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Everything posted by SawzAll

  1. SawzAll

    Cringe Time!

    I've made plenty of cringe-worthy comments. Oh well. Live and learn. In the spirit of being transparent, here's one:
  2. I'm not in charge of SM Discord. But given the reason you were banned, I'm surprised that's all it was. If it was me you tried to dox, and I was SM staff, I would've banned you from discord, told every OTHER discord that if they're going to have "Supermechs" in their name, they need to ban you too, then permaban you from the game, by IP block if necessary. Doxing is one of the highest "crimes" you can commit on the internet, just about. So I think what you have now is actually quite fair. If I were you, I'd stop complaining before other things get taken away. But I'm not in charge here. So I'm saying consider this mercy and stop asking is what I'd tell you to do. My advice to you. But do whatever you want.
  3. I promise I'm trying to be respectful. But understand that on the other side of the keyboard is someone who just doesn't think everyone who got banned or kicked was totally innocent, that's all. I'm not here to piss on anyone's memory necessarily (though I did cite an example), but I'm also not going to think everyone who hacked is some poor innocent soul whose loss should be commemorated. It just depends.
  4. I would've done what TS/GG told me to do, and if I don't like their rules, I'd quit. Don't presume to know what I would do. But as for hackers? If that's what the rules called for, yes, lifetime ban. I don't have sympathy for people who went out of their way to hack something. If you know the rules but decide to hack anyways, oh well. I wasn't arguing for people to be banned just for speaking the truth. However, I've also met people who claim to be "speaking the truth" who are actually not speaking any truth. Wind Weaver was one of those. Her "truth" was just the raw sewage of her own biased opinion. And she also backstabbed people on the forum and on discord. Yeah, such a great role model. </sarcasm> I don't know about you, but I don't trust or befriend people who backstab others when they're not around, because I know they usually have no problem doing the same to me. Good riddance. You can call this toxicity all day long, but if you're going to defend people whose actions are indefensible, then don't be surprised if someone's brave enough to speak up. I'm NOT saying I agree with every ban. I wasn't there for all of them, and I didn't see all the facts. But what I know about Marija now is that she is a good person, so I'll defend my friend. Maybe she made some mistakes: who doesn't? We're all human. But I've made my choice. Case in point, someone she recently banned from forum AND discord did it to themselves. I saw that one and I completely agreed with it. That's what happens when you try to dox someone. Understand that I've accidentally broken rules here also. It happens. I'm definitely not perfect. But unlike some people who think the world owes them everything, I apologized for what I did, and they were merciful to me. And that's probably why they got banned and I didn't: it's not because I'm some saint. I'm not better than anyone else. It probably has to do with how they treated the staff. Oh well. And unlike some people, instead of going into conspiracy theories about drop rates and other nonsense, I simply go test things out. Why speculate when you can do research? So I'm not here to claim that everyone was fairly banned. Except hackers. But what I'm saying is you might want to think about whether everyone who got banned deserved it or not, because I doubt everyone is as innocent as people seem to indicate.
  5. Why not just ask her? And if the "rules are written" like you claim, how is it Marija's fault when people break them? With all due respect, if people can't read the rules and follow them, it won't matter who's in charge of bans. That's like the hackers who blame @Marija for banning them, or whoever else. My response to those types of people is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." (Stupid games = hacking, etc.) If people break the rules, they have no right to complain when they're enforced. I have zero sympathy for trolls and hackers. In the real world's workplaces, people who break the rules often get fired. This is how life is. If they can't tolerate that, they might need to get their heads checked. I know the internet is a place where people often forget they're talking to real people on the other end (unless this is Yahoo chat, in which case 1% of people are actual real people lol). Social media is quickly becoming the most anti-social way to interact with other human beings. So for anyone on this "in memory of" list who got banned because they hacked, I say "may their memory rot."
  6. Yep, the deal is worth it, i just don't have the tokens
  7. BLUF: Me and my clan are done researching fortune box rates. It seems fortune boxes have a 66% chance of getting a rare item (per item in the box) and on average you get two items. Chance of common: 8%, Legendary 3%, epic 23%. LONG STORY: My clan and I ran fortune boxes and took screenshots to see if we could deduce the rates of fortune boxes. Keep in mind, the majority of these came from farming 1v1 Campaign Big Boy for fortune boxes. DISCUSSION: We ran a total of 42 boxes. I only accepted screenshots as part of the data collection. In statistics, 40 is the bare minimum data points you need in order to draw conclusions, so I went with what we had (42) when we went over 40. If someone wants to run another test like this, be my guest: we can combine the data. (But don't just screenshot fortune boxes and reply here: run your own study please.) There are a few minor limitations to this study: It is possible that campaign versus shop fortune boxes have different rates, but we don't have any evidence of this yet. We'd need 40 data points of shop fortune boxes and 40 data points of campaign fortune boxes to be able to run another test on their rates to see if they're significantly different. It is possible the game has hidden mechanisms that change the rates based on the difficulty of the campaign level and/or your campaign level. I have no evidence that this is true, but I don't have enough data points to know if it's false either. Forty data points is a start, but if we have 100 we can post possibly more trustworthy stats. We did not take into account whether the items you get from the fortune box are worth having or not, and we only saw one premium item (a monkey torso) this time. Whether an item is useful or not is subjective to the person, so we didn't try to test that out. Please, if you have any questions, contact me. I did not attach all the screenshots of fortune boxes here, but they are available upon request. By the way, I plan on continuing this to get to 100 fortune boxes. Me and my clan will do it. Please don't reply to this thread to post screenshots.
  8. Why are you bringing their drama on here? Like we don't have enough here already Just block the chat if they bother you. No sense in being exposed to, or participating in, toxicity.
  9. Second one. But fight them in WU and find out. Also, why no 1-2 range?
  10. Fight them against each other in WU and find out.
  11. Seems to me like it's the opposite: you're loving this petty discussion. ----------- NEW REPLY ---------- I think the replay system should include all insta-quits. And all non-ladder matches (i.e. even pick up games in the chat). Basically every match between (what should be) two sentient human beings. If that means major work to the SM game in terms of coding, so be it. I've always liked full transparency. And it would be cool if we could see what accounts are boosting what other accounts.
  12. Not trying to necropost but I seriously want to run 3v3 energy. Here are the builds I'm thinking of using: It's based off of what I actually have in inventory.... Or if you'd rather, here's my inventory (not posting the random krap).
  13. First, it might reveal who's helping, or if the person has alts, what their alt names are, so that someone could in theory report the replay and the player to Gato and have the alt purged. I don't mind alts: I have one, and I like it because it lets me play SM using two different philosophies. But when used for boosting purposes, it harms the game. You might say "everyone does it." Sure, maybe that's true. But does it make it right? I doubt it. I'm not pointing my comments at you or anyone else. And I think you're getting at something I agree with: I think the hacks are the worst part, and that fixing those for good (not ban waves but programming) will probably clear up most the boosting. And I think your solution of more players in the arena might help. I also think that if people just up and decided to spend one month not boosting (i.e. those who are good people, not the hackers, they won't agree to that) it would be nice just to see what would happen. Think of it like an experiment. Me, I might decide to fight my alt against my main some day, just so that I can test my own builds in a more realistic environment than WU. (But WU is actually very realistic when it works right, so I'm not dissing WU.) But I will never do so to boost my arena points. I personally believe boosting is unchivalrous. It would be like the medieval knight who fights other weak knights just to make themselves look better (i.e. intentionally not fighting people that are about equal to them).
  14. This is why we can't have nice things.
  15. I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes. This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes. But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players. I'll start us off. "CleverName. Even his cosmetics are divined." "CleverName. Even his double teleporter is divine." Person A: CleverName is legendary. Person B: Don't you EVER call him that. He's divine! Did you hear that story about Bobson? Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  16. I'm not being toxic or bombing your topic. People are acting like this is honoring fallen soldiers or something. I don't see how that's logical. But do whatever you want.
  17. "I think large bombs are OP enough already, a bomb that's smaller would be retarded to say the least." Not being a jerk, just pointing out that I don't mind power creep. It's literally what military research and development does 24/7. The vests being buffed could be considered similar to the F-117 and stealth technology release. "Oh, you have radar? I can hide from that now." Maybe make the heat one resistance (P/H/E) 60/18/24 ? Or you could restructure those to be like 55/25/22. Because the total amount of resistance exceeds the vests (the vests have about 93 resistance points in total to distribute). Energy could be 55/22/25 ? Physical could be 55/27/20 ? It's your idea, so I can't tell you what to do with it. I'd be tempted to make physical like 34/34/34
  18. Nightfall. Tonto is good but it's not the very best.
  19. But the question is, DO you know? Because if not, you might be stirring up trouble for no worthwhile reason. To me, the usability on the new forum is higher. I think a lot of why people didn't join the new forum is because they knew there would be stricter controls over the toxicity. But I can't read their minds, so I don't know. But the old forum was easily more toxic. So really, good riddance. Back to your thread's intent: I'm not taking any "moment of silence" for people who got banned. I don't wish them well, but I don't wish bad upon anyone either. It just is. Also, FYI, I am not completely sure whether you're serious or joking.
  20. Yeah I'm not saying I want a new torso that's better than the vests, I'm just saying I think if we're going power creep with this, the power creep needs to be slower (10%, etc.).
  21. What I would do is: 1) Replace bunker shell with last words or piercing fox if you want hammer + hot flash + hysteria build. or 2) Replace hammer with recoiler and hysteria with malice beam for a recoiler + bunker + malice + hot flash build. Also, replace the face shocker for unreliable protector/guardian. Face Shocker is good, don't get me wrong, but I feel like the 3 uses limits it. As for modules, I would switch to 3 x heat engines, 3 x energy engines, 1 mass cooling booster, and 1 mass regen booster. As for legs, I'd recommend switching to Massive Shocker Legs so that you get the full use of your bunker shell (i.e. synergy). Finally, if you get a fractured heat armor, swap that in for the hollow spectral armor. It's not a lot of change but it's a very slight improvement. I made it to rank 6 with an energy mech a lot like this one. But here's another popular build: You can substitute bunker shell for EMP. It doesn't do the same job but it will work just fine.
  22. Well, to be fair, this chart was created by Eneg(), and it's not completely scientific. But it seems to line up with my own experience. In my experience, using a Molten Platinum Vest without resistance, versus a Fractured Heat Armor without resistance, is not good in the arena. In my experience, to make the vests worth using, you need at least 100+ resistance in all categories, and so the minimum is probably a vest with a Max Protector and a Platinum Plate, or a Defense Matrix. So, it seems the chart is right, but it's not strictly scientific. That's why I don't recommend non-premium resistance in the arena, even though it's good in the campaigns. In the campaigns, your resistance resets with every enemy or group of enemies. In the arena, it doesn't. I don't mind power creep. It's basically the entire concept behind war research and weapons development, something I got to be a part of in the Air Force. But I feel like this is too much creep. Maybe the final resistance values could be +10% of what the vests are instead of almost 50%-100% more. I like the art, though. So I'm not saying "no", so much as saying I think that any or all of the stats should only be about 10% better than the MPV/LPV/HPV. (The Physical doesn't have to be 10% better than HPV, it can be 10% better than MPV/LPV.) The reason is I'm trying to prevent too much rage quit. There are some F2P out there who will be upset that they got lucky and have 3 x MPVs on their mechs that they spent a lot of time upgrading, only to once again not have the best in the game and be hoping to get the new best thing. So in my opinion, limiting the improvement over vests to 10% in any/all stats categories would help, in my opinion, prevent too much harm to the F2P players out there. But I'm just speculating.
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