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Posts posted by Tirreggregars

  1. Making a huge player base would also be an option, but as I stated before, you would need teams of professional programmers, working full time for many weeks and months to make that happen, the game, in its current state, is unappealing to most anyone that isn't an OG. After all, most people here have been playing for at least a year, the community is small, everyone knows each other and it never changes, sure some people are added, for example I've been on forums for a year at most, @SawzAll is a also a recent addition, but it remains the same nevertheless.

  2. 5 minutes ago, CleverName said:

    1) How would you know who is boosting vs. an innocent player quitting? (How would you tell if someone intentionally threw a match vs played it out legit?)

    2) Replays disappear over time / sometimes don't show up at all. How would you track that? What about someone who boosts 1 in every 10 matches between a few accounts? Or the dedicated booster who plays friendly non-ranked 1v1s to clear replay history?

    3) Don't you think an "ethical" player will just claim these accounts aren't his/hers? Basically claim that they are people he/she plays against (there's really not many top players...) and know they will lose, so they quit? 

    4) To troll an enemy clan, you can just always insta quit against them and accuse them of boosting and ruin their reputation...What's your fix for that? Many people know they will lose matches before turn 1, so this way they can punish enemies lol...?

    Yes, I agree, it is easily exploitable, but boosting is not a major problem, and people will boost anyways, the main thing would be for people to only have one account, sure you can open other accounts as long as they are unused. This would fix half the problem. Besides that, there is not much anyone can do.

  3. 14 minutes ago, CleverName said:

    How does showing replays change boosting? Boosters will still either insta quit or just played intentionally lost matches. Fundamental issue is that arena lacks many players at any given time, which allows boosting to occur.

    Additionally, replays won't help much - then you're going to start accusing insta quitters who have an easy loss of boosting. As the #1 player who gets insta quit against, you'll see how many "boosters" I have for example. To play more devil's advocate, if someone wanted to look "legit" for this - they would just play a counter that loses against the main account, thereby justifying an insta quit. These days most boosters boost a little here and there, so I don't think it'll be as easy to detect as you might think. 

    And to play devil's advocate more - everyone in top ranks knows who manipulates arena hardest and their style of it. This isn't an individual players issue; more of a clan issue imo. You talk of solo medals but completely forget about clan medals - who you can argue get hit more often and consistently by boosted clan results. 

    Thankfully with the most recent ban wave, I think boosting will calm down, but time will tell...

    TLDR: Boosting isn't a big issue. But the fix (if we wanted to pursue) would be to increase # of players in arena, not replays.

    Unfortunately, SM is not a game people would like. The player base is roughly at the value you'd expect a game such as this to have. What I mean is, it is a 2D, turn based, slow progressing game, that has old graphics, little features, little satisfaction, no new F2P player can get into rank 1 basically, and overall it is just not fast and cool and well-made enough to be a game that the youth of today would play. I, for example, came across this game since it wasn't banned on school computers, I don't play any other video games, but when I came across this again it had nice memories so I found it enjoyable.


    It is completely possible to make this game viable again, but it would need a complete rework, form an old 2010 style game to a 202 style game, as well as money into advertising, which I believe Gato does not have. And besides, making the whole game 3d, reworking it into a fighting game, making it compatible on consoles and creating a better AI for farming are all huge and very time consuming things, that need to happen for the player base to increase to a significant amount.

  4. It all depends, when I came back to sm after a long break, I had no clue that you could disable the base, and therefore, upgraded my base, so now I have a maxed base, so I don't even wanna deactivate it. But wouldn't it be better if the base was something worthwhile, this could be as easy as making the gold mines mine 2 times as much, so that the base is practically self sustaining.

  5. Problem is, the only weapon is the hammer, and that's energy dependent, so since you're gonna need to try and get 3 uses out of it, and you have no specials and no energy, I think you might need to rethink smth.

    287181900_Screenshot2021-02-23at07_03_02.thumb.png.c066577b17dbfd6a6769bc3c28cd4565.pngI would personally play smth like this, that way, your regen won't fall to zero, so once he's getting permannetly shut down, you still have energy for the hammer.

  6. 2 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

    Yeah, Alex does. I was just wondering, as Tirreggregars seemed to think that a few things I mentioned, were set in stone, and would never change. 

    Well, you have to put yourself in Alex's shoes and consider, why would he use his time and money, on a project that loses him money and has the most insignificant changes. Especially considering stone feet for example do not even have their stats written on them (it does not show that they add resistance). You must also consider that a newbie will most likely have 0-3 epic modules for around 3 months of playing, how are they supposed to build a mech in that time. And, of course the same reason I mentioned at the beginning applies to the 0-1 boxes.

  7. 2 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Yeah, because we wouldn't want someone to have an energy version of the Clever Jumper mech and dominate the top 10, now, would we? 🙂 

    I already said in the original post that I think nerfing the others is a bad idea.  You seemed to propose that we could instead nerf the other two, so I was going by what you said.

    I don't see how Bulldog should be the only one that is not energy free.  It's unfair.

    So if that means all three of them need to be adjusted so that they are more or less equal (or as equal as they possibly can be) then that's fine too. 

    There are two problems, as I see it.  One, Bulldog is not energy free but it's super heavy like the other two, making it basically irrelevant.  Two, there are too many energy-free weapons.

    So my proposal was to at least make things more or less equal by making Bulldog energy-free, despite not liking that option, because it's better than the alternative, which is to nerf the other two.

    I could generate stats that would make Bulldog powerful enough to be worth using, but still, it would leave the game with a glaring problem: the "side staplers" aren't the same as a general concept.

    But nerfing the other two (your idea, not mine) would at least fix the glaring problem with having too many energy-free weapons.

    If you think Bulldog would be fixed by doing something different, please create a thread and explain your proposal and see if people vote for it.  I'm not the only person who has ideas, and people might like your idea better.

    But still, the problem is Bulldog is as heavy as the other energy-free versions (and that was probably the original proposal, to balance them by making them very heavy) but isn't energy-free.  So its weight would definitely need to be changed.  As it is, Storm Weaver is a better weapon than Bulldog because it's not ridiculously heavy.

    I'd have to disagree on a few points, firstly, a slight damage buff would be sufficient to render it playable again, making it energy free would also do the job. Nerfing the other two would also be ridiculous.

    As it is, StormWeaver is one of the worst weapons, what is 30 cap damage gonna do against someone with 700 cap, and besides, it has far too low damage and far too little drain to justify a weapon that has only 1 range. In  the meantime bulldog has very good damage, low energy cost, better range and resistance drain.

  8. On 2/19/2021 at 12:49 PM, SawzAll said:

    BLUF: Please buff Bulldog by making it energy free, even if it results in an increase in weight.  (Or make Reckoning and Mercy require energy.)


    LONG STORY: I want to make all the "side stapler" weapons (i.e. Bulldog, Reckoning, and Mercy) not be energy free.  But nerfs are not popular.  So a compromise would be to make Bulldog energy-free like the other two.  If this means we need to increase the weight of Bulldog, then that's fine with me.  But I would say, because energy is already at a disadvantage, it should be allowed to go energy free without weight increase.

    Due to the way energy works, it suffers from a systemic disadvantage.  While one loses turns to cooling their mech, or can make a voluntary shut down, energy gets regenerated automatically at every turn without costing a turn.  As such, if for example the average META mech has about 295 in regen, the energy player must do this much energy damage or higher every turn.  This requires high-drain configurations like dual malice beam,  at least one valiant sniper, etc.  And energy drained foes can still stomp you, fire energy-free weapons, grapple, and charge.

    I believe therefore that bringing energy weapons to at least equal footing with heat will help level the playing field and make energy more viable.  I'm not requesting for stats that are higher than heat because I don't want to accidentally over-buff any items.  Truth be told, energy should have roughly 25% higher stats, but this request is for more or less equal stats.

    I do not want to nerf any items because that's both unpopular and harmful to the game.

    I'm suggesting only equal stats in the areas I mentioned to hopefully prevent an over-buff.  But feel free to disagree with me.

    Please reply to this thread.

    Overall, bull dog is the least effective premium, since it is, effectively, a worse lightning recoiler, it needs a buff, since otherwise it is the first case of a premium being worse than it's e-m counterpart.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Canucklehead said:

    Every now and then, I like to make trial runs through the beginning of the game. Here are a few suggestions, from these trial runs, I would like to pass along:

    1. Swap out the Epic Iron Boots, for the Epic Massive Stone Paws, in the first Fortune Box, from the Dry Lands Boss, in Normal.

    2. 1 Item Box per Mission, rather than " 0 - 1 "

    3. Get rid of the C - R Dual Heat / Energy Module. A useless item, in my opinion, that has made a resurgence, as of late.

    4. The " Improve Your Mech " Limited Time Offer, would be nicer as a Store option, as some of us cannot get what we need, to make a half-decent Mech, in that time frame, due to work, school, eating, sleeping, sex lives etc.. Quite often, during gaming sessions, I am ' interrupted ', by a very lovely female, and, well.... bye bye gaming, if you know what I mean.

    Anyhow, that's it.


    The c-r modules are a necessity, newbies wouldn't be able to complete mechs without them. 0-1 is more profitable for the developers, and will therefore remain as it is.

    The epic iron boots are there because they were from among the first items released, and one of the only common to mythic items, and will therefore also remain as one of the first items obtained.

  10. 2 hours ago, TeaIsMyLife said:

    Я бы хотел построить это:




    But I can build only this:


    How I can replace nightfall? And is it a good idea to replace mercy on annihilation?

    And can I replace Spartan Cargane on Reckless Beam? Or night eagle will be better?

    The first build is a lot better, mercy is better than anni, night eagle is generally worse than spartan, but it can be better on some builds, the first build should probably run a tonto. Reckless beam is worse than night eagle and spartan in I would say all situations. 


    This is the best one imo, but it's better to run just one anni



    If you have a mercy, use that.

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