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Posts posted by Tirreggregars

  1. 17 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Ok, so I was thinking today, because it's a snow day here and I'm bored....

    But it got me thinking and I remembered what it was like to be a brand new player.

    I love the META but let's be honest: for many, especially F2P, it's probably out of their reach.

    Thus, my request to this community is that we create this "F2P META" thread.  Basically, I'd like players with at least arena rank 10 to submit builds they know are good (and have tested in WU) that do not contain any premium items.

    I know that WU gives you divine items, and that's fine, but just try to do your best, and please turn off arena buffs.

    Basically, let's suggest some good configurations for newbies and F2P.

    Please reply with good solid recommendations for newbies and F2P to use.

    Please remember, absolutely no premium items.  But I realize that the teleport and grappling hook in WU are only the premium models, so those are ok for the purpose of just showing that the reader needs to include the non-premium versions of those items.

    I'll start off.  If you don't like my options, reply and give me better mechs and I'll swap out the photos, or add them.  Again, if a newbie will find it helpful, it's helpful.


    F2P Boiler.  I only included Flaming Hammer because it's useful in campaigns.  For the arena, substitute a teleporter and basalt dissolver for the hammer if you want, but I like being able to knock people into range 4 for savagery.


    F2P Energy Drainer.  One can substitute Viking Hammer for EMP for campaigns.


    F2P Physical.  I prefer Reckless Beam (unlimited shots, longer range and less randomness) to Frantic Brute, but you can substitute Frantic Brute.  Also, if you prefer, you can substitute Rock Recoiler for War Hammer if you prefer hammers for the campaigns, like I do.  I prefer Annihilation in case you get energy drained.  Other possibilities include a push and pull mech for taking advantage of the resistance breaking pads in the arena:


    But obviously I left out Annihilation, which would mean this mech is mostly useless if energy drained.  So another possible build:


    Honestly, the module choice is rather bad. You should use on CSU, and 2 energy engines, and one heat engine, with 2 cooling boosters, if you prefer two engines and 1 booster works as well.

  2. True, a few remarks:

    Season reward issues have happened to me on my alt as well, it is really annoying. I also sometimes don't get raid rewards on my alt either. This forum is largely inactive due to bad organisation. The main problem is you cannot find anything, if I wanted to find the flex thread I'd have to search for it, in the old one it was immediately there for me to see. Whilst it looks cool, functionality is low.


    A suggestion:

    Ads should auto-close upon completion to allow farming to be farming and not staring at the computer completing a mission and closing the ads.


    @Alexander Please look into this.


  3. 12 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Maybe, if you do enough heat, but the risk is (especially against physical mechs) shutting them down fast enough before they destroy your mech.  For that specific weapon, in my opinion, it's too much of a liability.

    Granted, I think there needs to be a heat version of Terror Cry / Last Words.....

    I guess I'll just hope to get an Abomination.  For now I'm running Flaming Hammer + Magma Recoiler in campaigns and magma recoiler (adding Dawn Blaze) in the Arena.

    Yea, magma recoiler remains the best option, maybe after shadow wolf.

  4. 12 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Now to max it out, as my energy mech gets drained too easily.


    PM me your in-game ID and sure, we can.  But I'm only rank 10 so don't be surprised if your rank 4 mech beats me, or whatever rank you are.

    Nah am rank 8-6, so if you play counters you could easily beat me. I have no myth modules either. Idk, if you're online in global chat we could fight.

    I flex getting countering with rounded mechs, and getting insta quits








  5. 1 minute ago, SawzAll said:

    No, the average mech has about 4.7 turns on average.  The average match in 2v2 is probably 8-9 turns, sure, if you do the math, I'm just pointing out they are different points.  But you can't say average match because lower ranks are 1v1 and higher ranks rotate 1v1/2v2/3v3 (or so I was told).

    I used to run around with flaming hammer + terror cry, but i didn't like how I was not doing heat damage when i had to use Terror Cry.

    But Terror Cry isn't "far worse" than cracked plasma cannon.  Terror Cry will do very good damage even if it doesn't do heat damage.  Cracked Plasma Cannon does so much backfire that you're doing too much harm to yourself for a 2-4 push.  And if you get backed into a wall, you can't use it.

    I am now running with magma recoiler + hammer.  But if I get an Abomination tomorrow, I will be using that.  Same if I get a Terror Blade: I'll be using that.

    When you are lower rank and you don't have a max mythical torso and platinum plates, cracked plasma cannon's backfire is a gift that you give your enemy.  And it can be defeated by huggers who pin you against the wall: even if you teleport out, they made you use your teleport, sacrificing a turn that could've caused heat damage.

    It's ok if we disagree: it's just opinions at this point.  But I've been there, done that, and I don't like cracked plasma cannon.  And my monkey torsos are all max mythical.  I'd take terror cry before cracked plasma cannon (assuming the two weapons were equal in level).

    Well, I personally don't use it, but on a heat mech it is far stronger than terror cry, and the backfire is not a gift, since the heat damage will make the opponent lose an action point, fully paying back the sacrifice you make. Plus, it is one of the most useless weapons in the game, if you really want to run a phys push weapon runt he phys recoiler, terror deals less damage and has no res drain. Anyways, running weapons of the same type is almost always better, and terror cry is surely not stronger than cracked plasma cannon on heat build, ofc abomination is better, but it's l-m.

  6. 9 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    Again, I didn't say energy does NO resistance drain.  I'm saying compare that to heat and physical and you'll begin to see what I mean.  Many pros in top ranks told me not to bother making an energy resistance mech when I began playing, and they're still telling the truth.  See also how META mechs have often been suggested that don't have energy resistance at all.

    Things are changing for energy, but tell me, when's the last time you saw someone that looks like this in the arena?  Because I'd wager you have never seen it even once.  And even if you have, it's super rare.  I'm not saying they don't exist.  I'm saying that's precisely why the choice between energy resist and a platinum plate is up to the pilot.  See CleverName's META threads and all the discussion.  (I went looking for the time that CleverName said that energy resist vs platinum plate is optional and up to the pilot but I couldn't find it again.  I know he said it, though.)  Ultra Bright has only 5 resistance to Dawn Blaze's 9, for example.  (I'd be willing to vote "yes" on buffing Ultra Bright's resistance to 9, because symmetry.)


    I have diablo got rank 1 with smth similar, and dual broken energy annihilator (l-m) is now viable with dual roar or dual bunker. Also, energy deals just as much drain as heat, with the exception of some weapons dealing more and dawn blaze dealing less. Anyways, you do not need res if you have energy, without energy you need res or any energy mech will ass phack you.


  7. One tip that has helped me a shit ton in ranks 8-6. Around those ranks, I've noticed most everyone plays counters, that means that my rounded mechs stood no chance, until:

    I realised if while picking mechs I have heat first and energy second, like this:



    But when selecting, I pick the energy mech first, I can defeat most counters, since they will put their heat counters first. Using this tactic I've gotten much further then I would've otherwise. it is also rather fun, since eventually people remember me and pick accordingly, so I also counter their picks. 

    Anyways its great for farming wins, since many people instant quit. 



    Some insta quits I got using this tactic:







  8. 18 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    A hammer also has infinite uses, even if a magma recoiler doesn't.  But the average match lasts 4 turns.  So all you need is a grappling hook and you have your 4 uses.  But you don't usually need all 3 uses of the magma recoiler in every match either.

    Yes, the other difference being the range 2 coverage, drain and completely different stats, as well as the push and pull instead of just pull, but let's ignore that, since the average match lasts 8 turns anyways. If you have recoiler, you do not need the hammer, it is just a waste of weight. Plus you equipped terror-cry, which besides being a garbage weapon, is the wrong element, and is by far worse than a cracked plasma cannon on this mech, especially considering your long range weapons, meaning the cannon would become your best weapon, enabling you to use both action points on each turn.

  9. First important thing, semi free energy builds work very well: since they can fight better against heat and phys, and are slightly worse against the weakest element (energy).

    Second, and remember this: If you are going energy free, you need energy res, you cannot be taking that much damage from each weapon, 700 bunker hits end up being just too much. 

    Mech B is stronger, but would be stronger if you equipped a second repulser @Shoultz262. The other best option would be to put a shadow wolf and one energy module. (Lg played semi eng free with shadow wolf and it worked very well)



    Protector as in UltraHot protector or mighty protector, so the individual ones, is what I meant. And maximum gives 58 not 57. It's unused because in a 1v1 it ends up having less res regardless.

    17 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    And if I only had to choose (space and weight) between a physical resistance or energy resistance module, I would totally go without energy resistance.  Sadly, energy doesn't pack enough of a punch to be that concerned about it, and doesn't do enough resistance drain, either.

    This is not even close to true, valiant 17, 4 uses form a dual val and ur res is -68. It has all the drainers heat has. Bunker drains 13, fox drains 10, brightroar drains 9, cutter drains 10 and recoiler drains 10. That is more than enough drain, and besides it is commonly accepted that without energy, you need res. And the only reason it doesn't pack that big of a punch is because of res, find one top player playing energy free without energy res.

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