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  1. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in We Need Urgent Changes!!!   
    I don't like this poll.  It's not specific.
    If you had poked around in the forum you'd already see a lot of suggestions for new features, as well as item buff requests.
    Also, the difficulty with this poll is I have to select one of several options.  I think more than one of these is correct, but I can't vote that way.
    Please make this poll more robust so I can help you by being one of the voters.
  2. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in DEWASTATOR, Dewastator   
    They are probably the most infamous smurf in this game.  Or might be a traded account on the "account black market" or whatever.
    Which would make sense to me if it was a traded account: then you don't need to care if you're caught because it's just a random account that might not be traceable back to you.  (This is just me thinking hypothetically.)
    Just a regular smurf.  Do your best to kick their butt so long as you don't do it by engaging in smurfing.  Don't fight evil with evil.  Fight evil with good.
    And/or join Noble Warriors, a clan that is anti-hacking and anti-smurfing.
  3. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Canucklehead in DEWASTATOR, Dewastator   
    They are probably the most infamous smurf in this game.  Or might be a traded account on the "account black market" or whatever.
    Which would make sense to me if it was a traded account: then you don't need to care if you're caught because it's just a random account that might not be traceable back to you.  (This is just me thinking hypothetically.)
    Just a regular smurf.  Do your best to kick their butt so long as you don't do it by engaging in smurfing.  Don't fight evil with evil.  Fight evil with good.
    And/or join Noble Warriors, a clan that is anti-hacking and anti-smurfing.
  4. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from MasterChief in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    So we agree?
    Bingo.  And that's what I was debating in my head.  It frustrates me that people would hijack something like this.  I like thankfulness and appreciation.
    But I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.  I'm damned if I confront them head-on.  I'm damned if I go around clicking to report everything that's off-topic.  And I'm damned if I don't in that, while I'm thankful for our good moderators and admins, toxicity spreads if you do nothing about it.
    But the reason I care is because I like SM and I think it has a lot of potential.  And while there are some trolls, most people here seem to be good people, something I'm thankful for.
  5. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Senkowo in I’m trying to get my other account back   
    I chose this link because it leads you to the Battle Dawn profile page where you can do a password reset, i.e. recover your account. 
  6. Like
    SawzAll reacted to MasterChief in The rank 5 lock   
    omg i fight dewahstator every fcking day and always lose (although there has been a few cases in which i almost win)
    but im sick and tired of fighting him (i know as a fact that they are a male, i have talked to a younger sibling of theirs)
  7. Like
    SawzAll reacted to MasterChief in Please STOP calling me a hacker   
    yeah i dont get it either. i dont have white paint, but i have seen very few white paint builds, and many of them arent even very good. idk why they assume that if u can buy 1 white paint per week without special quests.
  8. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from S_k in The rank 5 lock   
    I would argue that people smurf for reasons other than the rank 5 limit, even if they try unsuccessfully to blame it on the rank 5 limit.
    I didn't decide to smurf after i got locked into rank 5 the first time.
    In my own opinion, smurfing is an intentional unethical behavior.  Call it cowardice, pretending to be weak, sadism, delusions of grandeur, being controlling, or whatever you want, it's still intentional and dishonorable.
    For example, known smurfs like Dewastator harm the game by annoying or demoralizing people. 
    I don't think smurfs can blame their smurfing on the game.  But people who could be rank 5 aren't smurfing as hard as people like Dewastator if they avoid rank 5.  I don't see the "could be rank 5" smurfs as being that serious a problem.
    And with how many people hate smurfs, why are we doing something "for" the smurfs?
    OH and please (original poster) don't use "make votes public."  I'm not scared to vote, but some might not want to vote if their vote is public.  That way you're more likely to get a better vote result.
  9. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from hackercat13 in The rank 5 lock   
    I would argue that people smurf for reasons other than the rank 5 limit, even if they try unsuccessfully to blame it on the rank 5 limit.
    I didn't decide to smurf after i got locked into rank 5 the first time.
    In my own opinion, smurfing is an intentional unethical behavior.  Call it cowardice, pretending to be weak, sadism, delusions of grandeur, being controlling, or whatever you want, it's still intentional and dishonorable.
    For example, known smurfs like Dewastator harm the game by annoying or demoralizing people. 
    I don't think smurfs can blame their smurfing on the game.  But people who could be rank 5 aren't smurfing as hard as people like Dewastator if they avoid rank 5.  I don't see the "could be rank 5" smurfs as being that serious a problem.
    And with how many people hate smurfs, why are we doing something "for" the smurfs?
    OH and please (original poster) don't use "make votes public."  I'm not scared to vote, but some might not want to vote if their vote is public.  That way you're more likely to get a better vote result.
  10. Confused
    SawzAll got a reaction from S_k in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yeah we were talking about Gato Games' recent acquisition.  Legacy was 3 years ago.
    Also, it seems from what I gather from others that someone created SuperMechs initially and sold it to TactiSoft.  So really I don't think it can be said that TactiSoft "made" legacy.
    So yeah....
    1) Yes, there was something to rescue.  TactiSoft made bad decisions, especially towards energy mechs.  If you think this, you must not be aware of the many changes Alex has made.
    2) I don't know about a 5 month grace period.  I feel like you're exaggerating.  But at the same time, in those 5 months we got the non-premium backfire resistance drainers.  Some have argued that these are pointless items, so I don't know if I would act like the 5 months that TactiSoft had planned for SM were all good things.
    3) Again, you haven't been paying attention.  I can say a new item is already being planned, though I can't say what it is.
    4) Businesses don't move at light speed.  Gato Games deserves at least a break for the time being because of all the turn-over and set-up they need to do.
    Let's see,
    - Base prices have been adjusted as an experiment (and this experiment will likely be finished soon I imagine)
    - Legacy drop rates were increased.
    - Gold portals were made a lot more lucrative (more tokens and more challenge, even though the Karens out there shot down the challenge aspect recently)
    - Ban waves
    - Balance changes
    - Moving people's accounts over from Kongregate
    - Dealing with the flash sunset effect
    I think you might need to hang out on the discord more in #general so you can ask Alex what he's been up to and/or see it as it is discussed.
    At least here's one good reply to me 🙂 
  11. Confused
    SawzAll got a reaction from DecepT.com in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yeah we were talking about Gato Games' recent acquisition.  Legacy was 3 years ago.
    Also, it seems from what I gather from others that someone created SuperMechs initially and sold it to TactiSoft.  So really I don't think it can be said that TactiSoft "made" legacy.
    So yeah....
    1) Yes, there was something to rescue.  TactiSoft made bad decisions, especially towards energy mechs.  If you think this, you must not be aware of the many changes Alex has made.
    2) I don't know about a 5 month grace period.  I feel like you're exaggerating.  But at the same time, in those 5 months we got the non-premium backfire resistance drainers.  Some have argued that these are pointless items, so I don't know if I would act like the 5 months that TactiSoft had planned for SM were all good things.
    3) Again, you haven't been paying attention.  I can say a new item is already being planned, though I can't say what it is.
    4) Businesses don't move at light speed.  Gato Games deserves at least a break for the time being because of all the turn-over and set-up they need to do.
    Let's see,
    - Base prices have been adjusted as an experiment (and this experiment will likely be finished soon I imagine)
    - Legacy drop rates were increased.
    - Gold portals were made a lot more lucrative (more tokens and more challenge, even though the Karens out there shot down the challenge aspect recently)
    - Ban waves
    - Balance changes
    - Moving people's accounts over from Kongregate
    - Dealing with the flash sunset effect
    I think you might need to hang out on the discord more in #general so you can ask Alex what he's been up to and/or see it as it is discussed.
    At least here's one good reply to me 🙂 
  12. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Atusiff in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yeah we were talking about Gato Games' recent acquisition.  Legacy was 3 years ago.
    Also, it seems from what I gather from others that someone created SuperMechs initially and sold it to TactiSoft.  So really I don't think it can be said that TactiSoft "made" legacy.
    So yeah....
    1) Yes, there was something to rescue.  TactiSoft made bad decisions, especially towards energy mechs.  If you think this, you must not be aware of the many changes Alex has made.
    2) I don't know about a 5 month grace period.  I feel like you're exaggerating.  But at the same time, in those 5 months we got the non-premium backfire resistance drainers.  Some have argued that these are pointless items, so I don't know if I would act like the 5 months that TactiSoft had planned for SM were all good things.
    3) Again, you haven't been paying attention.  I can say a new item is already being planned, though I can't say what it is.
    4) Businesses don't move at light speed.  Gato Games deserves at least a break for the time being because of all the turn-over and set-up they need to do.
    Let's see,
    - Base prices have been adjusted as an experiment (and this experiment will likely be finished soon I imagine)
    - Legacy drop rates were increased.
    - Gold portals were made a lot more lucrative (more tokens and more challenge, even though the Karens out there shot down the challenge aspect recently)
    - Ban waves
    - Balance changes
    - Moving people's accounts over from Kongregate
    - Dealing with the flash sunset effect
    I think you might need to hang out on the discord more in #general so you can ask Alex what he's been up to and/or see it as it is discussed.
    At least here's one good reply to me 🙂 
  13. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from ArcticFox in What are the best mechs I can do?   
    But don't think of it as a recipe, like you have to do those things.
    Think of it more as a philosophy of what tactics work.
    For example, I was lucky enough to get a Rusty Energy Armor and a Distance Shredder.  I use them on my physical mech.  It's not the Mercy + Distance Shredder combo that's usually the best physical mech, and I don't have physical resistance drainers, but it works for me.  Quite handy against energy mechs.
    You may never build something in META, but you can do things that are similar to META.  Here's my physical mech, the example I gave:

  14. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from ArcticFox in What are the best mechs I can do?   
    @LittleFox Ok, after I further reviewed your items, this is how I would split up the mechs:

    I would get a melee weapon for this energy mech so that you can then remove the Hot Flash.  I only put it there because you might end up with a "range 3" hole if I don't.  Viking Hammer and Storm Weaver are good options.

    This is the best compromise I can think of.  But I'll be honest: if you had a corrupt light, I would be using hammer, shadow wolf, corrupt light, and desert snake.  The point being it's like you have a half-and-half tactics set.  Hammer punches them out to range 4 where desert snake can pull them back in.  Red rain can pull them close enough to use Heronmark.  It's wonky but it could work in theory.

    So you're a bit over-stocked on close range, but this could work temporarily.  I would recommend obtaining grapple, charge, and teleport for this mech.  Also, I would recommend another heat engine.  HSA isn't the best physical torso but it's good, and so I would run with it and only upgrade it to Lightning Platinum Vest or Molten Platinum Vest.
    In all the mechs I tried to distribute items as fairly as possible but that wasn't always possible.  I would try to have essentially 3 of each type engine and 1 of each type mass booster on each mech, but the CSUs can also work (as you see in the pictures).
    Future directions:
    Replace Zarkares with Windigo when you get it mythical and it's got about the same amount of hit points, as it has more resistance (especially to physical). Replace Grim Reaper with Lightning Platinum Vest, Molten Platinum Vest, Rusty Energy Armor, or Fractured Heat Armor.  Grim Reaper doesn't have the hit points.  (No, the solution is not to buff Grim Reaper.) Obtain overload protectors and quad core boosters over time by saving your tokens for Premium Packs and for refueling when farming the item portals.  The mid ranks are full of drainers and boilers, so that's why I prioritized heat and energy modules.  Once you get combined premium modules, you'll have saved the weight to start putting platinum plates on. Get Massive Legs for all three mechs.  They are better.  Also, The Claw for your physical mech if you don't mind its limitations, but only if you use grapple, charge, teleport, and terror cry (in place of disintegration). Stop upgrading the max protectors and wait until you get fortresses and/or individual L-M resist modules enough that you can switch over.  This requires a lot of premium modules, so be patient.  
  15. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from ArcticFox in What are the best mechs I can do?   
    The "don't buff Grim Reaper" is more of a comment meant for others who may read what I type 🙂
    Why do you have a repulsor on your physical mech when you don't have 4-8 range weapons?
    Good luck.  I wish you the best of drops 🙂
  16. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from ArcticFox in What are the best mechs I can do?   
    Yeah I've got a long list of things I want to mythical and max out and divine.... 🙂 
  17. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Mechzilla in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    YAY I'm helpful! 😄 
    I appreciate @Alexander for rescuing SuperMechs from TactiSoft.
    I appreciate @Raul for his work with SM to include the monkey torsos and creating several other sprites.  As well, I'm pretty sure he either created or at least has been updating WU.  WU is a huge benefit in SM because you can "sandbox" your builds.
    I appreciate @epicspeedster for all his build and tactics help.  Even though he needs to stop yelling at me 😭 LOL
    I appreciate @CleverName for his META listing and our many conversations.  It makes builds very easy but also as a philosophy I can start to learn what works and what probably doesn't.
    I appreciate @Mechzilla for his advice and friendship.
    I appreciate Bobson for his energy scope builds, proving that it's possible to be rank 1 with energy (much less energy scopes).
    I also appreciate all other top 10 energy players because they proved energy isn't completely dead.
    I appreciate @Marija for her humor and helpfulness on discord.
    And I appreciate @Malthael for creating this thread.
  18. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    YAY I'm helpful! 😄 
    I appreciate @Alexander for rescuing SuperMechs from TactiSoft.
    I appreciate @Raul for his work with SM to include the monkey torsos and creating several other sprites.  As well, I'm pretty sure he either created or at least has been updating WU.  WU is a huge benefit in SM because you can "sandbox" your builds.
    I appreciate @epicspeedster for all his build and tactics help.  Even though he needs to stop yelling at me 😭 LOL
    I appreciate @CleverName for his META listing and our many conversations.  It makes builds very easy but also as a philosophy I can start to learn what works and what probably doesn't.
    I appreciate @Mechzilla for his advice and friendship.
    I appreciate Bobson for his energy scope builds, proving that it's possible to be rank 1 with energy (much less energy scopes).
    I also appreciate all other top 10 energy players because they proved energy isn't completely dead.
    I appreciate @Marija for her humor and helpfulness on discord.
    And I appreciate @Malthael for creating this thread.
  19. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Pink555 in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    YAY I'm helpful! 😄 
    I appreciate @Alexander for rescuing SuperMechs from TactiSoft.
    I appreciate @Raul for his work with SM to include the monkey torsos and creating several other sprites.  As well, I'm pretty sure he either created or at least has been updating WU.  WU is a huge benefit in SM because you can "sandbox" your builds.
    I appreciate @epicspeedster for all his build and tactics help.  Even though he needs to stop yelling at me 😭 LOL
    I appreciate @CleverName for his META listing and our many conversations.  It makes builds very easy but also as a philosophy I can start to learn what works and what probably doesn't.
    I appreciate @Mechzilla for his advice and friendship.
    I appreciate Bobson for his energy scope builds, proving that it's possible to be rank 1 with energy (much less energy scopes).
    I also appreciate all other top 10 energy players because they proved energy isn't completely dead.
    I appreciate @Marija for her humor and helpfulness on discord.
    And I appreciate @Malthael for creating this thread.
  20. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from Marija in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    YAY I'm helpful! 😄 
    I appreciate @Alexander for rescuing SuperMechs from TactiSoft.
    I appreciate @Raul for his work with SM to include the monkey torsos and creating several other sprites.  As well, I'm pretty sure he either created or at least has been updating WU.  WU is a huge benefit in SM because you can "sandbox" your builds.
    I appreciate @epicspeedster for all his build and tactics help.  Even though he needs to stop yelling at me 😭 LOL
    I appreciate @CleverName for his META listing and our many conversations.  It makes builds very easy but also as a philosophy I can start to learn what works and what probably doesn't.
    I appreciate @Mechzilla for his advice and friendship.
    I appreciate Bobson for his energy scope builds, proving that it's possible to be rank 1 with energy (much less energy scopes).
    I also appreciate all other top 10 energy players because they proved energy isn't completely dead.
    I appreciate @Marija for her humor and helpfulness on discord.
    And I appreciate @Malthael for creating this thread.
  21. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from heat blast in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    This is my 2nd double teleport.

  22. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from epicspeedster in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    YAY I'm helpful! 😄 
    I appreciate @Alexander for rescuing SuperMechs from TactiSoft.
    I appreciate @Raul for his work with SM to include the monkey torsos and creating several other sprites.  As well, I'm pretty sure he either created or at least has been updating WU.  WU is a huge benefit in SM because you can "sandbox" your builds.
    I appreciate @epicspeedster for all his build and tactics help.  Even though he needs to stop yelling at me 😭 LOL
    I appreciate @CleverName for his META listing and our many conversations.  It makes builds very easy but also as a philosophy I can start to learn what works and what probably doesn't.
    I appreciate @Mechzilla for his advice and friendship.
    I appreciate Bobson for his energy scope builds, proving that it's possible to be rank 1 with energy (much less energy scopes).
    I also appreciate all other top 10 energy players because they proved energy isn't completely dead.
    I appreciate @Marija for her humor and helpfulness on discord.
    And I appreciate @Malthael for creating this thread.
  23. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    How is it rude to be real?  Alex saved the game 🙂    Isn't that something to be thankful for?
  24. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from MasterChief in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    How is it rude to be real?  Alex saved the game 🙂    Isn't that something to be thankful for?
  25. Thanks
    SawzAll reacted to Malthael in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Please write about vho you value from the community and for what. There are definitely players who deserve it.
    Please, do not write anything negative or toxic, so as not to cause problems and violate the rules of the forum.
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