epics to make myth food anyways, so they'd be willing to give away e-m modules, for a red wrath, because they will be using both to make myth food anyways. This is unnecessary, however a possibility to encourage inter-account trading: In each transaction, players can, before confirming, decide wether to be donor or receiver, then each player sees what the other selected, upon agreement from both players the transaction continues. In the case that one picks donor, and one receiver, the receiver has to pay 25,000 gold to complete the transaction, for example, I could write in global chat, "I need a nemo", some player answers, "yes, I'm willing to trade, but I want to be donor", then I accept, and in this way, he only confirms the transaction, and gets some money for his time, otherwise very few people would invest their time, if they make no profit from it. Upon confirmation from both players to be receivers, nothing is paid, this can happen for example if a player doesn't feel the need for compensation, or if both player's get an item they want. @Alexander, if possible, could you maybe comment on wether something like this would work in your opinion, and if you think it would be logical for you as the owner of the company to consider an idea like this.
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