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    VB reacted to khan in Halloween Portal FAQ   
    Box drop rate is more or less the same across all difficulties. 
    I can't say for sure as we don't know the % chance for legendaries on each difficulty. 
  2. Thanks
    VB reacted to khan in Halloween Portal FAQ   
    Trick or treat, pilots!
    First and foremost, happy halloween to everyone celebrating.
    As for such holiday there is a portal today, and i'm here to respond to some Frequently Asked Questions by the playerbase, be it here or the discord server.
    1. Is the portal farmable?
    It is! You can play the portal on any difficulty and it will still grant boxes with goodies sometimes, be it the Pumpkin Perk or even Legendaries. Not every box contains the goodies though, you have to get lucky!
    2. How do i know this portal is grindable or not?
    It is fairly simple to tell if a portal is farmable or not. If you get ascension relics when you clear a difficulty for the first time, it means that it's a 1 time clear portal. If it does not, and drops perks instead, you can farm it as much as your heart desires.
    3. Is it a good portal?
    It absolutely is. For clearing the normal difficulty, you get 120 tokens, for hard difficulty, 140 tokens and for clearing insane, you get a whopping 160 tokens. All totalling out to 420 whole tokens! On top of all, for your first clear you get a better box, containing a legendary or even two.
    4. Should i buy refills?
    If you want to maximize your profits from the portal, you can use those 420 tokens for refills, with which you may get even more goodies.
    5. Does the portal drop legendaries?
    It does, though you have to put some time into it to get results and items.
    6. Are the boxes better?
    Considering this is a special event, a portal, yes, the boxes are indeed better! They can drop legendaries if you're lucky enough.
    7. Can you drop fortune boxes from this portal?
    Fortune boxes are a possible drop from this portal if you do decide to grind it, although they are rare, and will require a lot of runs.
    8. Is box drop rate the same across all difficulties?
    Box drop rate should be more or less the same across normal, hard and insane difficulties.
    9. Is the legendary chance higher on harder difficulties?
    We aren't informed on the exact percentage of the legendary drop rates, so we can't say for sure. Although generally, the harder difficulty usually yields better results!
    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
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    VB got a reaction from Yuki_20 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Bought the offer. First Plat plating, secong rolling.
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    VB reacted to khan in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd one, though not of much use for a heat main 🙃
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    VB got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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    VB got a reaction from Scarlet Lorv in Counting to 10000   
  7. Thanks
    VB reacted to SawzAll in Further Research on FB chances per Campaign: buildings, enemies, chances   
         We had recently put out the research in my clan on the Fortune Box (FB) rates per different campaign missions.  At the time, we pointed out that your highest chances for getting a fortune boxes come from 3V3 Frozen Abyss (normal) and 1V1 Overlord's Den in normal and insane modes (all 12%).
         However, finally I've had time to run some other numbers for those who are looking for specific applications, using only missions that will drop FBs:
    FB Chances: If you want the highest odds of getting a FB in one tank of fuel, farm 3V3 Dry Lands, Insane. XP: If you want the max experience for your fuel, 2V2 Danger Zone, Insane. Building Quests: If you want the most buildings to destroy, like for the special quests, these 3 missions have the max buildings per tank of fuel: 2V2 Frozen Abyss Normal, 3V3 Silent Waters Normal, or 1V1 Frozen Abyss Normal. Enemies Quests: If you want the max number of enemies destroyed, for special quests, 1V1 Scavenger Pass Normal. Gold: If you simply want to maximize your gold farming, 2V2 Overlord's Den Insane. I would like to thank @Knae gae ear for the inspiration to run the numbers on this, as well as the many other people in my clan who helped me run the massive FB chance study.
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    VB reacted to AudiGodzilla111 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Progress on casual gaming: Zark maybe not the best and kinda out meta now but still better than nightmare in my opinion.
  9. Like
    VB got a reaction from Monke King in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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    VB got a reaction from Monke King in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Bought the offer. First Plat plating, secong rolling.
  11. Like
    VB got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Bought the offer. First Plat plating, secong rolling.
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    VB got a reaction from SolarisHK-CZ805 in Counting to 10000   
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    VB got a reaction from Scarlet Lorv in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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    VB got a reaction from Electrick010 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Bought the offer. First Plat plating, secong rolling.
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    VB reacted to Electrick010 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Little by little someone comes happy to show their achievement so that someone else simply breaks their illusions
    It is obvious that for many it is normal but that raid 2 is a headache without terrorblade/crimson rapture
  16. Like
    VB reacted to Titanium destroyer in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Guys I got the claw from red premium box yesterday 🤩
  17. Like
    VB reacted to khan in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    A bit overdue, but i managed to finish top 2 last season. 
    I've been playing mostly actively since about 2015 and always wanted a solo. 
    I want to personally thank @WarrMachine, @Kurt, My irl friend who got me into this game, and everyone else that made this possible.

    Here's to never running for a solo ever again 🎊
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    VB got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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    VB reacted to khan in Happy New Year Lucky Envelope Portal - The Idea   
    I feel like 15/50/150 is just way too much for a single event, as that alone is worth 2 years or so of grinding. 
    In my opinion something, less overboard would work. For example 1/2.5/5 with a moderately easy portal, or 2.5/5/10 for a harder one. 
    ps: mind the accidental lock :x
  20. Haha
    VB reacted to Aionion in Happy New Year Lucky Envelope Portal - The Idea   
    Since 2022 is coming to an end and we are getting close to a new holiday in asia, i would like to propose an entirely different kind of portal instead of the old ones, basing on the Asia's tradition of handling out lucky envelope full of resources, i figure we should have a portal like that, considering how right before this holiday we already have a ton of things like gifts and boxes from the major events like christmas and black friday, this portal should have as follows. :

    - 2023 is the year of the rabbit so it should fun that we have the rabbit ears perk as a possible drop.
    - None of the portal difficulties can drop legendaries, or epics, or any items for all that matter.
    - However, they will instead drop massive quantity amount of gold for each difficulty clears, my proposal should be something like :
     + Easy : 15.000.000 gold
     + Hard :  50.000.000 gold
     + Insane : 150.000.000 gold

    You may just look at this and think this is WAY TOO OP and this provide a monstrous amount of gold for everyone, trust me, its not, clearing all difficulty should handsomely pay you a nice pay out of 215.000.000 gold, this may seems like an amount that every low rank players think they will never have to grind for gold ever again in their life, but for the average top players that runs higher end mechs with maxed myth and devine stats, making items and devining them as well as making power kits in the base for these items will burn out all of that gold in less than 3 months, let alone a year.
  21. Like
    VB reacted to SolarisHK-CZ805 in Counting to 10000   
    20221025_232911.mp4 Hector Shot - Wrighton Dale Police Department +122829837219 
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    VB reacted to Scarlet Lorv in Counting to 10000   
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    VB reacted to SolarisHK-CZ805 in Counting to 10000   
    2280 burger filled with electrolytes that makes your mech generate 250 more energy points
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    VB reacted to whymePAIN in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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    VB reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
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