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Everything posted by SawzAll

  1. In light of recent events, I have heard others speaking about this, and I have also approached various clan members about it. This post is for those who would like to pledge never to boost. So if you agree, please reply saying you agree. If you want to pledge your clan (clan leaders), you can also do that. I'll start us off. I pledge never to boost, and I have made this a rule in my clan, N0ble Warriors. LONG STORY: I realize this may not stop boosting, as there are people out there playing hacked and/or stolen accounts. I realize this may be similar to the nuclear cold war, in that everyone has nukes and no one wants to give them all up because they're afraid the other countries won't give them up. But I think it's a good start.
  2. I know this is true, but usually until people get some kind of resistance, monkey torsos remain the best. in my own testing and experience, the minimum needed to get a vest to be better than a monkey torso would be a vest with a defense matrix, or a vest with a max protector and a platinum plate. That's the only reason I did this. And the builds aren't intended to be literal: they're just a pattern. If you get vest + defense matrix, then obviously you should use that for the same builds rather than monkey torsos. (One could argue that Monkey torso + max protector might be a good intermediate, but still....)
  3. In my opinion, 15 to 6, basically when you get to play 2v2 in the arena all the time.
  4. It's a catch 22. If you don't intervene, you make the mistake the US did in WW2. If you intervene, you risk the mistake of Afghanistan or Vietnam. It's a no win situation.
  5. I am posting this specifically to catalog good builds that have a future in top ranks, possibly. This is basically a list of past and present META mechs but in a middle ranks form that doesn't have a lot of premiums. This is basically a list that I believe will help middle rank players prioritize what they upgrade so that they can get to top ranks faster. Note that I will be using monkey torsos because monkey torsos basically rule the middle ranks. You'll stay at rank 6/7 with these builds. This is basically the step right before you would end up getting a vest and max protector / defense matrix and ending up in rank 4-5, or whatever other premium resistance, etc. This list assumes monkey torsos but no quad cores or overload preventors (no big deal: you can substitute for the modules below as you see fit). These will particularly be immune to the average energy mech if you max the modules out. Avatar-style boiler: Mid-ranks heat damage #1: Heat Damage #2: Note that I believe heat point is better than heat protector drone but it may or may not work out for you. Your average energy drainer: Note: I believe face shocker is a bit better, but it depends on whether you can tolerate the 3 turn thing. Claw Physical from old META: My own "all range" physical that worked remarkably well in mid ranks (especially against energy mechs) Obviously you can substitute another frantic if you want, or reckless plus night eagle, but this one worked very well against middle rank energy players (assuming they didn't have a krap ton of premiums) Untested Dual Nightfall I have not tested this, but I have faced this in the arena once or twice. I can't remember who played it, but dual nightfall is genius. Night eagle helps keep people out of frantic range, and back breaker is only used to knock people into nightfall range. So this is a testing build. Once you get premium resistance, you'll "graduate" out of this "middle ranks META". (This isn't META, by the way.) But it was an idea for people who want to upgrade stuff. The avatar style boiler only gets better with premiums, and can beat some of the hard RAID and gold portal levels. As well it will help you beat 1v1 campaign. Everything else is just your "average" example. Again, this isn't META, this is just a helpful idea post. I have tested all of these except the dual nightfall and they work great in middle ranks. EDIT: some caveats though, really quick: First, I only run rounded in the arena, that's just me. I don't play the whole game of running soft counters and then trying to use matchmaking. This means that I had a bunch of maxed modules, so when I got MPV and some defense matrices, I literally shot up from rank 7 to rank 4. Rounded is just how I roll. Not saying soft counters aren't valid, it's just not me. Second, I would intentionally run a randomizer in the arena in terms of what mechs I picked in middle ranks. This is because I would get at least 1 win per day of someone who either picked the wrong mechs or tried to switch mechs to compensate. I was taught if someone switches mechs, I should switch mechs too. This means one win per day was someone quitting out because they picked the wrong mechs. If you want to run soft counters or hard counters, this is not the list for you. Nothing wrong with counters, I'm just not into them.
  6. After my reply to you, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd want nothing to do with my clan. But here's an idea. My clan is chill, in that we only require 35 wins a week (or basically 5 daily). You could join a clan where 100 isn't a requirement but still keep making 100 wins. My clan made it to #34 last season. I'm much more chill in my clan than on here, something I'm still trying to figure out. If your goal is to get into Reign Reforged or Reign Forever, I'm not saying use my clan like a recruiting tool, but you could prove yourself in my clan and then talk to Mechzilla if you want. Still, I realize this was posted like 2-3 weeks ago, so please pardon me if I'm necro-replying.
  7. But please understand, I was not trying to be a jerk. If I came across that way, my apologies. I'm just having a hard time understanding why people are defending Putin (not saying you did). For example, people within my own religion are defending Putin, which is madness.
  8. If you were in Walmart shopping for something, like say Borderlands 3, you put it in your cart but there's like 3 more on the shelf, and someone walks up to you demanding the one in your cart, and when you refuse he pulls a gun on you, is that someone who's sane? This is basically what Putin did. Putin can buy land elsewhere, and can buy oil from Saudi Arabia. He's engaged in violence for something he can obtain in peaceful ways. The Ukraine is a sovereign nation. This would be like the USA deciding we want what Mexico or Canada wants and starting a war with them. It's madness. And this type of behavior is along the lines of the impulsivity of some mental illnesses and/or the ignoring of other people's sovereignty like antisocial personality disorder (i.e. sociopath/Dexter). We don't have to wait: Putin is already there with Hitler and Hussein. Anyone who defends Putin is not thinking clearly, either. I am not going back on this statement. Putin attacked a sovereign nation without provocation just because he wants to annex them. This is basically how WW2 started. This is why UN/NATO/USA liberated Kuwait from Iraq, and it's basically what Saddam Hussein did. There's no defense or excuse. If you're going to keep defending Putin I'll just block you. So please come to your senses.
  9. Noble Warriors supports the Ukraine. Putin and anyone who defends Putin are insane.
  10. LOL most of you are under 18 right now, so you'd be flexing something illegal (in most US states). As well, in my opinion, implied in such a flex is some toxic masculinity. You don't have to screenshot every "69" you see in every game you play, it will be ok. By the way, don't ever click the button to skip production: it's nearly always a waste.
  11. Understood. Me, I'm saving my tokens for fortress deals. My alt would've gotten the deal today if I had the tokens.
  12. In my opinion, this offer is for the person who either has everything already (like at least 3 of all the fortresses, etc.) or has nothing (and therefore anything they get is useful). For those in top ranks without fortresses, save your tokens for fortresses.
  13. I am re-opening this thread (and cleaning out the off-topic stuff) because I still think Purifier should get buffed. (I'm not cleaning stuff out to be a jerk, and I'm not necroposting in order to annoy anyone, so my apologies ahead of time.) I still think Purifier should become unlimited use, like Sorrow. I personally think this would be enough of a buff to make Purifier relevant again (even if it's not overpowered). Please reply if you think Purifier should get buffed. If you disagree with how to buff it, reply and tell us how you think it should get buffed.
  14. For me, I can stay subscribed to the token deals for forever.
  15. Well obviously if it was made a heat weapon it should be more powerful than desolation so that it's worth having as a premium and spending more to upgrade.
  16. I use paint to remind myself what items I don't want to food. But for making legendaries, usually torsos and legs, so usually battery armor types, Windigo, avenger, kraken, etc. I think so. Someone should create a buff request (hint hint). I think physical mechs don't really have a 4-8 range game except the usual distance shredder. If it did enough resistance drain, it might be useful. But I don't know. If that happens we might see last resort Vulcan and perimeter protector get used more often. Otherwise just make this weapon not a premium but keep it's stats the same, I guess? Just thinking. I honestly don't know if it would be useful if it got buffed or not. Like I said, I don't see physical builds that are primarily 4-8 range. Most are 3-6 (frantic cancer) and 2-4 or something like that. I want a Blood Weep also, but that one also feels underpowered. It's just the way the game goes, I guess: resistance drain helps but you have to start doing serious damage if you want to survive arena matches. Which is why (unfortunately) the dual frantic cancer builds are still working, even though I wish they were not, while dual Desert Fury wouldn't really work in its current state. (And even then, heat huggers....) Here's a joke for you all.
  17. That's why I have a clan. It decreases the boredom.
  18. Because LG has been playing a long time and he's a bad-ass. That's why.
  19. I got an ultrahot protector (heat non-fortress), dark shadow (or whatever physical 2-4 shotgun is) and a Red Rain. I think, just based on the math of tokens per pack, it was worth it, much less with what I got. I think if you want something specific, save for deals like quad core, fortresses (what I'm currently saving for), etc. But this is good for the account that needs basically everything.
  20. My opinion: the arena coins and premium packs are already a deal. the gold helps. as for monkey torso and massive lava feet, they are helpful but only if you're low in rank, and i don't know many low rank or middle rank players who also have 3000 tokens and/or also need this specific torso and legs. They are good items but I would imagine the majority of the time they will just end up being myth food. I have some people in my clan who could use a heat monkey though, so I'm not saying the deal is bad. It's good, it's just not "the best." I would get it if I was some of my clan mates, to be fair..............
  21. That's fine too. I wasn't saying your review must always be positive. The most important thing for a game review to be is authentic, i.e. it's how you really feel. I've already given a review of this game.
  22. Ok, enough with the necroposting / necro-replying please. Just a video game. I like it, but it's just a video game. It's not already dead, but it IS hemorrhaging players. You can't expect a new item every month. What do you want the end result to be? A game like Borderlands where there's like 1 million weapons and the stats system is barely usable? If you don't like SM, you know what to do. If you like SM, put in a positive review and tell other people why you like it. No video game lasts forever.
  23. Well, maybe it was HOW the reboot was done, and the fact that TactiSoft did it...........
  24. No worries. It was me and several other people who ran this, so that we could make sure it wasn't just my own RNG that was being studied. That way hopefully we can get a baseline average. The only more scientific way to do this would be to run 1,200 fortune boxes or to have the code to the SM game so that you know the rate.
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